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A hybrid pub/sub javascript library.

The Goal

The goal of canal is to make a simple and accessible pub/sub library that can be easily dropped into any javascript application to allow for easy, efficient, organized, and readable event handling.


Via Bower

bower install canal.js

Via Nuget

Install-Package canal.js

The Structure

The Topic

A topic can be explicity set to allow for organization of messages. For example, you may want to run strictly ui related events on a topic like system-ui.

You can explicitly define what topic you will be publishing to and subscribing from with var myTopic = canal.topic("topic-name"); the topic will be created if it does not exist, and returned.

By default, events not specified into a specific topic will be in the root topic.

For the rest of the documtation, we will be demonstrating using the root topic.

The content identifier

You will publish and subscribe to events based on an object that will behave as an identifier; attempting to use a primitive will result in an error being thrown.

For this documentation, we will be using example identifiers of:

	var userTweeted = { type: "tweet", userId: 1619 };
	var allTweets = { type: "tweet" };
	var user = { userId: 1619 };
	var userBlogged = { type: "blogged", userId: 1619 };
	var userTweetedMe = { type: "tweet", userId: 1619, myId: 2112 };

Creating a subscription is simple:

	var logAnyTweet = canal.subscribe(allTweets, console.log);

And publishing is equally simple:

	canal.publish(userTweeted, "Hey, check out this cool message publishing library!");

Subscriptions will receive messages published that are as precise, or more precise, than what they subscribe to. The following tables will demonstrate what subscriptions will receive which publications.

Subscribed To Receives Publications From
userTweeted userTweeted userTweetedMe
allTweets userTweeted allTweets userTweetedMe
user userTweeted user userBlogged userTweetedMe
userBlogged userBlogged
userTweetedMe userTweetedMe

The subscription id

The creation of a subscription will return an id that can be used to refer to that particular subscription at a later point in time.

This will allow you to see metadata about that subscription or remove that subscription when you no longer wish to listen for it.

Good practices

Remembering to dispose of subscriptions when you no longer care about prevents memory leakage.

In the above subscription example:

	var logAnyTweet = canal.subscribe(allTweets, console.log);

We stop the id of that particular subscription in logAnyTweet.

In order to unsubscribe, you send that id back to the topic with the unsubscribe call. IE:

	var logAnyTweet = canal.subscribe(allTweets, console.log);

Or, with a topic

	var tweetTopic = canal.topic("Tweets");
	var userTweetedMe = { type: "tweet", userId: 1619, myId: 2112 };
	var userTweetedMeSubscription = tweetTopic.subscribe(userTweetedMe, console.log);