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E-Commerce-Website was my first big project. As specified in the project name, it's an e-commerce website designed and built by myself when I was in the last year of my IT degree (2021).

NB: Before going further I would like to specify that this was an academic project, which means that is not a 100% complete and functional project, a lot of improvements could have been made since I worked on it.

E-Commerce-Website contains two sides; the customer side and the administration side.

The customer side enables users to:

  • Register
  • Log in
  • Choose and select items to add to the cart
  • Manage the cart
  • Choose the type of payment
  • Place an order
  • Purchase

The administration side enables users to:

  • Manage users
  • Manage items
  • Manage orders


The purpose of this project was to apply the lesson learned, learn new languages & tools, and do research on building an e-commerce website including certain functional requirements.

Languages & Tools

This project was built using:


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • SQL


  • Bootstrap
  • IDE: Visual Studio Code
  • Web Server: XAMPP
  • MySQL administration tool: phpMyAdmin


Installation (Windows)

  1. Install XAMPP
  2. XAMPP control panel
  3. Start Apache and MySQL server
  4. Clone E-Commerce-Website in the “htdocs” folder inside the folder “xampp” on the computer drive (C:\xampp\htdocs)
  5. Go back to XAMPP control panel, and click on the button admin next to MySQL
  6. Create a Database called “yannick-store"
  7. Go inside the database and click on “import”
  8. Click on the button "Choose File" and select the "yannick-store.sql" file inside the folder database from E-Commerce-Website (C:\xampp\htdocs\E-Commerce-Website\database\yannick-store.sql)
  9. Click on "Go" to import the database tables necessary to launch the web app
  10. Clik on this link: http://localhost//E-Commerce-Website/index.php.


  • If the page is not found check if the poject is in the correct folder
  • If the site cannot be reached open XAMPP Control panel and make sure that the Apache and MySQL server have started
  • If you already have a configuration for XAMPP open VS Code and change the "" file inside the folder "includes" with your server settings
  • To access the admin side check the "password.txt" file

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E-commerce website project without framework






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