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This tool is used to convert a Caffe model to a Fluid model

Key Features

  1. Convert caffe model to fluid model with codes of defining a network(useful for re-training)

  2. Pycaffe is not necessary when just want convert model without do caffe-inference

  3. Caffe's customized layers convertion also be supported by extending this tool

  4. A bunch of tools in examples/imagenet/tools are provided to compare the difference


  1. Prepare in ./proto if your python has no pycaffe module, two options provided here:

    • Generate pycaffe from caffe.proto

      bash ./proto/
    • Download one from github directly

      cd proto/ && wget
  2. Convert the Caffe model to Fluid model

    • Generate fluid code and weight file

      python alexnet.prototxt \
              --caffemodel alexnet.caffemodel \
              --data-output-path alexnet.npy \
    • Save weights as fluid model file

      # only infer the last layer's result
      python alexnet.npy ./fluid
      # infer these 2 layer's result
      python alexnet.npy ./fluid fc8,prob
  3. Use the converted model to infer

    • See more details in examples/imagenet/tools/
  4. Compare the inference results with caffe

    • See more details in examples/imagenet/tools/

How to convert custom layer

  1. Implement your custom layer in a file under kaffe/custom_layers, eg:

    • Implement shape_func(input_shape, [other_caffe_params]) to calculate the output shape
    • Implement layer_func(inputs, name, [other_caffe_params]) to construct a fluid layer
    • Register these two functions register(kind='MyType', shape=shape_func, layer=layer_func)
    • Notes: more examples can be found in kaffe/custom_layers
  2. Add import mylayer to kaffe/custom_layers/\_\

  3. Prepare your pycaffe as your customized version(same as previous env prepare)

    • (option1) replace proto/caffe.proto with your own caffe.proto and compile it
    • (option2) change your pycaffe to the customized version
  4. Convert the Caffe model to Fluid model

  5. Set env $CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS to the parent directory of 'custom_layers'

    export CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS=/path/to/caffe2fluid/kaffe
  6. Use the converted model when loading model in and xxxnet.npy(no need if model is already in fluid/model and fluid/params)

Tested models


Some of this code come from here: caffe-tensorflow