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Exhaustive Search on Key Cells of First Round Key K1 of GIFT-COFB

Find all the l's which satisfies s(q + k) + s(q' + k) = l, for all possible q, q', k, and q != q' under GF(2^4) and GIFT's S-box. Variables p, p', k, and m are polynomials under GF(2^4).

Both programs, Q1Q2K.cpp and Q1Q2K_SIMPLIFY.cpp, exhaustively simulate all 16 k's under each possible combinations of q and q', with constraint q != q'. The total possible {q, q'} 's are are 15 + 14 + ... + 2 + 1 = 120. Q1Q2Q3K_SIMPLFY.cpp exhaustively simulate all 16 k's under all possible combinations of q, q', q'', with constraint q != q'!= q''. The total possible {q, q',q''}'s are are C(16,3)= 16*15*14/(3*2*1)=560.

Verification is done in MATLAB with verifyQ1Q2K.m and verifyQ1Q2Q3K.m to confirm the statement made in Section IV Result.

Quick Start

  • Create three new directories
mkdir Q1Q2_verbose
mkdir Q1Q2_simplfy
mkdir Q1Q2Q3_simplfy
  • Compile c++ program
g++ Q1Q2K.cpp -o q1q2k_verbose.out
g++ Q1Q2K_SIMPLFY.cpp -o q1q2k_simplify.out
g++ Q1Q2Q3K_SIMPLFY.cpp -o q1q2q3k_simplify.out
  • Execute
  • Verify all text files in folder Q1Q2_simplfy that has at least two different key cells with the same value l.

Directly run verifyQ1Q2K.m in MATLAB.

  • Verify all text files in folder Q1Q2Q3_simplfy that 416 pairs of {q, q',q''} can uniquely determine a 4-bit key cell.

Directly run verifyQ1Q2Q3K.m in MATLAB.


There are multiple solutions of k (for all 16 combinations) which have the same value of l of under any fixed q, q' and q != q'.

416 pairs of {q, q',q''} (out of 560 possibilities) which allow the attacker to uniquely identify the correct value for a 4-bit key. The summary list of all 416 pairs are stored in file summaryList.log.

Software Tools

  • g++ or MinGW
  • MATLAB R2020b or later release. verifyQ1Q2K.m and verifyQ1Q2Q3K.m use function readlines, which is introduced on R2020b.

Software Used

All C++ programs have tested under g++ 7.5.0. MATLAB program has been tested on both MATLAB R2020b and R2021a.


Y. Zhong, and U. Guin, “Chosen-Plaintext Attack on Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of GIFT-COFB,” in IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pp. 1-4, 2022.


Exhaustive Search on Key Cells of First Round Key K^1 of GIFT-COFB






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