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Facial expression Recognition

This is a course project of Media and Cognition of Department of EE., Tsinghua University. The main topic is facial expression recognition. Our method is based on ResNet-50 model, implementing with caffe. The model is pretrained on FER2013 dataset and finetuned on several other datasets and our self-captured dataset. The final accuracy is 97.7% (on open datasets, see report.pdf) and 66.7% (on self-captured dataset). More details about datasets, implement details, experiment results or something else can be found in report.pdf.


  • This project uses two versions of caffe: one is offical version and the other is the twtygqyy version for further data augmentation. Detailed usage is described below.
  • The image pre-processing step include face detection and cropping. In this step we use MTCNN method, implementing with Python.
  • The bagging test method includes five models, with means a large GPU memory required, or multiple GPUs.

File list

  • preprocess/model: MTCNN models, including P-Net, R-Net and O-Net trained models.
  • preprocess/ Preprocess main function, with detect faces in images, crop faces region and resize to a fixed size.
  • pretrain/ Pre-train script, using offical version caffe.
  • pretrain/Resnet_50_pretrain.prototxt: Model definition of modified ResNet-50 model (change the last classification output from 1000 to 8).
  • pretrain/Resnet_50_solver.prototxt: Hyper-parameters definition of pre-training.
  • pretrain/resnet_pretrain_model.caffemodel: Pre-trained model on FER2013 dataset.
  • finetuning/models/*: Fine-tuned models, multiple models used for bagging test.
  • Test step main function, bagging five models' votes and recognize facial expression for new images.
  • Fine-tuning script, using twtygqyy version caffe.
  • Resnet_50_finetuning.prototxt: Fine-tuning model definition, using twtygqyy version caffe.
  • Resnet_finetuning_solver.prototxt: Hyper-parameters definition of fine-tuning.
  • deploy.prototxt: Deployment model used in test step. This model works fine with any version of caffe.
  • report.pdf: the technology report of this project.


Install caffe

First, if you don't have caffe on your machine, clone the two versions of caffe and install:

git clone
cd caffe/
make all -j
cd ../
git clone
cd caffe-augmentation/
make all -j
cd ../

If you have problems with caffe installation, you can see here.

Clone and change path

Then, clone this project and enter the directory:

git clone
cd Facial-Expression-Recognition-ResNet/

After cloning, change all the undefined paths to paths that you want:

$PROJECTDIR: The directory of this project.
$DATASETDIR: The directory of original datasets.
$TRAINDATADIR: The directory of pre-processed data, whether used for pre-training, finetuning or testing depends on your choice.
$PRETRAINDATADIR: The directory of pre-processed pretrain data.
$FINETUNINGDATADIR: The directory of pre-processed finetune data.
$TESTDATADIR: The directory of pre-processed test data.


After changing all the undefined paths correctly, you need to pre-process your data with

cd preprocess/
python read images in $DATASETDIR, crop the face region and save the cropped image to $TRAINDATADIR.

Test on your images

After all these above steps, you can run to test your own image. Note: before you run the test, you need to double check the GPU indices in, because the original definition needs at least four GPUs with at least 3G memory:

cd finetuning/
# adjust GPU indices
# ...
# make sure the test can correctly run on your machine

Train your own model

If you want to train your own model with your datasets, you can switch to pretrain or finetuning and execute the *.sh script. Note: if you are following the above steps, you can execute the scripts directly. If you want to use your own caffe, you need to change the caffe paths in *.sh:

cd pretrain/
# make sure your caffe path is correct


cd finetuning/
# make sure your caffe path is correct

If you pre-train your own model, remember to change the model path in finetuning/ If you fine-tuning your own model, remember to put the model in finetuning/models/ and change the model names in finetuning/