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File metadata and controls

132 lines (115 loc) · 4.33 KB


Code snippets for developing with ThinkPHP framework

The plugin give you 3 places to generate code(template eg: *.html ,action & model eg: *.php.)

Here are all the snippets stand for: str,tab -> [source code] .html: :,tab ->{:fun()} layout,tab -> {CONTENT} php,tab -> echo 'Hello,world!'; |fun,tab -> {$name|fun=arg1,###} |def,tab -> {$name|default="**"} $.tab -> {$name} emp,tab -> name为空 name不为空 eq,tab -> value inc,tab -> nolayout,tab -> {NOLAYOUT} pre,tab -> name已经赋值name还没有赋值 switch,tab -> value1 value2 default vo,tab -> {$key}.{$} *.php: Action,tab -> Class IndexAction extends Action{ public function index}(){

	auto,tab -> protected $_auto = array ( 
array('status','1'),  // 新增的时候把status字段设置为1
array('password','md5',1,'function') , // 对password字段在新增的时候使md5函数处理
array('name','getName',1,'callback'), // 对name字段在新增的时候回调getName方法
array('create_time','time',2,'function'), // 对create_time字段在更新的时候写入当前时间戳

); Model,tab -> Class $NewModel extends Model{

} table,tab -> protected $tablePrefix true,tab -> protected $trueTableName val,tab -> protected $_validate = array( array('verify','require','验证码必须!'), //默认情况下用正则进行验证 array('name','','帐号名称已经存在!',0,'unique',1), // 在新增的时候验证name字段是否唯一 array('value',array(1,2,3),'值的范围不正确!',2,'in'), // 当值不为空的时候判断是否在一个范围内 array('repassword','password','确认密码不正确',0,'confirm'), // 验证确认密码是否和密码一致 array('password','checkPwd','密码格式不正确',0,'function'), // 自定义函数验证密码格式 ); _a,tab ->protected function _after_delete($data,$options) {

	_a,tab -> protected function _after_find(&$result,$options) {
   	_a,tab -> protected function _after_insert($data,$options) {
    	_a,tab -> protected function _after_update($data,$options) {
    	_b,tab -> protected function _before_insert(&$data,$options) {

	_b,tab -> protected function _before_update(&$data,$options) {
    	$this-> -> $this->ajaxReturn($data,$info,$status,$type);
    	$this-> ->$this->assign('name',$name);
    	$this-> -> $this->display();
    	$this-> -> $this->error();
    	$this-> -> $this->fetch();
    	$this-> -> $this->getActionName();
    	$this-> -> $this->isAjax();
    	$this-> -> $this->isDelete();
    	$this-> -> $this->isGet();
    	$this-> -> $this->isHead();
    	$this-> -> $this->isPost();
    	$this-> -> $this->isPut();
    	$this-> -> $this->redirect($url,$params,$delay,$msg);
    	$this-> -> $this->success();
    	$this-> -> $this->_empty();
    	this-> -> $this->_post();
    	$this-> -> $this->_get($name);
	->,tab -> ->_sql();
	->,tab -> ->addAll($dataList,$options,$replace);
	->,tab -> ->alias();
	->,tab -> ->avg();
	->,tab -> ->buildSql();
	->,tab -> ->commit();
	->,tab -> ->count();
	->,tab -> ->create();
	->,tab -> ->delete();
	->,tab -> ->distinct();
	->,tab -> ->execute();
	->,tab -> ->field();
	->,tab -> ->find();
	->,tab -> ->getDbError();
	->,tab -> ->getError();
	->,tab -> ->getField($field,$value);
	->,tab -> ->getModelName();
	->,tab -> ->group();
	->,tab -> ->having();
	->,tab -> ->limit();
	->,tab -> ->lock();
	->,tab -> ->max();
	->,tab -> ->min();
	->,tab -> ->order();
	->,tab -> ->page();
	->,tab -> ->query();
	->,tab -> ->rollback();
	->,tab -> ->selectAdd();
	->,tab -> ->setField();
	->,tab -> ->setInc();
	->,tab -> ->setProperty();
	->,tab -> ->startTrans();
	->,tab -> ->sum();
	->,tab -> ->switchModel();
	->,tab -> ->where();
	->,tab -> ->table();