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03. Using PyZDDE in Jupyter: A Gallery of notebooks

Indranil Sinharoy edited this page Dec 26, 2015 · 8 revisions

Using PyZDDE within Jupyter Notebook

The [Jupyter (previously IPython) notebook] ( is a great tool for numerical computing, exploratory analysis, documenting thoughts and research processes, knowledge sharing and teaching.

This page showcases some examples of using PyZDDE with Zemax within the notebook environment (more to be added over time).

Basic, general examples

  1. [Using ZEMAX and PyZDDE with IPython notebook] ( -- introduces basic capabilities of PyZDDE.

  2. Notes on ipzCaptureWindow() and ipzCaptureWindowLQ() functions for embedding Zemax graphics into notebooks -- shows how to use the two functions to directly import graphics windows from Zemax into the notebook.

Application showcases

  1. Simple fiber coupling analysis using Zemax's POP -- demonstrates how to access Zemax's POP analysis features using PyZDDE.

  2. [Speckle generation using Zemax's Grid Sag Surface] ( -- demonstrates the use of Zemax's Grid Sag surface and POP analysis features to simulate speckle. Further, the first and second order characteristics of the speckle field are analyzed using Numpy and Matplotlib.