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File metadata and controls

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完全抄的 install: go get 进行了改造

自已使用 go get

Pipe Example:

package main

import ""

func main() { sh.Command("echo", "hello\tworld").Command("cut", "-f2").Run() } Because I like os/exec, go-sh is very much modelled after it. However, go-sh provides a better experience.

These are some of its features:

keep the variable environment (e.g. export) alias support (e.g. alias in shell) remember current dir pipe command shell build-in commands echo & test timeout support Examples are important:

sh: echo hello go: sh.Command("echo", "hello").Run()

sh: export BUILD_ID=123 go: s = sh.NewSession().SetEnv("BUILD_ID", "123")

sh: alias ll='ls -l' go: s = sh.NewSession().Alias('ll', 'ls', '-l')

sh: (cd /; pwd) go: sh.Command("pwd", sh.Dir("/")).Run()

sh: test -d data || mkdir data go: if ! sh.Test("dir", "data") { sh.Command("mkdir", "data").Run() }

sh: cat first second | awk '{print $1}' go: sh.Command("cat", "first", "second").Command("awk", "{print $1}").Run()

sh: count=$(echo "one two three" | wc -w) go: count, err := sh.Echo("one two three").Command("wc", "-w").Output()

sh(in ubuntu): timeout 1s sleep 3 go: c := sh.Command("sleep", "3"); c.Start(); c.WaitTimeout(time.Second) # default SIGKILL go: out, err := sh.Command("sleep", "3").SetTimeout(time.Second).Output() # set session timeout and get output)

sh: echo hello | cat go: out, err := sh.Command("cat").SetInput("hello").Output()

sh: cat # read from stdin go: out, err := sh.Command("cat").SetStdin(os.Stdin).Output()

sh: ls -l > /tmp/listing.txt # write stdout to file go: err := sh.Command("ls", "-l").WriteStdout("/tmp/listing.txt") If you need to keep env and dir, it is better to create a session

session := sh.NewSession() session.SetEnv("BUILD_ID", "123") session.SetDir("/")

then call cmd

session.Command("echo", "hello").Run()

set ShowCMD to true for easily debug

session.ShowCMD = true By default, pipeline returns error only if the last command exit with a non-zero status. However, you can also enable pipefail option like bash. In that case, pipeline returns error if any of the commands fail and for multiple failed commands, it returns the error of rightmost failed command.

session := sh.NewSession() session.PipeFail = true session.Command("cat", "unknown-file").Command("echo").Run() By default, pipelines's std-error is set to last command's std-error. However, you can also combine std-errors of all commands into pipeline's std-error using session.PipeStdErrors = true.

for more information, it better to see docs.