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yang1206 committed Jun 25, 2023
1 parent 11f6c83 commit 55c72cc
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Showing 42 changed files with 2,890 additions and 354 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/.vitepress/config.ts
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
message: 'MIT Licensed',
copyright: '版权所有 © 2023 年-至今 yang1206 贡献者',
aside: false,

markdown: {
Expand Down
153 changes: 59 additions & 94 deletions docs/components/basic/
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,10 @@


### 按钮类型

按钮支持 `default``primary``info``warning``danger``success` 六种类型,默认为 `default`


<nut-button type="primary">主要按钮</nut-button>
Expand All @@ -23,29 +19,21 @@


### 朴素按钮

通过 `plain` 属性将按钮设置为朴素按钮,朴素按钮的文字为按钮颜色,背景为白色。


<nut-button plain type="primary">朴素按钮</nut-button>
<nut-button plain type="info">朴素按钮</nut-button>


### 禁用状态

通过 `disabled` 属性来禁用按钮,禁用状态下按钮不可点击。


<nut-button disabled type="primary">禁用状态</nut-button>
Expand All @@ -54,27 +42,19 @@


### 按钮形状

通过 `shape` 属性设置按钮形状,支持圆形、方形按钮,默认为圆形。


<nut-button shape="square" type="primary">方形按钮</nut-button>
<nut-button type="info">圆形按钮</nut-button>


### 加载状态


<nut-button loading type="info"></nut-button>
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### 图标按钮


<nut-button shape="square" plain type="primary">
Expand All @@ -134,8 +110,6 @@

支持 `large``normal``small``mini` 四种尺寸,默认为 `normal`


<nut-button size="large" type="primary">大号按钮</nut-button>
Expand All @@ -145,26 +119,19 @@


### 块级元素

按钮在默认情况下为行内块级元素,通过 `block` 属性可以将按钮的元素类型设置为块级元素,常用来实现通栏按钮。


<nut-button block type="primary">块级元素</nut-button>


### 自定义颜色

通过 color 属性可以自定义按钮的颜色。

Expand All @@ -174,35 +141,33 @@


## API

### Props

| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | --------- |
| type | 类型,可选值为 `primary` `info` `warning` `danger` `success` `default` | string | `default` |
| form-type| 表单类型,可选值 `button` `submit` `reset` | string | `button` |
| size | 尺寸,可选值为 `large` `small` `mini` `normal` | string | `normal` |
| shape | 形状,可选值为 `square` `round` | string | `round` |
| color | 按钮颜色,支持传入 `linear-gradient` 渐变色 | string | - |
| plain | 是否为朴素按钮 | boolean | `false` |
| disabled | 是否禁用按钮 | boolean | `false` |
| block | 是否为块级元素 | boolean | `false` |
| loading | 按钮 `loading` 状态 | boolean | `false` |
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | --------- |
| type | 类型,可选值为 `primary` `info` `warning` `danger` `success` `default` | string | `default` |
| form-type | 表单类型,可选值 `button` `submit` `reset` | string | `button` |
| size | 尺寸,可选值为 `large` `small` `mini` `normal` | string | `normal` |
| shape | 形状,可选值为 `square` `round` | string | `round` |
| color | 按钮颜色,支持传入 `linear-gradient` 渐变色 | string | - |
| plain | 是否为朴素按钮 | boolean | `false` |
| disabled | 是否禁用按钮 | boolean | `false` |
| block | 是否为块级元素 | boolean | `false` |
| loading | 按钮 `loading` 状态 | boolean | `false` |

### Slots

| 名称 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 说明 |
| ------- | -------- |
| default | 按钮内容 |
| icon | 按钮图标 |
| icon | 按钮图标 |

### Events

| 事件名 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
| ------ | -------------- | ----------------- |
| 事件名 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
| ------ | -------------- | ------------------- |
| click | 点击按钮时触发 | `event: MouseEvent` |

## 主题定制
Expand All @@ -211,46 +176,46 @@

组件提供了下列 CSS 变量,可用于自定义样式,使用方法请参考 [ConfigProvider 组件](#/zh-CN/component/configprovider)

| 名称 | 默认值 |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| --nut-button-border-radius| _25px_ |
| --nut-button-border-width| _1px_ |
| --nut-button-icon-width| _16px_ |
| --nut-button-default-bg-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-default-border-color| _rgba(204, 204, 204, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-default-color| _rgba(102, 102, 102, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-default-padding| _0 18px_ |
| --nut-button-mini-padding| _0 12px_ |
| --nut-button-small-padding| _0 12px_ |
| --nut-button-small-height| _28px_ |
| --nut-button-mini-height| _24px_ |
| --nut-button-default-height| _38px_ |
| --nut-button-large-height| _48px_ |
| --nut-button-large-line-height| _46px_ |
| --nut-button-small-line-height| _26px_ |
| --nut-button-block-height| _48px_ |
| --nut-button-default-line-height| _36px_ |
| --nut-button-block-line-height| _46px_ |
| --nut-button-default-font-size| _var(--nut-font-size-2)_ |
| --nut-button-large-font-size| _var(--nut-button-default-font-size)_ |
| --nut-button-small-font-size| _var(--nut-font-size-1)_ |
| --nut-button-mini-font-size| _var(--nut-font-size-1)_ |
| --nut-button-mini-line-height| _1.2_ |
| --nut-button-disabled-opacity| _0.68_ |
| --nut-button-primary-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-primary-border-color| _var(--nut-primary-color)_ |
| --nut-button-primary-background-color| _linear-gradient(135deg,var(--nut-primary-color) 0%,var(--nut-primary-color-end) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-info-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-info-border-color| _rgba(73, 106, 242, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-info-background-color| _linear-gradient(315deg, rgba(73, 143, 242, 1) 0%, rgba(73, 101, 242, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-success-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-success-border-color| _rgba(38, 191, 38, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-success-background-color| _linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(38, 191, 38, 1) 0%,rgba(39, 197, 48, 1) 45%,rgba(40, 207, 63, 1) 83%,rgba(41, 212, 70, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-border-color| _rgba(250, 44, 25, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-background-color| _rgba(250, 44, 25, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-border-color| _rgba(255, 158, 13, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-background-color| _linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(255, 158, 13, 1) 0%,rgba(255, 167, 13, 1) 45%,rgba(255, 182, 13, 1) 83%,rgba(255, 190, 13, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-plain-background-color| _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-small-round-border-radius| _var(--nut-button-border-radius)_ |
| 名称 | 默认值 |
| -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --nut-button-border-radius | _25px_ |
| --nut-button-border-width | _1px_ |
| --nut-button-icon-width | _16px_ |
| --nut-button-default-bg-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-default-border-color | _rgba(204, 204, 204, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-default-color | _rgba(102, 102, 102, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-default-padding | _0 18px_ |
| --nut-button-mini-padding | _0 12px_ |
| --nut-button-small-padding | _0 12px_ |
| --nut-button-small-height | _28px_ |
| --nut-button-mini-height | _24px_ |
| --nut-button-default-height | _38px_ |
| --nut-button-large-height | _48px_ |
| --nut-button-large-line-height | _46px_ |
| --nut-button-small-line-height | _26px_ |
| --nut-button-block-height | _48px_ |
| --nut-button-default-line-height | _36px_ |
| --nut-button-block-line-height | _46px_ |
| --nut-button-default-font-size | _var(--nut-font-size-2)_ |
| --nut-button-large-font-size | _var(--nut-button-default-font-size)_ |
| --nut-button-small-font-size | _var(--nut-font-size-1)_ |
| --nut-button-mini-font-size | _var(--nut-font-size-1)_ |
| --nut-button-mini-line-height | _1.2_ |
| --nut-button-disabled-opacity | _0.68_ |
| --nut-button-primary-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-primary-border-color | _var(--nut-primary-color)_ |
| --nut-button-primary-background-color | _linear-gradient(135deg,var(--nut-primary-color) 0%,var(--nut-primary-color-end) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-info-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-info-border-color | _rgba(73, 106, 242, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-info-background-color | _linear-gradient(315deg, rgba(73, 143, 242, 1) 0%, rgba(73, 101, 242, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-success-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-success-border-color | _rgba(38, 191, 38, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-success-background-color | _linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(38, 191, 38, 1) 0%,rgba(39, 197, 48, 1) 45%,rgba(40, 207, 63, 1) 83%,rgba(41, 212, 70, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-border-color | _rgba(250, 44, 25, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-danger-background-color | _rgba(250, 44, 25, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-border-color | _rgba(255, 158, 13, 1)_ |
| --nut-button-warning-background-color | _linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(255, 158, 13, 1) 0%,rgba(255, 167, 13, 1) 45%,rgba(255, 182, 13, 1) 83%,rgba(255, 190, 13, 1) 100%)_ |
| --nut-button-plain-background-color | _var(--nut-white)_ |
| --nut-button-small-round-border-radius | _var(--nut-button-border-radius)_ |

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