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Practice 01

  • The build pipeline.pdf - High level overview of how C++ programs are being build. In other words - what happens after we click F5 in Visual Studio and before the console appears.

  • Variables, types and the console.pdf - Covers the material we talked about during our first practice. It also has better structure, more examples and a few questions and coding tasks at the end.

Practice 02

  • Variables and Modifiers.pdf - Deeper dive into variables, how are they represented in memory, how much memory they take, what are modifiers, when,why,how we use them, there are 5-6 coding tasks at the end of the file. DO THEM, please :)

  • variables.cpp - The file we played around with during the practice related to variables.

  • modifiers.cpp - The file we played around with during the practice related to modifiers.

  • sizeOfTypes.cpp - The file shows how we can use the sizeof() function to see how much memory a variable or data type(with and without) modifiers take.

  • rangeOnDifferentTypes.cpp - The file shows the ranges of different data types using the limits.h header, includes ranges for data types with modifiers.

  • swap.cpp - Example program on how to swap the values of two variables of type int with and without a helper variable.

Practice 03

  • practice_3.pdf - Coding tasks for the third practice.
  • taskXX.cpp - Solutions to all the tasks from the third practice.

Practice 04

  • bitwise-problems.pdf - Coding tasks for the fourth practice. Problems that require bitwise operators.
  • bitwise-problems-expanded.pdf - Translated the tasks to Bulgarian and made them more bitwise beginner-friendly.
  • visualizeBinaryNumbersWithBitset.cpp - Short example on how to visualize numbers in their binary format.
  • task_XX.cpp - Solutions to some of the tasks from the fourth practice.

Practice 05

  • Loops.pdf - Coding tasks for the fifth practice. Problems mainly focus on for and while loops.

Practice 06

  • Functions and loops.pdf - Coding tasks for the sixth practice. The problems are from the fifth practice. They now require solutions with functions. A few new problems are also added.

Practice 07

  • Arrays.pdf - Coding tasks for the seventh practice. Problems focus on arrays.

Practice 08

  • 2D_Arrays_Tasks.pdf - Coding tasks for the eight practice. Problems focus on 2D arrays. Two links to tasks related to 1D arrays at the botttom.

Practice 09

  • TASKS_algorithmsOnArrays.pdf - Coding tasks for the ninth practice. Problems focus on algorithms on arrays.

Practice 10

  • Pointers.pdf - Coding tasks for the tenth practice. Problems focus on pointers and introduction to dynamic memory.

Practice 11

  • cstrings_tasks.pdf - Coding tasks for the eleventh practice. Problems focus mainly on strings and dynamic memory.


Seminar 06

  • what_is_function_and_how_do_I_create_one.pdf - Introductory explanation of what is a function in bulgarian.
  • passing_parameters_by_reference.cpp - Example of passing variables by reference, mainly used as a reference(pun intended).
  • arrays.cpp - Introduction to arrays and some basic operations with them. Contains lots of comments, also mainly used as a reference for what we talked about.



  • Homework 01

    • task_01.cpp - Solution for the first task using only integers and comparing with the == operator.
    • task_01_commented.cpp - Same as above but with added comments explaining most of the logic, also has test cases.
    • task_01_comparison_with_epsilon.cpp - Solution for the first task using floating point comparison with an epsilon.
    • task_02.cpp - Solution for the second task.
  • Homework 02

    • romanNumerals.cpp - Solution for the first task using functions to print the roman numerals.
    • FMI_valute.cpp - Solution for the second task, also using functions to calculate some values.
  • Homework 03

    • toBeAdded.cpp - dummy text.
    • toBeAdded.cpp - dummy text.
  • Homework 04

    • goldbachConjecture.cpp - Solution for the first task.
    • functionsLibrary.cpp - Solution for the second task.


  • Homework 01

    • darts.cpp - Solution for the task with input validations, usage of constant modifiers, etc.
  • Homework 02

    • footballPerformance.cpp - Solution for hard homework 2. Autor Radoslav Hubenov, GitHub: @rrhubenov .


Additional practice - 22.11.2019