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PhoneNumberPicker Build Status

PhoneNumberPicker is an Android library that's built upon the material TextInputLayout with country flags/code/iso2 to ease the process of entering/retrieving phone numbers.


  • All countries: it has around 220+ country (including some independent ones).
  • Filter by continents: you can filter countries by continent.
  • Exclude country: you can exclude countries by their ISO2 code.
  • Modern country flags: the flags used in the library are here rectangular-rounded-edges.
  • Full phone number details: you can extract country name, code and ISO2 easily!
  • Full control: you have the ability to change default country flag, text color and size, outline border color and max length of digits.
  • Bottom Sheet Dialog: country list
  • Search: you can search and filter countries of the bottom sheet list by name.


Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.yasserakbbach:PhoneNumberPicker:1.0.0'



Quick Start


XML properties

Name Value
app:textColor #FF0000 OR @color/red
app:outlineBorderColor #FF0000 OR @color/red
app:textSize 18sp
app:defaultCountry ma, us, gb or other ISO2 code
app:continents all/africa/asia/europe/north_america/south_america/oceania
app:maxLength 14

Methods and properties

// Get current countries list

// Get full phone number
fun getFullPhoneNumber() : String

// Get selected country
fun getSelectedCountry() : Country

// Get countries of specifi continents
fun onlyContinents(vararg continents : Continent) : Unit

// Exclude certain countries by ISO2 criteria
fun exceptCountries(vararg iso2s : String) : Unit

// Add listener on country selection
fun setOnCountrySelected(onCountrySelected: OnCountrySelected) : Unit

// Change text color by a resource OR hexadecimal color #FF0000
fun setTextColor(@ColorRes color : Int) : Unit
fun setTextColor(color : String) : Unit

// Change the outline border color of the TextInputLayout by resource OR hexadecimal color 
fun setOutlineBorderColor(@ColorRes color : Int) : Unit
fun setOutlineBorderColor(color : String) : Unit

// Change text size, the used unit is PIXEL
fun setTextSize(size : Float)

// Set default country flag by given iso2
fun setDefaultCountry(iso2 : String)

// To change max length of digits including the [+] digit!
fun setMaxLength(maxLength : Int)

Special Thanks to:

Knowledge is weapon
