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Exhaustive Search on AES S-box - on Plaintext bytes and Key Bytes

Find all the m's which satisfies s(p + k) + s(p' + k) = m, for all possible p, p', k, and p != p' under GF(2^8) and AES's S-box. Variables p, p', k, and m are polynomials under GF(2^8).

Both programs, P1P2K_VERBOSE.cpp and P1P2K_SIMPLIFY.cpp, exhaustively simulate all 256 k's under each possible combinations of p and p', with constraint p != p'. The total possible {p, p'}'s are are 255 + 254 + ... + 2 + 1 = 32640.

Verification is done in MATLAB with verifyP1P2K.m to confirm the statement made in Claim-1's Observation.

Quick Start

  • Create two new directories
mkdir p1p2_VERBOSE
mkdir p1p2_SIMPLIFY
  • Compile c++ program
g++ P1P2K_VERBOSE.cpp -o p1p2k_verbose.out
g++ P1P2K_SIMPLIFY.cpp -o p1p2k_simplify.out

Since each program output a total of 32640 text files in each folder p1p2_VERBOSE, p1p2_SIMPLIFY, it may take several minutes to finish execution.

  • Verify all text files in folder p1p2_SIMPLIFY have 128 unique m's

Directly run verifyP1P2K.m in MATLAB.

Output Structure

Each folder p1p2_VERBOSE and p1p2_SIMPLIFY have 32640 text files with file name in the format of "#number"_"#number".txt. The first number is the decimal value for p while the second is for p'.

For each file in folder p1p2_VERBOSE, the first line contains the value of p and p', i.e.,

p = 00, p' = 01

The subsequent content in each file record the value for k, the S-box output, s(p^k), s(p'^k), and result of m, s(p^k)^s(p'^k)=m. For example,

k = 00   s(p^k) = 63, s(p'^k) = 7c, s(p^k)^s(p'^k) = 1f
k = 01   s(p^k) = 7c, s(p'^k) = 63, s(p^k)^s(p'^k) = 1f
k = 02   s(p^k) = 77, s(p'^k) = 7b, s(p^k)^s(p'^k) = 0c
. . .
k = ff    s(p^k) = 16, s(p'^k) = bb, s(p^k)^s(p'^k) = ad

All numeric inside .txt file are in hexadecimal format.

In folder p1p2_SIMPLIFY, each file has 256 lines of hexadecimal value. All the outputs in p1p2_SIMPLIFY are the abbreviated version of the files of the same name in folder p1p2_VERBOSE, and it only record the m value for each k.

The output for MATLAB program verifyP1P2K.m is counting how many pairs of {p, p'} whose number of unique m's is not 128. This value is stored in variable CNT_discrepency.

The Screenshot of MATLAB Workspace in matlab_screenshot.png.


There are 128 unique values for all 256 combinations of k under any fixed p, p' and p != p'.

Software Tools

  • g++ or MinGW
  • MATLAB R2020b or later release. verifyP1P2K.m calls function readlines, which is introduced since R2020b.

Software Used

All C++ programs have tested under g++ 7.5.0. MATLAB program has been tested on both MATLAB R2020b and R2021a.


Y. Zhong, and U. Guin, “Fault-Injection Based Chosen-Plaintext Attacks on Multicycle AES Implementations,” in Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), pp. 1-6, 2022.


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