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Abstract Account Project

This project demonstrates a very basic Abstract account, meaning a wallet that is a smart contract instead of a traditional wallet. This example has a smart contract wallet that is capable of storing and sending Eth and ERC20 tokens. This wallet can be used by anyone who knows the wallet password, instead of a seedphrase, this allows easy wallet sharing between users, or password recovery by storing your password with a friend or an institution.

How to run

After cloning the repo, you will want to do the following to get the code running on your computer.

  • Inside the project directory, in the terminal type: npm i
  • Run npx hardhat compile and npx hardhat test to compile solidity code and verify it works
  • Open two additional terminals in your VS code
  • In the second terminal type: npx hardhat node
  • In the third terminal, type: npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.ts to deploy Degen token
  • Create a .env.local file in the root folder and put NEXT_PUBLIC_DEGEN_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=%{Deployed contract adress}%, filling in the address deploy script printed
  • Back in the first terminal, type npm run dev to launch the front-end.

After this, the project will be running on your localhost. Typically at http://localhost:3000/

In your browser, pull up your Metamask (or similar) wallet, and import some accounts using private keys generated by hardhat, printed in the terminal where you ran npx hardhat node. Then add hardhat local network to Metamask:

  • Network Name HardhatNetwork (can be anything really)
  • RPC url (check the node terminal, this might be different)
  • Chain ID 31337

Now you should be able to to connect to the web UI and interact with the dApp via your web3 wallet.

See a quick demo here

Technologies used

  • Solidity
  • Hardhat
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • React
  • Typechain
  • Ethers.js
  • HTML
  • CSS


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