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Integrating with Genius

Genius is a commonly used automated negotiation research platform implemented in Java. It was used to run ANAC and has hundreds of implemented negotiation strategy for the AOP and SAOP negotiation protocols. It supports other protocols but few existing negotiation strategies are available for any protocols other than AOP and SAOP.

NegMAS provides a bridge allowing you to run Genius agents and NegMAS negotiators. This bridge does not come bundled with NegMAS.

Installing the bridge

After installing NegMAS, you can download and prepare the bridge by running the following command in your terminal:

negmas genius-setup

You can check that everything is OK by running:

java -jar $HOME/negmas/files/geniusbridge.jar --version

Direct Download

You can also just download the bridge here and copy it to a folder files under negmas in your home directory. For Linx and macOS, you can just run:

curl --create-dirs -o $HOME/negmas/files/geniusbridge.jar

For Windows, open a power-shell terminal and run:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $HOME\negmas\files\geniusbridge.jar

Running the bridge [Optional]

Whenever you want to use a Genius agent from negmas, it is recommended (but not necessary) to explicitly run the bridge using:

negmas genius

If this did not work, make sure that you have a compatible Java version installed (our tests are run using Open JDK 18 but any modern java version should work). You can also run the bridge directly using:

java -jar $HOME/negmas/files/geniusbridge.jar

You should get something like:

received options:
Gateway 0.4.13 to python started at port 25337 listening to port 25337 [forcing timeout: 1800000ms]

Getting an example scenario

You can create any scenario as described in the previous tutorial. For this tutorial, we want to showcase the use of Scenario.load to load a scenario from the secondry storage.

Firstly, let’s get a negotiation scenario into your machine to use for this experiment. You can download an example domain here, and unzip it to some place in your hard-disk to use later for the negotiation. Or just run the following command to download it to negmas/scenarios/CameraB under your home directory:

  • On Linux and

    curl --create-dirs -o $HOME/negmas/scenarios/
    unzip $HOME/negmas/scenarios/ -d $HOME/negmas/scenarios/
    rm $HOME/negmas/scenarios/
  • On Windows (You’ll need an unzip utility like 7-Zip installed for this script to work.)

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $HOME/negmas/scenarios/
    7z x $HOME/negmas/scenarios/ -o$HOME\negmas\scenarios
    Remove-Item $HOME/negmas/scenarios/

Running a negotiation from the command line

Now we are ready to try the bridge from the command line:

negotiate $HOME/negmas/scenarios/CameraB --no-plot -p sao -n AspirationNegotiator -n genius.BoulwareNegotiationParty --steps=100

You should get something like:



You can also visualize the negotiation using:

negotiate $HOME/negmas/scenarios/CameraB --plot -p sao -n AspirationNegotiator -n genius.BoulwareNegotiationParty --steps=100


If you did not explicitly run the bridge, you may get an error the first time you try running a negotiation with a Genius agent involved that the system “Cannot start the bridge”. Just try again or run the bridge explicitly as described in the previous section

Running a negotiation in python

You can run a negotiation between that has some Genius negotiators in them in python almost as easily as running a negotiation between two native NegMAS negotiators. Here is an example using the scenario we just saved:

from pathlib import Path
from negmas.inout import Scenario
from negmas.sao.negotiators import AspirationNegotiator
from negmas.genius.gnegotiators import BoulwareNegotiationParty

scenario = Scenario.load(Path.home() / "negmas" / "scenarios" / "CameraB")
session = scenario.make_session(time_limit=10)
session.add(AspirationNegotiator(preferences=scenario.ufuns[0], name="aspiration"))
session.add(BoulwareNegotiationParty(preferences=scenario.ufuns[1], name="boulware"))


As you can see, there is no difference between using a native NegMAS negotiator and a Genius Negotiator except in where you import it from. For NegMAS SAO negotiators, you use negmas.sao.negotiators and for genius negotiators you use negmas.genius.gnegotiators. Everything else is the same.

You can even run a negotiation between two Genius negotiators directly:

from negmas.genius.gnegotiators import Atlas3, AgentK

session = scenario.make_session(time_limit=10)
session.add(Atlas3(preferences=scenario.ufuns[0], name="Atlas3"))
session.add(AgentK(preferences=scenario.ufuns[1], name="AgentK"))


How does it work?

This integration is supported by the GeniusNegotiator. This class, presents Genius agents as SAONegotiator objects to NegMAS. The most important difference between a GeniusNegotiator and a normal SAONegotiator from the user’s point of view is the way they are constructed. A GeniusNegotiator has the following extra parameters in its __init__() function:

  • java_class_name (str | None) – The java class name of the Geinus underlying agent
  • domain_file_name (str | Path | None) – Optional domain file name (containing the negotiation issues or agenda)
  • utility_file_name (str | Path | None) – Optional ufun file name (xml) from which a ufun will be loaded for the agent-
  • auto_load_java (bool) – Load the genius bridge if needed
  • port (int) – The port to load the genius bridge to (or use if it is already loaded)
  • genius_bridge_path (str | None) – The path to the genius bridge

Inside genius.gnegotiators we simply create classes for all Genius agents like this:

class Atlas3(GeniusNegotiator):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs["java_class_name"] = "agents.anac.y2015.Atlas3.Atlas3"

If you missed any Genius agent, you can add it by just passing the java_class_name parameter during construction in the same way.

Let’s try to run the same negotiation above without using gnegotiators at all:

from negmas.genius import GeniusNegotiator

session = scenario.make_session(time_limit=10)


Download :download:`Notebook<notebooks/02.integrating_with_genius.ipynb>`.

Download :download:`Notebook<notebooks/02.integrating_with_genius.ipynb>`.

Download :download:`Notebook<notebooks/02.integrating_with_genius.ipynb>`.