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Using prodyn

Define states and decisions in prodyn

States in prodyn

In prodyn states are defined using a pandas DataFrame. The index of the DataFrame represents the names of the defined state variables. The DateFrame has three columns:

  • min: The minimum possible value of the state variable
  • max: The maximum possible value of the state variable
  • xstpeps: The number of discrete states for the state variable

For internal calculations and as an input for the system function, prodyn creates an numpy state array X.

When only one state variable is defined, X is a 1-D numpy array of shape (xstpeps,) with xstep values between xmin and xmax. For internal calculations, prodyn also calculates an index vector Xidx and an array that contains all state vectors of each variable XX. For one state variable X and XX have the same values. Xidx is the index array of X. Every possible state value has a coresponding index from zero to the number of discrete states xsteps .

Example of states Dataframe for one state variable
xmin xmax xsteps

state, , , battery,0,12,5

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 3\\ 6\\\ 9\\\ 12\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: XX = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 3\\ 6\\\ 9\\\ 12\\\ \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

For N state variables, X becomes a 2-D array of shape (N,xstpeps1*xstpeps2*...*xstpepsN). XX is an array that contains all state vectors of each variable. X is the cartesian product of XX with all possible state combinations.

Xidx is the index array of X. Every row (possible state combination) gets a coresponding index from zero to the number of states (xstpeps1*xstpeps2*...*xstpepsN).

Example of states Dataframe for two state variables
xmin xmax xsteps

state, , , battery,0,3,4 heat-storage,0,5,2

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 0 & 5\\ 1 & 0\\ 1 & 5\\ 2 & 0\\ 2 & 5\\ 3 & 0\\ 3 & 5\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ 5\\\ 6\\\ 7\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: XX = \begin{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 5\\ \end{bmatrix} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

If you want to see how the state vector X, which is an input for the system funtion, or the index vector Xidx looks like, this is possible by calling the function prepare_DP .

X, Xidx, XX, xsteps, columns, columns_u = prodyn.prepare_DP(states)


param states

pandas DataFrame where each index represents a state variable

param xmin

minimum value of the state variable

param xmax

maximum value of the state variable

param xstpes

number of discretization steps for this state variable


the state vector X and other parameters needed for internal calculations.

  • X: state vector with all possible state combinations
  • Xidx: index vector
  • XX: array that contains all state vectors of each variable
  • xsteps: arry containig the number of steps for each variable
  • columns: column names needed to create the Data Dataframe
  • columns_u: columns with dditional element 'U'

Decisions in prodyn

All possible decisions in prodyn are simply defined within a list (usually called U) and can be numbers or string or any single element data type. The elements of the list are passed one by one to the system function within a loop. The system funtion must be able to calculate an valid ouputs for every decision u within the list of all decisions U.

Here is one example of defining U where the possible decisions are [-1,0.+1]

U = [-1,0,1]

Here is another example of defining U where the possible decisions are [charge,normal,discharge]

U = ['charge','normal','discharge']

The system function in prodyn

To use prodyn, a system function that calculates the following state vector x_j and the cost to go vector cost for each element of the state vector X. The function has to be defined with 6 inputs and has to return 3 outputs. How the outputs are calculated inside the function can be chosen freely. It is also possible to call external functions or programs. Also the names of the funtion itself, and its inputs and outputs can be different than in the following description. But they have to be in the right order and the right data type.


param u

current decision, one element of the defined decisions U

param X

state vector with all possible state combinations

param int t

current timestep

param cst

any type of variable that is directly passed to the system function and can be used inside the system function

param srs

any type of variable that is directly passed to the system function and can be used inside the system function

param Data

pandas DataFrame that contains the results from the previously calculated timesteps. It can be accessed in the same way as the result data (see access-ref)


cost for getting to following state x_j and additional data

  • cost: cost to go vector, containg the costs gor every possible state combination when applying decision u at the current timestep t, 1-D numpy array with the same number of elements as possible state combinations in X
  • x_j: calculated following states of each state in X, numpy array with the same shape as X.
  • data: pandas DataFrame allowing to store additional parameters in the result DataFrame Data, which will also be an input for the system function in the following timestep.

The inputs cst and srs are parameters that are an input to the DP funtion and directly passed to the system funtion. They are not neccesary for DP and can have any data type. They are ment to be used inside the system funtion representing constant (cst) and time dependent (srs) data. You can also just use one of them or none, but they have to be defines as inputs in your system funtion.

The funtion output data allows on to pass other caöcuöated variables than the state variables to the result DataFrame Data, which is also an input to the system function and can also be accesed at every call. The index of data has to be a range from zero to M-1, where M is the number of state combinations. data has to be defined even if no additional parameters should be passed to Data. For each parameter that should be passed, simply a new colums with its name and a valid value for each index has to be created. Make sure, that the column names are neither 'U', 'J' nor one of the state variable names.

Backward Dynamic Programming DP_backward

If you have defined your states, decisions, timesteps and the system function, you can simply run the funtion DP_backward to find the optimal solution of your system using backward DP. The timesteps are simply a numpy array containg all timesteps of your optimization horizon. The parameters cst and srs are ment to be used in the system function and can be set to None if not needed.


param states

pandas dataframe where each index represents a state variable see states-ref

param U

List of possible decision, see decisions-ref

param timesteps

numpy array containing all timesteps

param cst

(Constant) Parameters for system simulation

param srs

(Time-series) parameters for system simulation

param system

function to simulate the system that is optimized using DP, see system-function-ref

param J0

Cost vector for first time-step, allows to define initial start costs and therby select a certain end state for backward DP. JT has to be a 1D numpy array with the same nuber of elements as defined state combinations in X. See init-costs-ref . Each element defines the initial end cost of the coresponding state.

param verbose

Bool, turn shell output on (True) or off (False)

param t_verbose

Show output every t_verbose timesteps


Data: pandas DataFrame with results, see access-back-ref

Forward Dynamic Programming DP_forward

If you have defined your states, decisions, timesteps and the system function, you can simply run the funtion DP_forward to find the optimal solution of your system using forward DP. The timesteps are simply a numpy array containg all timesteps of your optimization horizon. The parameters cst and srs are ment to be used in the system function and can be set to None if not needed.


param states

pandas dataframe where each index represents a state variable see states-ref

param U

List of possible decision, see decisions-ref

param timesteps

numpy array containing all timesteps

param cst

(Constant) Parameters for system simulation

param srs

(Time-series) parameters for system simulation

param system

function to simulate the system that is optimized using DP, see system-function-ref

param JT

Cost vector for last time-step, allows to define initial end costs and therby select a certain end state for backward DP. JT has to be a 1D numpy array with the same nuber of elements as defined state combinations in X. See init-costs-ref . Each element defines the initial end cost of the coresponding state.

param verbose

Bool, turn shell output on (True) or off (False)

param t_verbose

Show output every t_verbose timesteps


Data: pandas DataFrame with results, see access-forw-ref

Accessing the results

The funtions DP_forward and DP_backward return a pandas DataFrame with the results. The result DataFrames of the two functions differ from each other. How to access the results is explained based on the simple-storage-ref .

Access backward DP results

The result of the function DP_backward is a pandas DataFrame (called Data here) with two indices. t represents the timestep and Xidx_start represents the index of the system state after finishing the optimization, which is the system state at the first timestep for backward DP (see DP-back-ref).

The following table and figure shows the result of the simple-storage-ref solved with backward DP.

DP_backward always calculates a solution for every possible starting state. For this example we have two results. One if we want to start with an empty storage, and one if we want to start with full storage.

For each result we have the optimal decisions U, the total costs J, and the values of the state variables, here battery for every timestep. If we pass additional values using the data output of the system function (in this example cost), this is also part of the result DataFrame.

While U, J, and the additional values are defined during timestep t, the state variables are defined as before timestep t. This is why in this example, where we have the defined optimizatiom timesteps [1,2,3], we have a value for the state variable battery for t=4, which is the state before t=4 (or after t=3).

So index t=1 and Xidx_start=0 means results for timestep t=1 (states before t=1) and when starting with the state with index 0.

Index t=1 and Xidx_start=1 means results for timestep t=1 (states before t=1) and when starting with the state with index 1.

Index t=2 and Xidx_start=0 means results for timestep t=2 (states before t=2) and when starting with the state with index 0, and so on.

Note that Xidx_start represents the index of state vector X, not the state value (although in our example there is no difference). So to find the results for any state combination in X, we have to know the coresponding value in Xidx, which is the index array (see states-ref). The function find_index finds the (closest) corresponding index for any given state value (combination). See find-index-ref .

result for the simple storage example solved with backward DP
J U cost battery

t,Xidx_start, , , , 1,0,-2,1,1,0 ,1,-3,0,0,1 2,0,-3,0,0,1 ,1,-3,0,0,1 3,0,-3,-1,-3,1 ,1,-3,-1,-3,1 4,0,NaN,NaN,NaN,0 ,1,NaN,NaN,NaN,0

Result for the simple storage example solved with backward DP

Result for the simple storage example solved with backward DP

To acess the results from DataFrame Data (which of course can have any name you choose) for any state index xidx, simply use the pandas.DataFrame.xs function with level='Xidx_start'

result_xidx = Data.xs(xidx,level='Xidx_start')

The result will be a pandas DataFrame with index t and the same colums as before

For our example accessing the results for starting with an empty storage (Xidx_start=0) will give us the following result

result_0 = Data.xs(0,level='Xidx_start')    
result for the simple storage example solved with backward DP for starting with an empty storage
J U cost battery

t, , , , 1,-2,1,1,0 2,-3,0,0,1 3,-3,-1,-3,1 4,NaN,NaN,NaN,0

Access forward DP results

The result of the function DP_forward is a pandas DataFrame (called Data here) with two indices. t represents the timestep and Xidx_end represents the index of the system state after finishing the optimization, which is the system state after the last timestep for forward DP (see DP-back-ref).

The following table and figure shows the result of the simple-storage-ref solved with forward DP.

DP_forward always calculates a solution for every possible ending state. For this example we have two results. One if we want to end with an empty storage, and one if we want to end with a full storage.

For each result we have the optimal decisions U, the total costs J, and the values of the state variables, here battery for every timestep. If we pass additional values using the data output of the system function (in this example cost), this is also part of the result DataFrame.

While U, J, and the additional values are defined during timestep t, the state variables are defined as before timestep t. This is why in this example, where we have the defined optimizatiom timesteps [1,2,3], we have a value for the state variable battery for t=4, which is the state before t=4 (or after t=3).

So index t=1 and Xidx_end=0 means results for timestep t=1 (states before t=1) and when ending with the state with index 0.

Index t=1 and Xidx_end=1 means results for timestep t=1 (states before t=1) and when ending with the state with index 1.

Index t=2 and Xidx_end=0 means results for timestep t=2 (states before t=2) and when ending with the state with index 0, and so on.

Note that Xidx_end represents the index of state vector X, not the state value (although in our example there is no difference). So to find the results for any state combination in X, we have to know the coresponding value in Xidx, which is the index array (see states-ref). The function find_index finds the (closest) corresponding index for any given state value (combination). See find-index-ref .

result for the simple storage example solved with forward DP
J U cost battery

t,Xidx_end, , , , 1,0,0,0,0,1 ,1,0,0,0,1 2,0,0,0,0,1 ,1,0,0,0,1 3,0,-3,-1,-3,1 ,1,0,0,0,1 4,0,NaN,NaN,NaN,0 ,1,NaN,NaN,NaN,1

Result for the simple storage example solved with forward DP

Result for the simple storage example solved with forward DP

To acess the results from DataFrame Data (which of course can have any name you choose) for any state index xidx, simply use the pandas.DataFrame.xs function with level='Xidx_end'

result_xidx = Data.xs(xidx,level='Xidx_end')

The result will be a pandas DataFrame with index t and the same colums as before

For our example accessing the results for ending with an empty storage (Xidx_endt=0) will give us the following result

result_0 = Data.xs(0,level='Xidx_end')    
result for the simple storage example solved with backward DP for starting with an empty storage
J U cost battery

t, , , , 1,0,0,0,1 2,0,0,0,1 3,-3,-1,-3,1 4,NaN,NaN,NaN,0

Using find_index

For accessing the results or creating initial costs, it is usefull to know the corresponding index of a state value (combination). The function find_index returns the index of X (the corresponding entry in Xidx) for the state which is closest to a given input state value.


param xvalues

array of states, for which the index is needed

param sates

pandas dataframe where each index represents a state variable * xmin: minimum value of the state variable * xmax: maximum value of the state variable * xstpes: number of discretization steps for this state variable


idx: vector that contains the index of X, which value is the nearest to xvalues

Here is an example of using find_index for one state variable

Example of states Dataframe for one state variable
xmin xmax xsteps

state, , , battery,0,12,5

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 3\\ 6\\\ 9\\\ 12\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: \end{aligned}$$

>> 0

>> 3

>> 2

And another example of using find_index for one two state variables

Example of states Dataframe for two state variables
xmin xmax xsteps

state, , , battery,0,3,4 heat-storage,0,5,2

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 0 & 5\\ 1 & 0\\ 1 & 5\\ 2 & 0\\ 2 & 5\\ 3 & 0\\ 3 & 5\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ 5\\\ 6\\\ 7\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: \end{aligned}$$

>> 1

>> 6

>> 2

Define initial costs

To define intial start costs J0 for forward DP or intial end costs JT for backward DP, create a 1D numpy array with the same size as Xidx (the same size as X for one state variable or the same number of rows like X for multiple state variables).

The following example shows how to define initial starting costs J0, where the initial costs for state x=3 (xidx=1) is set to -9999. (numpy is imported as np)

J0 = np.zeros(5)

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 3\\ 6\\\ 9\\\ 12\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: J0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ -9999\\ 0\\\ 0\\\ 0\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: \end{aligned}$$

The following example shows how to define initial end costs JT, where the initial costs for state x=(1,5) (xidx=3) is set to -9999. (numpy is imported as np)

J0 = np.zeros(5)

$$\begin{aligned} X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 0 & 5\\ 1 & 0\\ 1 & 5\\ 2 & 0\\ 2 & 5\\ 3 & 0\\ 3 & 5\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: Xidx = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 1\\ 2\\\ 3\\\ 4\\\ 5\\\ 6\\\ 7\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: JT = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0\\ 0\\\ -9999\\\ 0\\\ 0\\\ 0\\\ 0\\\ \end{bmatrix}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: \end{aligned}$$