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File metadata and controls

682 lines (467 loc) · 27.1 KB



The examples given in this chapter show how to implement dynamic programming algorithm. The first example is presented very detailed. For other systems only brief description is given. An implementaion of each example can be found in the example folder.

Simple storage example


In this example a battery storage with an energy capacity of 1kWh is conected to the grid. The electricity price for buying from or selling to the grid for every timestep is given as a time-series dt (d1 = 1€, d2 = 2€, d3 = 3€). The energy content of the battery, which is the state variable of this system is defined by the discrete set X = [0kWh, 1kWh], which means the storage can be either full or empty. The set of possible control signals (decisions) consists of the three signals: charge with 1 kWh (+1kWh), wait (+-0kWh) and discharge with 1 kWh (-1kWh).

Simple storage example

Simple storage example

So, when the battery is charged, the new state is always 1kWh (full), even if was already full before. When it is discharged, it is allways 0kWh (full) and if it is neither charged nor discharged, the state stays unchanged.

$$\begin{aligned} x_{t+1} = \begin{cases} 1kWh & \qquad \text{if u = +1kWh}\\\ x_t & \qquad \text{if u = +-0kWh}\\\ 0kWh & \qquad \text{if u = -1kWh} \end{cases} \end{aligned}$$

If the storage is charged, we have to pay for the electricity from the grid, so in this case the costs are defined by the price at the current timestep dt. If the storage is already full (xt =1kWh), the control signal charge (u=+1kWh) is an invalid signal. To prevent that this signal will be part of the solution, we set the (penalty) costs for this case very high (99 €). We do the same, if storage is already empty (xt =0kWh) and the signal discharge (u=-1kWh) is applied. If we discharge a full storage, we sell the electricity to the grid which results in negative costs dt . If we neither charge nor discharge, we don't make or spend any money.

$$\begin{aligned} c_{t,x_t,u_t} = \begin{cases} 99 € & \qquad \text{if u=+1kWh and x_t=1kWh} \\\ d_t & \qquad \text{if u=+1kWh and x_t=0kWh} \\\ 0 € & \qquad \text{if u=+-0kWh}\\\ -d_t & \qquad \text{if u=-1kWh and x_t=1kWh} \\\ 99 € & \qquad \text{if u=-1kWh and x_t=0kWh} \end{cases} \end{aligned}$$

The following figure shows the possible states x and decisions u of the storage system for the 3 timesteps. Note, that because we need a defined initial and end state, the system has 4 states!

Possible states x and decisions u of the storage system

Possible states x and decisions u of the storage system



Import pandas and numpy for data handling and operation, prodyn for using DP and matplotllib for plotting.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import prodyn as prd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


At first, we describe the state variable "battery" of our system by defining its minimum and maximum value and the number of dicretization steps therefore we create a pandas DataFrame where the index represents the states (here only "battery") and the columns ['xmin','xmax','xsteps'] states = pd.DataFrame(index=['battery'], columns=['xmin','xmax','xsteps'])

we define a battery with 1 kWh capacity and define our steps to be 2 (0kWh, 1kWh)

states.loc['battery','xmin'] = 0
states.loc['battery','xmax'] = 1
states.loc['battery','xsteps'] = 2

Controls (decisions)

Now we define the possible control signals (decisions) of our system. Therefore we simply create a list containing all possible control signals. This can be numbers, or strings or any other type of variable, as long as the system model is defined such that it can handle the defined control signals. In our case we choose integers to represent our control signal. 1 for charging the battery, 0 for doing nothing, -1 for dischraging it.

controls = [-1,0,1] #The set of control signals/decisions (often called "U")


We define the timesteps for our optimization. In this case we want to optimize for 3 hours, so we define a numpy array [0,1,2,3]


Constant Parameters

We can define two variables that contain constant parameters we can access within our system function. Both variables can be defined as any type (dict, pandas DataFrame, list, array, constant,....) For a better readability I usually define one variable containing all the time independent constants and one variable containing a timeseries For this simple example, we define a constant variable as a dict, containing only the maximum capacity of the battery and a pandas DataFrame containing the electricity price curve (with timestpes as index)

constants = {'max_cap': 1}
timeseries = pd.DataFrame(index=timesteps, columns=['el. price'])

As an incentive to use the storage we define a price curve with low costs in the beginning and high costs at the end of the day

timeseries['el. price'] = np.array([1,2,3])

System model

Now we define the function describing our system. The function calculates for every possible state x and a given control signal u the following state x_j and the costs for going from x to x_j. Allowing prodyn to use a function, it has to be defined following some rules for the inputs and outputs. The function has to be defined with 6 inputs (u,x,t,cst,Srs,Data), where:

  • u is the current control signal (decision) within possible decisions U in our case u is one element of our defined controls, either -1, 1 or 0
  • x is a numpy array with dicretized steps of the state in our case x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • t is the current timestep
  • cst is one of our constant variables we defined, in our case constants
  • Srs is the other constant variables we defined, in our case timeseries
  • Data is a Dataframe created by prodyn containing previous results of the optimization. It allows us to access results from already solved timesteps. For this example, Data will not be used. How to use it is explained in another example.

The function has to return 3 outputs (cost, x_j, data), where:

  • cost is a numpy array of the same size as x containing the cost for going from x to x_j when using control signal u
  • x_j is the following state of x (numpy array of the same size as x)
  • data contains additional variables that will be saved in the result DataFrame "Data", which also can be used in the following timesteps. data has to be defined as a pandas DataFrame with index x and a column for each variable that should be saved. It is not necessary to use data, but it has to be defined as a (empty) pandas DataFrame with index=x

Of course, the names of the inputs and outputs can be changed, but the order and typ of the variables have be to as described

def storage_model(u,x,t,cst,Srs,Data):

    #for our simple model we initialize the arrays cost and x_j with zeros
    #the arrays have to be the same size as x
    l = len(x) #number discretization steps of x    
    cost = np.zeros(l)
    x_j = np.zeros(l)

    #we inizialize an additional array penelty_cost, which we use in our model
    penalty_cost = np.zeros(l)

    #We have to calculate the following state x_j and the cost using the control
    #signal u for every possible state beginning state x_i (every element of x)
    #In this example we use a loop to do this: 

    for i,x_i in enumerate(x):

        #prodyn always minimizes the total costs over all timesteps
        #here we define the costs to be positive when we charge the battery
        #because we have to buy electricity and negative when we discharge it,
        #because then we sell electricity. The costs are zero, if we do nothing.
        #In this simple example we can charge or discharge with 1 kW per 
        # timestep (1 hour), so we increase or decrease the storage content by 
        # 1kWh. So the costs are defined by the electricity price in the current
        #timestep. By muliplying the price with the control signal u, which is
        #-1 for discharging, 0 for doing nothing and 1 for discharging, the cost
        #becomes negative, zero or positive, as we defined it.
        cost[i] = (u * Srs.loc[t]['el. price'])
        #as just described, the battery energy content, which is our state 
        #variable increase by 1 kWh when charging the battery (u=1), decreases 
        #by 1 kWh when discharging it (u=-1) and stays the same when doing 
        #nothing (u=0)
        x_j[i] = x_i + u

        #With our definition above, it would be psooible that an already fully
        #charged battery with 5kWh energy content could be charged up to 6kWh
        #If this happens, change the energy content back to 5 kWh ('max_cap')
        #and we set the penalty costs to a high value (999)
        if x_j[i] > cst['max_cap']:
            x_j[i] = cst['max_cap']
            penalty_cost[i] = 999
        #we do the same, if the energy content goes below 0 kWh.
        elif x_j[i] < 0:
            x_j[i] = 0
            penalty_cost[i] = 999

        #Now we add the penalty costs to the cost. High costs prevent that this
        #decision (control signal) will be chosen by the algorithm to be part of
        #the solution with minimal costs at the end
        cost[i] = cost[i] + penalty_cost[i]

    #We have to create a pandas DataFrame with index=x for the output (even
    #if we don't use it)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index = x)
    #We create the row 'cost', where we save the costs for every x when applying
    #control signal u at the current timestep t. Tzhe costs will be saved in the
    # results and we cann acess them after the problem is solved.
    data['cost'] = cost

    return cost,x_j,data

Solving the problem and accessing the solution using prodyn

Prodyn can be used to find the control sequence that leads to the minimum total costs over the optimization horizon (timesteps) using the dynamic programming algorithm. prodyn has two different implementations of the DP algorithm. DP_forward solves the problem "forward in time", which means the algorithm starts at the first timestep, while the DP_backward starts at the last timestep and solves the problem "backward in time". The forward algorithm has the advantage, that states and calculated parameters from previous timesteps can be used in the model, which might be necessary to model the problem. The backward algorithm only can access "future" states and parameters, but because it is usually faster and therefore should be chosen if past information is not necessary to model the problem. Both algorithms are described more detailed in the chapter "how prodyn works".


result_fw = prd.DP_forward(states,controls,timesteps,constants,timeseries,

Here we want to get the results where the storage is empty at the end (Xidx_end=0)

result0_fw = result_fw.xs(0,level='Xidx_end')


result_bw = prd.DP_backward(states,controls,timesteps,constants,timeseries,

Here we want to get the results where the storage is empty at the beginning (Xidx_start=0)

result0_bw = result_bw.xs(0,level='Xidx_start')

And compare it to the results where the storage is full at the beginning (Xidx_start=1)

result5_bw = result_bw.xs(1,level='Xidx_start')

Now we can plot the results



Grid, gas-boiler, chp power plant, battery and heat storage are components of the system, which should cover given heat and electical demand. Energy contents of the battery and heat storage are 2 states of the system. When chp is on, it covers the demand. Surplus of electricity is stored in the battery and sold to the grid. Surplus of the heat is stored in the heat storage. When chp is off, at first both demands are covered by storages, then by the grid and gas boiler. The goal of optimization is to find the path, where both storages will be empty at the final timestep. Figure 14 shows simplified scheme of the chp system.

Figure 14: Illustration of the chp example

Figure 14: Illustration of the chp example

PV Storage

Photovoltaic system with storage form the system for covering given electrical demand. Energy content of the storage is the only state of the system. List U contains three possible decisions. With normal system operates without participation of the storage. Possible surplus of the produced by pv power can be saved in the storage with charge decision. With discharge system tries to cover the residual demand by stored energy. After each possible system's decision grid load is checked. This residual power is covered by or fed into the grid. The main goal is to find the result, where the storage is empty at the end. Illustration of the current example is presented in the Figure 15.

Figure 15: Illustration of the pv_storage example

Figure 15: Illustration of the pv_storage example

Pv_storage_model, which describes the transition from i to j according to each possible decision u, is written in two ways. In first case the transition is applied for the whole array X, which characterizes the system. In the second case - for each possible condition of X. Calculation for each condition and jump from one to another are realized inside the loop.



A system in building example contains a model of the real building (pre-trained Neural Network) and a heat pump. The goal of the optimization is to keep room temperature Troom inside the range of allowed values [Tmin; Tmax] in a cost-efficient way. Simulation covers one day (19-44 hours) with 15 min time resolution. The picture in the Figure 11 visualizes current system.

Figure 11: Illustration of the building example

Figure 11: Illustration of the building example

Dynamic Programming algorithm for optimal control of the building is realized with using four following files:

  • building_data.xlsx - stores information about the system.
  • - reads system's data and describes transition from one timestep to another.
  • - realizes dynamic programming algorithm.
  • - runs the simulation and finds the optimal system's control. and are described in detail below.

There is a script of the (one from four dynamic programming files) is explained step by step for better understanding.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyrenn as prn

Three packages are included:

  • numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python;
  • matplotlib.pyplot is a plotting library which allows present results in a diagram form quite easily;
  • pyrenn is a recurrent neural network toolbox for Python.
import building_model as model
import prodyn as prd

Then building_model and prodyn (two other files of dynamic programming) are imported. They assigned as model and prd respectively.

file = 'building_data.xlsx'

Gives the path to the excel-file building_data containing data about the current system. This is the last file of dynamic programming.

cst,srs,U,states = model.read_data(file)
srs['massflow'] = 0
srs['P_th'] = 0
srs['T_room'] = 20

Defines constants cst, timeseries srs, list of possible decisions U and parameters states, which characterize each possible building's state, by reading the building_data file. Process of reading is realized due to read_data function hidden in the building_model (model) file. To timeseries srs written from building_data some extra data is added.


Sets a timeframe on which optimization will be realized.

net = prn.loadNN('NN_building.csv') 
cst['net'] = net

Defines a model net of the real building (pre-trained Neural Network) and saves it to the constants cst.['xsteps'].values)
J0 = np.zeros(xsteps)
idx = prd.find_index(np.array([20]),states)
J0[idx] = -9999.9

Creates an array J0 of initial terminal costs. J0 will be changed from transition to transition according to list of possible decisions U and will keep all costs. Due to stored infromation in J0 optimal control of the building can be found.

idx = prd.find_index(np.array([20]),states)
J0[idx] = -9999.9

Shifts the initial postition to index with temperature equaled to 20 degrees.


Defines function building from building_model for characterization the transition from one timestep to another.

result = prd.DP_forward(states,U,timesteps,cst,srs,system,J0=J0,verbose=True,t_verbose=5)
i_mincost = result.loc[cst['t_end']-1]['J'].idxmin()
opt_result = result.xs(i_mincost,level='Xidx_end')

Implements dynamic programming algorithm for the chosen timeframe and saves all data to the result. Then finds index for cost-minimal path, extracts it from result and saves to opt_result.


Chooses parameters, which characterize cost-efficient building control system, and extracts them from opt_result. Best_massflow is a schedule, which shows at which timestep heat pump is switched on and at which switched off. Pel defines consumed electrical power, Troom - room temperature inside the house, which shouldn't be out of the comfort zone [Tmin; Tmax].


Sums values for timesteps, which were not involved in the optimization, with those, which were extracted from opt_result. The remaining part of the code is responsible for plotting chosen and additional parameters. They are presented in the Figure 12.

Figure 12: Cost-minimal control of the building for keeping Troom inside [Tmin; Tmax].

Figure 12: Cost-minimal control of the building for keeping Troom inside [Tmin; Tmax].

The script of the is explained step by step for better understanding.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyrenn as prn
import pdb

Three packages are included:

  • pandas is a source helping to work with data structure and data analysis;
  • numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python;
  • pyrenn is a recurrent neural network toolbox for Python;
  • pdb is a specific module, which allows to debug Python codes.
def read_data(file):
    xls = pd.ExcelFile(file)
        states = xls.parse('DP-States',index_col=[0])
        cst = xls.parse('Constants',index_col=[0])['Value']
        srs = xls.parse('Time-Series',index_col=[0])
        U = xls.parse('DP-Decisions',index_col=[0])['Decisions'].values
        return cst,srs,U,states

Read_data reads data about the building system from the excel-file and assigns it to different parameters.

def building(u,x,t,cst,Srs,Data):
    l = len(x)
        net = cst['net']

Opens function building responsible for the system transition. Also identifies the length l of the array with possible system states x, gives a name to the pre-trained Neural Network (NN) net and chooses number of timesteps delay for the initial input P0 and output Y0 needed for the NN's usage.

hour = Srs.loc[t]['hour']
solar = Srs.loc[t]['solar']
T_amb = Srs.loc[t]['T_amb']
user  = Srs.loc[t]['use_room']
T_inlet = Srs.loc[t]['T_inlet']

Creates 5 inputs for the input array P required for the NN's usage.

if u=='heating on':
    massflow = cst['massflow']
elif u=='heating off':
    massflow = 0

Defines the 6th and the last input of P in dependance of the current decision u.

P = np.array([[hour],[solar],[T_amb],[user],[massflow],[T_inlet]],dtype = np.float)

Builds the input array P from six inputs for the current timestep t.

hour0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['hour'].values.copy()
solar0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['solar'].values.copy()
T_amb0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['T_amb'].values.copy()
user0  = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['use_room'].values.copy()
T_inlet0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['T_inlet'].values.copy()

Creates 5 inputs for the initial input array P0, which is also needed for the NN's usage. The length of each input is equaled to the chosen delay at the beginning of the function.

x_j = np.zeros(l)
P_th = np.zeros(l)
costx = np.zeros(l)

Defines array x_j for the building states after the transition, array P_th for thermal power given to the building from heat pump and array costx, which will contain penalty costs for transition from each building state in x to x_j according to current decision u.

for i,xi in enumerate(x):
        #prepare 6th input for P0 and 2 outputs for Y0
        if t-delay<cst['t_start']:

        #take all values for P0 and Y0 from timeseries            
                if Data is None or t==cst['t_start']:
                    T_room0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['T_room'].values.copy()
                    P_th0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['P_th'].values.copy()
                    massflow0 = Srs.loc[t-delay:t-1]['massflow'].values.copy()

        #take part of values from timeseries and part from big Data            
                    tx = t-cst['t_start']
                    T_room0 = np.concatenate([Srs.loc[t-delay:t-tx-1]['T_room'].values.copy(),Data.loc[t-tx-1:t1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['T_room'].values.copy()])
                    P_th0 = np.concatenate([Srs.loc[t-delay:t-tx-1]['P_th'].values.copy(),Data.loc[t-tx-1:t-1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['P_th'].values.copy()])
                    massflow0 = np.concatenate([Srs.loc[t-delay:t-tx-1]['massflow'].values.copy(),Data.loc[t-tx-1:t-1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['massflow'].values.copy()])

    #take all values for P0 and Y0 from big Data
        T_room0 =Data.loc[t-delay:t-1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['T_room'].values.copy()
                P_th0 = Data.loc[t-delay:t-1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['P_th'].values.copy()
                massflow0 = Data.loc[t-delay:t-1].xs(i,level='Xidx_end')['massflow'].values.copy() 

Loop for every possible state of the building from x opens. All other strings are responsible for prepairing the 6th input massflow0 for the input array P0 and two outputs T_room0, P_th0 for the initial output array Y0. In dependance of relation between current timestep t and t_start (initial timestep, from which optimal builidng control should be found) these three parameters are created with values from the timeseries srs and Data, which keeps all information about the previous transitions. There are three cases for the massflow0, T_room0 and P_th0 creation. Supporting commentaries in this part split these cases.

T_room0[-1] = xi             
    P0 = np.array([hour0,solar0,T_amb0,user0,massflow0,T_inlet0],dtype = np.float)
    Y0 = np.array([T_room0,P_th0],dtype = np.float)

Corrects last value of T_room0 and builds initial input P0 and initial output Y0 arrays.

if np.any(P0!=P0) or np.any(Y0!=Y0):
            #if P0 or Y0 not valid use valid values and apply penalty costs
            costx[i] = 1000*10
            x_j[i] = xi
            P_th[i] = 0
            x_j[i],P_th[i] = prn.NNOut(P,net,P0=P0,Y0=Y0)

    if x_j[i] != x_j[i] or P_th[i] != P_th[i]:

Runs NN for one timestep. Checks if P0 and Y0 are valid. Two outputs of the NN usage are array x_j, which keeps all possible states of the building after transition, and array P_th, which stores data about delivered thermal power from the pump to the building. In the case of mistake a Python debugger will be open. Here the loop for every possible state of the building from x closes.

Tmax = Srs.loc[t]['Tmax']
    Tmin = Srs.loc[t]['Tmin']    

costx = (x_j>Tmax)*(x_j-Tmax)**2*1000 + (x_j<Tmin)*(Tmin-x_j)**2*1000+costx

Selects borders for the allowed T_room and calculates penalty costs costx if any state of x_j is out of chosen borders.


Corrects x_j. Values smaller than x[0] become x[0], and values larger than x[-1] become x[-1].

P_el = P_th*T_inlet/(T_inlet-T_amb)
    cost = P_el * Srs.loc[t]['price_elec']*0.25 + costx

Calculates cost of the transition by summing electricity and penalty costs.

data = pd.DataFrame(index = np.arange(l))
    data['P_th'] = P_th
    data['P_el'] = P_el
    data['T_room'] = x_j
    data['massflow'] = massflow
    data['cost'] = cost
    data['costx'] = costx

    return cost, x_j, data

Defines parameters, which will be put in data used in prodyn file. Returns of the building function are costs of the transition cost, new array with building states x_j and data.

Building with Storage

The presence of the heat storage makes this system different to the building. Due to this building_with_storage has 4 decisions and 2 states (the room temperature Troom and energy content of the storage E). The goal and period of simulation are identical to the building example. In the Figure 13 schematic picture the building_with_storage system is given.

By reason of long-time simulation the results are already given in the folder related to this example.

Figure 13: Illustration of the building_with_storage example

Figure 13: Illustration of the building_with_storage example


Building and building_with_storage examples can be simulated only in forward direction.