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Download Gunny Fire Full Crack and Enjoy All the Features of the Best Shooting

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The highlight of the episode, however, is Super Hans (Jez's drug-addled friend) who declares that he is giving up crack for good, leading to the most memorable Jez line ever, "Aww, but you love crack. It's your favorite." Hans entrusts Mark with all his crack stash and makes him swear to never return it, even if Hans comes knocking on the door begging for it, or threatens to hit Mark...with a piece of wood. Of course, Hans shows up later with a wooden plank in his hand, uttering only one word, "Crack." Mark, without any hesitation, hands over the crack and slams the door shut. Hilarious.

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The episode also features Mark's attempt to impress Sophie's parents by pretending to be a hunter. He buys a rifle and a deerstalker hat and joins Sophie's dad on a hunting trip, only to discover that he is actually shooting at defenseless rabbits. Mark is horrified by the carnage and tries to save a wounded rabbit, but ends up shooting it in the head by accident. He then has to endure a dinner with Sophie's family, where he is served rabbit stew and has to pretend to enjoy it.

Meanwhile, Jez tries to get back with his ex-girlfriend Toni, who is now married to an older man named Tony. Jez thinks that Toni still loves him and that Tony is abusive and controlling. He sneaks into their house and hides under their bed, hoping to catch them in a fight. However, he soon realizes that Toni and Tony are actually very happy together and that they have a kinky sex life. Jez is disgusted and humiliated by what he hears and sees, and decides to leave. He runs into Super Hans on his way out, who has come to ask Toni for some crack.

The episode also shows Mark's struggle to cope with his new boss, Johnson, who is a charismatic and ruthless businessman. Mark admires Johnson and wants to impress him, but he also fears him and feels intimidated by him. Johnson invites Mark to join him on a business trip to Aberdeen, where he plans to fire a lot of people. Mark agrees, hoping to get a promotion and a raise. However, he soon realizes that Johnson is a sociopath who enjoys firing people and making them cry. Mark tries to act like he is on board with Johnson's methods, but he secretly feels sorry for the victims.

At the same time, Jez tries to pursue Nancy, an American girl who works as a nanny for a wealthy family. Jez thinks that Nancy is cool and fun, and that she likes him too. He invites her to his flat for a date, but he forgets that he has also invited Super Hans for a crack party. Jez tries to hide Super Hans and the crack from Nancy, but he fails miserably. Nancy finds out about the crack and decides to join in. Jez is shocked and disappointed by Nancy's behavior, and wonders if she is the right girl for him.

The episode also depicts Mark's dilemma about whether to propose to Sophie or not. He has been dating Sophie for a while, but he is not sure if he loves her or if he is just settling for her. He buys an engagement ring and plans to propose to her on their anniversary, but he keeps having second thoughts. He asks Jez for advice, but Jez is too busy with his own problems to help. Mark also consults Johnson, who tells him to go for it and that marriage is a great way to get tax benefits and sex. Mark is not convinced by Johnson's arguments, but he feels pressured to make a decision.

Meanwhile, Jez tries to deal with the consequences of his crack party with Nancy and Super Hans. He wakes up the next morning and finds out that he has spent all his money on crack and that he has no food or electricity. He also discovers that Nancy and Super Hans have become friends and that they have been having sex behind his back. Jez is furious and hurt by their betrayal, and he confronts them. Nancy tells him that she likes him, but she also likes Super Hans and that she wants to have an open relationship with both of them. Jez is confused and unhappy by Nancy's proposal, and he wonders if he can handle it. 8cf37b1e13