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Note for Evaluations with BLEU, RIBES and charF

Checking Report File of Moses

for Myanmar-Rakhine PBSMT BLEU Score

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt/baseline/my-rk/evaluation$ cat report.1 
test: 56.26 (1.003) BLEU-c ; 56.26 (1.003) BLEU

for Rakhine-Myanmar PBSMT BLEU Score

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt/baseline/rk-my/evaluation$ cat report.1 
test: 56.40 (1.001) BLEU-c ; 56.40 (1.001) BLEU

Evaluation with BLEU

BLEU: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy
Several scripts for calculating BLEU scores such as NIST-BLEU, IBM-BLEU, Multi-BLEU ...

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ ls /home/lar/tool/moses/scripts/generic/mteval-v1

Help option:

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ perl /home/lar/tool/moses/scripts/generic/
MT evaluation scorer began on 2019 Oct 10 at 10:39:47
command line:  /home/lar/tool/moses/scripts/generic/ 
Error in command line:  ref_file not defined

Usage: /home/lar/tool/moses/scripts/generic/ -r <ref_file> -s <src_file> -t <tst_file>

Description:  This Perl script evaluates MT system performance.

Required arguments:
  -r <ref_file> is a file containing the reference translations for
      the documents to be evaluated.
  -s <src_file> is a file containing the source documents for which
      translations are to be evaluated
  -t <tst_file> is a file containing the translations to be evaluated

Optional arguments:
  -h prints this help message to STDOUT
  -c preserves upper-case alphabetic characters
  -b generate BLEU scores only
  -n generate NIST scores only
  -d detailed output flag:
         0 (default) for system-level score only
         1 to include document-level scores
         2 to include segment-level scores
         3 to include ngram-level scores
  -e enclose non-ASCII characters between spaces
  --brevity-penalty ( closest | shortest )
         closest (default) : acts as IBM BLEU (takes the closest reference translation length)
         shortest : acts as previous versions of the script (takes the shortest reference translation length)
         when specified, uses Unicode-based (only) tokenization rules
         when not specified (default), uses default tokenization (some language-dependant rules)
  --metricsMATR : create three files for both BLEU scores and NIST scores:
         BLEU-seg.scr and NIST-seg.scr : segment-level scores
         BLEU-doc.scr and NIST-doc.scr : document-level scores
         BLEU-sys.scr and NIST-sys.scr : system-level scores
  --no-smoothing : disable smoothing on BLEU scores

Note relating to

Input: SGM XML Format
Word Segmentation: NIST Tokenizer
N-gram Order: Minimum 4-gram
Option: Support NIST Score
Smoothing: NIST Geometric SCoring



Kishore Papineni, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward, and Wei-Jing Zhu. 2002. BLEU: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '02). Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 311-318.

Evaluation with RIBES Score

RIBES: Rank-based Intuitive Bilingual Evaluation Score

Download link is as follows:

After you downloaded, untar the .tar.gz file:

lar@lar-air:~/tool$ mv ~/Downloads/RIBES-1.03.1.tar.gz .
lar@lar-air:~/tool$ tar -xzvf ./RIBES-1.03.1.tar.gz 

How to run


for help

$ python -h

RIBES Score Calculation for Myanmar-Rakhine PBSMT

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ python /home/lar/tool/RIBES-1.03.1/ -r ./data/test.rk ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.cleaned.1
# RIBES evaluation start at 2019-10-10 10:12:26.477757
0.902317 alpha=0.250000 beta=0.100000 ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.cleaned.1
# RIBES evaluation done at 2019-10-10 10:12:26.846261

RIBES Score Calculation for Rakhine-Myanmar PBSMT

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ python /home/lar/tool/RIBES-1.03.1/ -r ./data/ ./baseline/rk-my/evaluation/test.cleaned.1
# RIBES evaluation start at 2019-10-10 10:17:19.585608
0.907448 alpha=0.250000 beta=0.100000 ./baseline/rk-my/evaluation/test.cleaned.1
# RIBES evaluation done at 2019-10-10 10:17:19.947768

Check the Hyphothesis Filename Carefully

Example error:

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ python /home/lar/tool/RIBES-1.03.1/ -r ./data/test.rk ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.output.1
# RIBES evaluation start at 2019-10-10 10:11:32.309000
0.765147 alpha=0.250000 beta=0.100000 ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.output.1
# RIBES evaluation done at 2019-10-10 10:11:32.684895

In PBSMT, test.output.1 is not the file that we need for evaluation!

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ head ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.output.1
သူ |0-0| အမှန်အတိုင်း |1-1| မ |2-2| ကျိန်ဆို |3-3| ရဲ |4-4| ပါလား |5-
5| ။ |6-6| 
ကျွန်တော်သာဆို |0-0| ပြန် ပီး |1-1| လိုက်မှာ |2-2| ။ |3-3| 
ဆူပြီးတဲ့ |0-0| ရေကို |1-1| သောက် |2-2| သင့်ရေ |3-3| ။ |4-4| 
မင်း |0-0| မေးစရာ |1-1| မ |2-2| လို |3-3| ပါ။ |4-5| 
ထိုမချေ |0-0| ကို |1-1| သူ |2-2| အဂယောင့် |3-3| မ |4-4| မြတ်နိုး |5-5| လာခပါ |6-6| ။ |7-7| 
ကိုယ် |0-0| မင်း |1-1| ကို |2-2| နားလည် |3-3| ပါရေ |4-4| ။ |5-5| 
ငါ |0-0| အလုပ် |1-1| မ |2-2| ပြီး သိ |3-4| ပါ |5-5| ။ |6-6| 
ကျွန်တော် |0-0| ဘတ်စ်ကား |1-1| အတွက် |2-2| အကြွီး |3-3| အချို့ |4-4| လို |5-5| ချင်လို့ပါ |6-6| ။ |7-7| 
မိုး |0-0| ချက်ချင်း |1-1| ရွာတဲ့အခါ |2-2| သူရို့ဘာတွေ |3-3| လုပ် |4-4| နီစွာလေး |5-5| ။ |6-6| 
မင်း |0-0| တောင်တွေကို |1-1| တက်နေ |2-2| ကျလား |3-3| ။ |4-4| 


Hideki Isozaki, Tsutomu Hirao, Kevin Duh, Katsuhito Sudoh, Hajime Tsukada
Automatic Evaluation of Translation Quality for Distant Language Pairs
Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Oct. 2010.

Evaluation with chrF

chrF: a tool for calcualting character n-gram F score

Download link:

How to run: -R example.ref.en -H example.hyp.en

chrF Evaluation for Myanmar-Rakhine PBSMT

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ python /home/lar/tool/chrF/ -R ./data/test.rk -H ./baseline/my-rk/evaluation/test.cleaned.1 
start_time:	1570675516
c6+w2-F2	80.2834
c6+w2-avgF2	81.3348
end_time:	1570675516

chrF Evaluation for Rakhine-Myanmar PBSMT

lar@lar-air:/media/lar/Transcend/student/lecture/mtrss/pbsmt-demo/MTRSS/pbsmt$ python /home/lar/tool/chrF/ -R ./data/ -H ./baseline/rk-my/evaluation/test.cleaned.1 
start_time:	1570675534
c6+w2-F2	77.9372
c6+w2-avgF2	78.4115
end_time:	1570675534

Refernce for calculation of chrF

Maja Popovic:
chrF: character n-gram F-score for automatic MT evaluation. WMT@EMNLP 2015: 392-395

Maja Popovic:
chrF deconstructed: beta parameters and n-gram weights. WMT 2016: 499-504

Maja Popovic:
chrF++: words helping character n-grams. WMT 2017: 612-618