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Python package


See also RTDL -- other projects on tabular deep learning.

This package provides the officially recommended implementation of the main things from the paper.

This package VS The original implementation

"Original implementation" is the code in bin/ and lib/ used to obtain numbers reported in the paper.

  • This package is recommended over the original implementation: the package is significanty simpler while being fully consistent with the original code (with one minor exception: there is one accidental divergence of the original code from the paper, which is now fixed in the package)
  • Strictly speaking, the package may have small technical divergences from the original code. Just in case, they are marked with # NOTE[DIFF] comments in the source code of this package. Any divergence from the original implementation without the # NOTE[DIFF] comment is considered to be a bug.


For a long time, in the main branch of the RTDL project, there was an unfinished implementation of this paper with many unresolved issues. It is highly recommended to switch to this package.



If you are not going to use the decision-tree-based bin computation (compute_bins(..., tree_kwargs={...})), then you can omit the installation of scikit-learn.

(RTDL ~ Research on Tabular Deep Learning)

pip install rtdl_num_embeddings
pip install "scikit-learn>=1.0,<2"



It is recommended to first read the TL;DR of the paper: link

Let's consider a toy tabular data problem where objects are represented by three continuous features (for simplicity, other feature types are omitted, but they are covered in the end-to-end example):

# NOTE: all code snippets can be copied and executed as-is.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from rtdl_num_embeddings import (
# NOTE: pip install rtdl_revisiting_models
from rtdl_revisiting_models import MLP

batch_size = 256
n_cont_features = 3
x = torch.randn(batch_size, n_cont_features)

This is how a vanilla MLP without embeddings would look like:

mlp_config = {
    'd_out': 1,  # For example, a single regression task.
    'n_blocks': 2,
    'd_block': 256,
    'dropout': 0.1,
model = MLP(d_in=n_cont_features, **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)

And this is how MLP with embeddings for continuous features can be created:

d_embedding = 24
m_cont_embeddings = PeriodicEmbeddings(n_cont_features, lite=False)
model_with_embeddings = nn.Sequential(
    # Input shape: (batch_size, n_cont_features)

    # After embeddings: (batch_size, n_cont_features, d_embedding)

    # NOTE: `nn.Flatten` is not needed for Transformer-like architectures.
    # After flattening: (batch_size, n_cont_features * d_embedding)

    MLP(d_in=n_cont_features * d_embedding, **mlp_config)
    # The final shape: (batch_size, d_out)
# The usage is the same as for the model without embeddings:
y_pred = model_with_embeddings(x)

In other words, the whole paper is about the fact that having such a thing as m_cont_embeddings can (significantly) improve the downstream performance.

The paper showcases three types of such embeddings:

Simple embeddings

(Decribed in Section 3.4 in the paper)

Name Definition for a single feature How to create
LR ReLU(Linear(x_i)) LinearReLUEmbeddings(...)

In the above table:

  • L ~ Linear, R ~ ReLU.
  • x_i is the i-th scalar continuous feature


  • The default value of d_embedding is set with the MLP backbone in mind. Typically, for Transformer-like backbones, the embedding size is larger.
  • For MLP, on most tasks (at least on non-small tasks), tuning d_embedding will not have much effect.
  • See other notes on hyperparameters in "Practical notes".
d_embedding = 32
model = nn.Sequential(
    LinearReLUEmbeddings(n_cont_features, d_embedding),
    MLP(d_in=n_cont_features * d_embedding, **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)
Advanced example

To further illustrate the overall idea, let's consider a more advanced example, where embeddings consist of three steps:

  1. First, each feature is embedded linearly.
  2. Then, ReLU is applied. At this point, the embedding is equivalent to LinearReLUEmbeddings.
  3. Finally, feature embeddings are project to a lower dimension, where separete (i.e. non-shared) linear projections are learned for all feature.
# NOTE: pip install delu
import delu
from rtdl_revisiting_models import LinearEmbeddings

m_embeddings = nn.Sequential(
    LinearEmbeddings(n_cont_features, 48),
    delu.nn.NLinear(n_cont_features, 48, 8)
model = nn.Sequential(
    MLP(d_in=n_cont_features * 8, **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)

Periodic embeddings

(Decribed in Section 3.3 in the paper)

Name Definition for a single feature How to create
PLR ReLU(Linear(Periodic(x_i))) PeriodicEmbeddings(..., lite=False)
PLR(lite) ReLU(Linear(Periodic(x_i)))
(Linear is shared between features)
PeriodicEmbeddings(..., lite=True)
PL Linear(Periodic(x_i)) PeriodicEmbeddings(..., activation=False, lite=False)

In the above table:

  • P ~ Periodic, L ~ Linear, R ~ ReLU.
  • x_i is the i-th scalar continuous feature
  • Periodic(x_i) = concat[cos(v_i), sin(v_i)], where, following Section 3.3:
    • v_i = [2 * pi * c_1 * x_i, ..., 2 * pi * c_k * x_i] where k is set with the n_frequencies hyperparameter.
    • The frequency_init_scale hyperparameter is the initialization scale for the c_i coefficients.
  • lite is a new option introduced and used in a different paper (this one). On some tasks, it allows making the PLR embedding significantly more lightweight at the cost of non-critical performance loss.


  • n_frequencies and frequency_init_scale are commented above.

  • How to tune the frequency_init_scale hyperparameter

    Prioritize testing smaller values, because they are safer:

    • Larger-than-the-optimal value can lead to terrible performance.
    • Smaller-than-the-optimal value will still yield decent performance.

    Some approximate numbers:

    • for 30% of tasks, the optimal frequency_init_scale is less than 0.05.
    • for 50% of tasks, the optimal frequency_init_scale is less than 0.2.
    • for 80% of tasks, the optimal frequency_init_scale is less than 1.0.
    • for 90% of tasks, the optimal frequency_init_scale is less than 5.0.

    If you want to test larger values, make sure that you have enough hyperparameter tuning budget (e.g. at least 100 trials of the TPE Optuna sampler, as in the paper).

  • The default value of d_embedding is set with the MLP backbone in mind. Typically, for Transformer-like backbones, the embedding size is larger.

  • See other notes on hyperparameters in "Practical notes".

# Example: MLP-PLR
d_embedding = 24
model = nn.Sequential(
    PeriodicEmbeddings(n_cont_features, d_embedding, lite=False),
    MLP(d_in=n_cont_features * d_embedding, **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)

Piecewise-linear encoding & embeddings

(Decribed in Section 3.2 in the paper)

Name Definition for a single feature How to create
Q/T (only for MLP-like models) ple(x_i) PiecewiseLinearEncoding(bins)
QL/TL Linear(ple(x_i)) PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings(bins, activation=False)
QLR / TLR ReLU(Linear(ple(x_i))) PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings(bins, activation=True)

In the above table:

  • Q ~ quantiles-based bins, T ~ tree-based bins, L ~ Linear, R ~ ReLU.
  • x_i is the i-th scalar continuous feature.
  • ple stands for "Piecewise-linear encoding".


  • In the table above, there are two distinct classes: PiecewiseLinearEncoding and PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings.
  • The output of PiecewiseLinearEncoding has the shape (*batch_dims, d_encoding), where d_encoding equals the total number of bins of all features. This variation of piecewise-linear representations without end-to-end trainable parameters is suitable only for MLP-like models.
  • By contrast, PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings is similar to all other classes of this package and its output has the shape (*batch_dims, n_features, d_embedding).


  • For PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings, possible starting points are d_embedding=8, activation=False or d_embedding=24, activation=True.
  • See other notes on hyperparameters in "Practical notes".
X_train = torch.randn(10000, n_cont_features)
Y_train = torch.randn(len(X_train))  # Regression.

# (Q) Quantile-based bins.
bins = compute_bins(X_train)

# (T) Target-aware tree-based bins.
#     They are extracted from splitting nodes
#     of feature-wise decision trees.
bins = compute_bins(
    # NOTE: requires scikit-learn>=1.0 to be installed.
    tree_kwargs={'min_samples_leaf': 64, 'min_impurity_decrease': 1e-4},

model = nn.Sequential(
    MLP(d_in=sum(len(b) - 1 for b in bins), **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)

d_embedding = 24
model = nn.Sequential(
    PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings(bins, d_embedding, activation=True),
    MLP(d_in=n_cont_features * d_embedding, **mlp_config)
y_pred = model(x)

End-to-end examples

See this Jupyter notebook (Colab link inside).

Practical notes

General comments

  • Embeddings for continuous features are applicable to most tabular DL models and often lead to better performance. On some problems, embeddings can lead to truly significant improvements.
  • As of 2022-2023, MLP with embeddings is a reasonable modern baseline in terms of both task performance and efficiency. Depending on the task and embeddings, it can perform on par or even better than FT-Transformer, while being significantly more efficient.
  • Despite the formal overhead in terms of parameter count, embeddings are perfectly affordable in many cases. That said, on big enough datasets and/or with large enough number of features and/or with strict enough latency requirements, the new overhead associated with embeddings may become an issue.

Practical overview of the embeddings

(this section assumes MLP as the backbone)


  • A lightweight embedding falling into the "low risk & (usually) low reward" category.
  • A good choice for a quick start on a new problem, especially if this is your first time working with embeddings.


  • Demonstrated the best average performance in the paper.
  • Often, the "lite" version PeriodicEmbeddings(..., lite=True) is a good starting point in terms of the balance between task performance and efficiency.
  • So, in practice, a possible strategy is to start with lite=True, tune hyperparameters if needed, and then try lite=False.

PiecewiseLinearEncoding & PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings:

  • Why trying this if the periodic embeddings are better on average? There is no single reason, rather a range of small things that can make piecewise-linear representations preferrable in some cases:
    • To start with, they just work well on some problems.
    • They make a model less sensitive to feature preprocessing: (1) standardization (sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler) becomes unneeded. (2) quantile transformation can still be useful, but may become less impactful on some problems.
    • They can occasionally make a model more robust to outliers in the training data.
    • They are simpler to understand and reason about. In particular, PiecewiseLinearEmbeddings can be seen as a collection of bin embeddings that are aggregated based on input feature values.
    • The quantile-based bins are somewhat easy to use due to just one hyperparameter (good defaults for tree-based bins may exist as well, but there were no attempts to find them; perhaps, the published tuned configurations for different datasets contain the answer).
  • Regarding the drawbacks:
    • In some setups, they can be less convenient to use because of the additional bin computation step.



It is possible to explore tuned hyperparameters for the models and datasets used in the paper as explained here: link.

  • The default hyperparameters are set with the MLP-like backbones in mind and with "low risk" (not the "high reward") as the priority. For Transformer-like models, one may need to (significantly) increase d_embedding.
  • Tuning hyperparameters of the periodic embeddings can require special considerations as described in the corresponding usage section.
  • For MLP-like models with embeddings ending with a linear layer L (e.g. PL, QL, TL), a possible starting point is to set d_embedding to a smaller-than-default value (e.g. 8 or 16).
  • In the paper, for hyperparameter tuning, the TPE sampler from Optuna was used with study.optimize(..., n_trials=100) (sometimes, n_trials=50).
  • The hyperparamer tuning spaces can be found in the appendix of the paper and in exp/**/*tuning.toml files (for the frequency_init_scale hyperparameter of PeriodicEmbeddings, the upper bound can often be safely reduced to 10.0 instead of 100.0).


  • To improve efficiency, it is possible to embed only a subset of features.
  • The biggest wins come from embedding important, but "problematic" features. Intuitively, "problematic features" are the ones that are hard to process for a given model and prevent it from achieving better results. (for example, features with irregular joint distributions with other features and labels may be such "problematic features").
  • It is possible to combine embeddings and apply different embeddings to different features.
  • The proposed embeddings are relevant only for continuous features, so they should not be used for embedding binary or categorical features.
  • If an embedding ends with a linear layer (PL, QL, TL, etc.) and its output is passed to MLP, then that linear layer can be fused with the first linear layer of MLP after the training (sometimes, it can lead to better efficiency).
  • (a bonus tip for those who read such long documents until the end) On some problems, MLP-L (that is, MLP with rtdl_revisiting_models.LinearEmbeddings -- the simplest possible linear embeddings from a different package) performs better than MLP. Combined with one of the bullets above, it means that, on some problems, one can train MLP-L and transform it to a simple embedding-free MLP after the training.


To explore the available API and docstrings, open the source file and:

  • On GitHub, use the Symbols panel.
  • In VSCode, use the Outline view.
  • Check the __all__ variable.


Set up the environment (replace micromamba with conda or mamba if needed):

micromamba create -f environment-package.yaml

Check out the available commands in the Makefile. In particular, use this command before committing:

make pre-commit

Publish the package to PyPI (requires PyPI account & configuration):

flit publish