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5.4 The Explicit-Control Evaluator

5.4.1 The Core of the Explicit-Control Evaluator

5.4.2 Sequence Evaluation and Tail Recursion

5.4.3 Conditionals, Assignments, and Definitions

Exercise 5.23:

Extend the evaluator to handle derived expressions such as cond, let, and so on (Section 4.1.2). You may “cheat” and assume that the syntax transformers such as cond->if are available as machine operations.

Exercise 5.24:

Implement cond as a new basic special form without reducing it to if. You will have to construct a loop that tests the predicates of successive cond clauses until you find one that is true, and then use ev-sequence to evaluate the actions of the clause.

Exercise 5.25:

Modify the evaluator so that it uses normal-order evaluation, based on the lazy evaluator of Section 4.2.

TODO darn

5.4.4 Running the Evaluator

Exercise 5.26:

Use the monitored stack to explore the tail-recursive property of the evaluator (Section 5.4.2). Start the evaluator and define the iterative factorial procedure from Section 1.2.1:

(define (factorial n)
  (define (iter product counter)
    (if (> counter n)
        (iter (* counter product)
              (+ counter 1))))
  (iter 1 1))

Run the procedure with some small values of n. Record the maximum stack depth and the number of pushes required to compute n! for each of these values.

a. You will find that the maximum depth required to evaluate n! is independent of n. What is that depth?

b. Determine from your data a formula in terms of n for the total number of push operations used in evaluating n! for any n > 1. Note that the number of operations used is a linear function of n and is thus determined by two constants.

Exercise 5.27:

For comparison with Exercise 5.26, explore the behavior of the following procedure for computing factorials recursively:

(define (factorial n)
  (if (= n 1) 1 (* (factorial (- n 1)) n)))

By running this procedure with the monitored stack, determine, as a function of n, the maximum depth of the stack and the total number of pushes used in evaluating n! for n ≥ 1. (Again, these functions will be linear.) Summarize your experiments by filling in the following table with the appropriate expressions in terms of n:

Maximum depth Number of pushes
Recursive factorial 5 * n + 3 32 * n - 16
Iterative factorial 10 35 * n + 29

The maximum depth is a measure of the amount of space used by the evaluator in carrying out the computation, and the number of pushes correlates well with the time required.

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 1)

(total-pushes = 16 maximum-depth = 8)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 2)

(total-pushes = 48 maximum-depth = 13)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 3)

(total-pushes = 80 maximum-depth = 18)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 4)

(total-pushes = 112 maximum-depth = 23)

;;EC-Eval value:

Exercise 5.28:

Modify the definition of the evaluator by changing eval-sequence as described in Section 5.4.2 so that the evaluator is no longer tail-recursive. Rerun your experiments from Exercise 5.26 and Exercise 5.27 to demonstrate that both versions of the factorial procedure now require space that grows linearly with their input.

;; Iterative factorial:
;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 1)

(total-pushes = 70 maximum-depth = 17)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 2)

(total-pushes = 107 maximum-depth = 20)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 3)

(total-pushes = 144 maximum-depth = 23)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 4)

(total-pushes = 181 maximum-depth = 26)

;;EC-Eval value:

;; Recursive factorial:
;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 1)

(total-pushes = 18 maximum-depth = 11)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 2)

(total-pushes = 52 maximum-depth = 19)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 3)

(total-pushes = 86 maximum-depth = 27)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(factorial 4)

(total-pushes = 120 maximum-depth = 35)

;;EC-Eval value:
Maximum depth Number of pushes
Recursive factorial 8 * n + 3 34 * n - 16
Iterative factorial 3 * n + 14 37 * n + 33

Exercise 5.29:

Monitor the stack operations in the tree-recursive Fibonacci computation:

(define (fib n)
  (if (< n 2)
     (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

a. Give a formula in terms of n for the maximum depth of the stack required to compute Fib(n) for n ≥ 2. Hint: In Section 1.2.2 we argued that the space used by this process grows linearly with n.

b. Give a formula for the total number of pushes used to compute Fib(n) for n > 2. You should find that the number of pushes (which correlates well with the time used) grows exponentially with n. Hint: Let S(n) be the number of pushes used in computing Fib(n). You should be able to argue that there is a formula that expresses S(n) in terms of S(n - 1), S(n - 2), and some fixed "overhead" constant k that is independent of n. Give the formula, and say what k is. Then show that S(n) can be expressed as a·Fib(n + 1) + b and give the values of a and b.

;;EC-Eval input:
(fib 2)

(total-pushes = 72 maximum-depth = 13)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(fib 3)

(total-pushes = 128 maximum-depth = 18)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(fib 4)

(total-pushes = 240 maximum-depth = 23)

;;EC-Eval value:

;;EC-Eval input:
(fib 5)

(total-pushes = 408 maximum-depth = 28)

;;EC-Eval value:

max depth = 5 * n + 3

total pushes = 56 * Fib(n + 1) - 40

Deduced from code: S(n) = S(n - 1) + S(n - 2) + k

When n = 4, k = S(4) - S(2) - S(3) = 240 - 72 - 128 = 40

Assume S(n) = 56 * Fib(n + 1) - 40 for n >= 2.

When n = 2, S(2) = 72 = 56 * Fib(3) - 40 = 56 * 3 - 40 = 72.

When n = n + 1, need to prove S(n + 1) = 56 * Fib(n + 2) - 40

S(n + 1) = S(n) + S(n - 1) + 40

= 56 * Fib(n + 1) - 40 + 56 * Fib(n) - 40 + 40

= 56 * (Fib(n + 1) + Fib(n)) - 40

= 56 * Fib(n + 2) - 40

By deduction, assumption is true.

According to Exercise 1.13, Fib(n) = (φn - ψn)/√5 therefore S(n) grows exponentially with n.

Exercise 5.30:

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