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508 lines (431 loc) · 22.4 KB


ClassDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript class.

ClassDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

ClassDefinition.declare: boolean

Indicates if the 'declare' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

ClassDefinition.export: boolean

Indicates if the 'export' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

ClassDefinition.extends: string

Contains the names of the classes that the class inherits from. This field is optional.

ClassDefinition.implements: string

Contains the names of the interfaces that the class implements. This field is optional.

ClassDefinition.isAbstract: boolean

Indicates if the class should contain the 'abstract' keyword. The default value is false. PropertyDefinition

Gets the class properties.

ClassFeatures enumeration

  • None
  • JsDocDescription
  • Generalizations
  • InterfaceRealizations
  • All

ClassOptions interface

ClassOptions.declare: boolean

True if the class definition should contain the 'declare' keyword.

ClassOptions.export: boolean

Indicates if the class must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the class is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

ClassOptions.features: ClassFeatures

Defines the class features to write. The default is ClassFeatures.All.

ClassOptions.implements: string

Any additional interface names that the class should implement.

ClassOptions.inherits: string

Any additional class names that the class should inherit from.

ClassOptions.prefix: string

Any string to prefix the class keyword with, such as "export". Indicates if the class must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the class is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

DefinitionBase interface

The base interface for all TypeScript definitions.

DefinitionBase.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

EnumDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript enumeration.

EnumDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

EnumDefinition.declare: boolean

Indicates if the 'declare' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

EnumDefinition.export: boolean

Indicates if the 'export' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

EnumDefinition.members: EnumMemberDefinition

Contains the enumeration members. This field is optional.

EnumFeatures enumeration

  • None
  • JsDocDescription
  • Initializers
  • All

EnumMemberDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript enumeration member.

EnumMemberDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

EnumMemberDefinition.value: any

The value of the member, which can either be a number or a string. This field is optional. If this field has a value, an initializer will be written.

EnumOptions interface

EnumOptions.declare: boolean

True if the class definition should contain the 'declare' keyword.

EnumOptions.export: boolean

Indicates if the class must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the class is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

EnumOptions.features: EnumFeatures

EnumOptions.prefix: string

Any string to prefix the enum keyword with, such as "export". Indicates if the class must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the class is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

FunctionDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript function.

FunctionDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

FunctionDefinition.accessModifier: any

Gets the function's access modifier. By default, no access modifier will be written.

FunctionDefinition.isAbstract: boolean

Indicates if the function should be generated as an 'abstract' function. The default value is false.

FunctionDefinition.isStatic: boolean

Indicates if the function is static. The default value is false.

FunctionDefinition.parameters: ParameterDefinition

Gets the function's input parameters.

FunctionDefinition.returnsOptional: boolean

Indicates if the return value is optional. If true, the return type will be generated as a null union type (e.g. 'string | null').

FunctionDefinition.returnTypeName: string

The full type name of the function return type. If the function returns a collection, the collection must be part of the name (e.g. 'string[]'). If this value is empty, the function will return 'void'.

FunctionFeatures enumeration

  • None
  • JsDocDescription
  • AccessModifier
  • OptionalModifier
  • All

FunctionOptions interface

FunctionOptions.features: FunctionFeatures

FunctionOptions.parameterFeatures: ParameterFeatures

FunctionOptions.parameterOptionality: OptionalityModifier

Indicates what to write when an input parameters has a lower bound of 0. The default is OptionalityModifier.NullKeyword.

FunctionOptions.returnOptionality: OptionalityModifier

Indicates what to write when the return parameter has a lower bound of 0. The default is OptionalityModifier.NullKeyword.

InterfaceDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript interface.

InterfaceDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

InterfaceDefinition.declare: boolean

Indicates if the 'declare' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

InterfaceDefinition.export: boolean

Indicates if the 'export' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

InterfaceDefinition.extends: string

Contains the names of the interfaces that the interface inherits from. This field is optional.

InterfaceFeatures enumeration

  • None
  • JsDocDescription
  • Generalizations
  • All

InterfaceOptions interface

InterfaceOptions.declare: boolean

True if the interface definition should contain the 'declare' keyword.

InterfaceOptions.export: boolean

Indicates if the interface must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the interface is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

InterfaceOptions.features: InterfaceFeatures

Defines the interface features to write. The default is InterfaceFeatures.All.

InterfaceOptions.inherits: string

Any additional interface names that the interface should inherit from.

InterfaceOptions.prefix: string

Any string to prefix the interface keyword with, such as "export". Indicates if the class must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the class is exported only if it has public or package visibility.

OptionalityModifier enumeration

Defines options for dealing with elements that are 'optional', meaning that they have a lower bound of 0.

  • Ignore

    Don't write any modifier.

  • NullKeyword

    Write a 'null' keyword, for example 'myProperty: string | null;';

  • QuestionToken

    Write a question token, for example 'myProperty?: string;';

ParameterDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript function parameter.

ParameterDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

ParameterDefinition.isOptional: boolean

Indicates if the parameter is optional. If true, the parameter will be generated as a null union type (e.g. 'myParameter: string | null'), unless useQuestionToken is true.

ParameterDefinition.isReturn: boolean

Indicates if the parameter is a return parameter. The return parameter will not be written as a function parameter, but is used to write a JSDoc '@returns' comment.

ParameterDefinition.typeName: string

The full type name of the parameter. If the type is a collection, the collection must be part of the name (e.g. 'string[]').

ParameterDefinition.useQuestionToken: boolean

Indicates if an optional parameter must be generated using a question token instead of using a null union type.

ParameterFeatures enumeration

  • None
  • JsDocDescription
  • OptionalModifier
  • All

PropertyDefinition interface

Represents a TypeScript property.

PropertyDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

PropertyDefinition.accessModifier: any

Gets the property's access modifier. By default, no access modifier will be written.

PropertyDefinition.defaultValue: string

The default value of the property. If provided, an intitializer will be written. If the propery is a string property, defaultValue must be quoted string. This field is optional.

PropertyDefinition.hasNullUnionType: boolean

Indicates if the property can be null. If true, '| null' will be appended to the typeName and the question mark will be omitted (e.g. 'FirstName: string|null'). This field is ignored if isOptional is falsy. The default value is false.

PropertyDefinition.isOptional: boolean

Indicates if the property is optional. If true, a question mark will be appended to the name (e.g. 'FirstName?: string'), unless hasNullUnionType is true. The default value is false.

PropertyDefinition.isReadonly: boolean

Indicates if the property is readonly. The default value is false.

PropertyDefinition.isStatic: boolean

Indicates if the property is static. The default value is false.

PropertyDefinition.typeName: string

The full type name of the property. If the type is an array, the collection must be part of the name (e.g. 'Array' or 'string[]').

PropertyDefinition.useDefiniteAssignmentAssertionModifier: boolean

Writes the so-called 'definite assignment assertion modifier' for the property if the property is required. There are certain scenarios where properties can be initialized indirectly (perhaps by a helper method or dependency injection library), in which case you can use the definite assignment assertion modifiers for your properties. The default value is false. This field is ignored if the property to write has a default value.

PropertyFeatures enumeration

  • None

  • JsDocDescription

  • AccessModifier

  • ReadonlyModifier

  • OptionalModifier

  • Initializer

  • DefiniteAssignmentAssertionModifier

    Writes the so-called 'definite assignment assertion modifier' for the property if the property is required. There are certain scenarios where properties can be initialized indirectly (perhaps by a helper method or dependency injection library), in which case you can use the definite assignment assertion modifiers for your properties.

  • All

  • AllInterfaceProperty

    Include all features, except the ones that are not usable on interface properties.

PropertyOptions interface

PropertyOptions.features: PropertyFeatures

Defines the property features to write. The default is PropertyFeatures.All.

PropertyOptions.initializeArray: boolean

Set to true to initialize an array property with an empty array, or with null if the property is optional (has a lower bound of 0) and optionality is OptionalityModifier.NullKeyword. The default value is false.

PropertyOptions.initializePrimitiveType: boolean

Set to true to initialize a primitive property (Boolean, Number and String) with the type's default value (false, 0 and '') in case it is required and doesn't have a default value in the model. If the property doesn't have a default value in the model, is optional and optionality is OptionalityModifier.NullKeyword, the property will be initialized with 'null'. The default value is false.

PropertyOptions.optionality: OptionalityModifier

Indicates how to deal with properties that have a lower bound of 0. The default is OptionalityModifier.QuestionToken.

StringLiteralOptions interface

StringLiteralOptions.declare: boolean

True if the literal definition should contain the 'declare' keyword.

StringLiteralOptions.export: boolean

Indicates if the literal must be exported or not (using the 'export' keyword). By default, the literal is exported only if the enum has public or package visibility.

TypeDefinition interface

The base interface for class-, interface and enumeration definitions.

TypeDefinition.description: string

Gets the description of the element. This field is optional. string

Get or sets the name of the code element. This field is required.

TypeDefinition.declare: boolean

Indicates if the 'declare' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

TypeDefinition.export: boolean

Indicates if the 'export' keyword should be written. The default value is false.

TypeScriptWriter class

Provides code writing functionality specific for TypeScript.

TypeScriptWriter.maxCommentWidth: any

TypeScriptWriter.getTypeName(type) : string

Gets the name of the type. This function uses the current typeNameProvider for resolving the type name. Gets the type name of the typed element. This function uses the current typeNameProvider for resolving the type name.

  • type: Type

    Any element that derives from Type.

TypeScriptWriter.getTypeName(typedElement) : string

Gets the name of the type. This function uses the current typeNameProvider for resolving the type name. Gets the type name of the typed element. This function uses the current typeNameProvider for resolving the type name.

  • typedElement: TypedElement

    Any element that has a type, such as a Property or Parameter.

TypeScriptWriter.writeClassBlock(cls, contents) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in a class declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write class members. Writes a block of code, wrapped in a class declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write class members.

  • cls: ClassDefinition

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the class contents.

TypeScriptWriter.writeClassBlock(cls, contents, options) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in a class declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write class members. Writes a block of code, wrapped in a class declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write class members.

  • cls: Type

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the class contents.

  • options: ClassOptions

    An optional ClassOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeCodeBlock(contents) : this

Writes an indented block of code, wrapped in opening and closing brackets.

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the contents.

TypeScriptWriter.writeDecoratorCodeBlock(decoratorName, contents) : this

Writes an indented block of decorator code, wrapped in opening and closing brackets.

  • decoratorName: string

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the contents.

TypeScriptWriter.writeEnumeration(enumeration, options) : this

Writes a full enumeration, including members.
Writes a full enumeration, including members.

  • enumeration: Enumeration

  • options: EnumOptions

    An optional EnumerationOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeEnumeration(enumeration) : this

Writes a full enumeration, including members.
Writes a full enumeration, including members.

TypeScriptWriter.writeFunctionBlock(func, contents) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in an function declaration and opening and closing brackets. Writes a block of code, wrapped in an function declaration and opening and closing brackets.

  • func: FunctionDefinition

    The operation.

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter, op: Operation) => void

    A callback that writes the operation contents.

TypeScriptWriter.writeFunctionBlock(operation, contents, options) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in an function declaration and opening and closing brackets. Writes a block of code, wrapped in an function declaration and opening and closing brackets.

  • operation: Operation

    The operation.

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter, op: Operation) => void

    A callback that writes the operation contents.

  • options: FunctionOptions

    An optional FunctionOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeFunctionDeclaration(funct) : this

Writes a function declaration without a body.
Writes a function declaration without a body.

TypeScriptWriter.writeFunctionDeclaration(operation, options) : this

Writes a function declaration without a body.
Writes a function declaration without a body.

  • operation: Operation

    The operation.

  • options: FunctionOptions

    An optional FunctionOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeImports(moduleName, exports) : this

Writes an import statement that imports the specified exports from the specified module.

  • moduleName: string
  • exports: any

TypeScriptWriter.writeImports(moduleName, alias) : this

Writes an import statement that imports the specified exports from the specified module.

  • moduleName: string

    The module to import from.

  • alias: string

    The alias under which the module should be imported.

TypeScriptWriter.writeInterfaceBlock(iface, contents, options) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in an interface declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write interface members. Writes a block of code, wrapped in an interface declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write interface members.

  • iface: Type

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the interface contents.

  • options: InterfaceOptions

    An optional InterfaceOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeInterfaceBlock(iface, contents) : this

Writes a block of code, wrapped in an interface declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write interface members. Writes a block of code, wrapped in an interface declaration and opening and closing brackets. This function does not write interface members.

  • iface: InterfaceDefinition

    The interface.

  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

    A callback function that writes the interface contents.

TypeScriptWriter.writeJsDocDescription(text) : this

  • text: string

TypeScriptWriter.writeJsDocDescription(comments) : this

  • comments: Comment

TypeScriptWriter.writeJsDocLines(lines) : this

  • lines: string

TypeScriptWriter.writeJsDocParagraph(text) : this

  • text: string

TypeScriptWriter.writeProperty(property, options) : this

Writes a property from the property definition. Writes a class or interface property.

  • property: Property

    The property to write.

  • options: PropertyOptions

    An optional PropertyOptions object.

TypeScriptWriter.writeProperty(property) : this

Writes a property from the property definition. Writes a class or interface property.

TypeScriptWriter.writeRegionBlock(name, contents) : this

Writes a block of code wrapped in a #region block.

  • name: string
  • contents: (writer: TypeScriptWriter) => void

TypeScriptWriter.writeStringLiteralType(enumeration, options) : this

Writes a string literal type from a specified enumeration. Example: 'type Easing = 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-in-out';'

WriterOptions interface

WriterOptions.maxCommentWidth: integer

The maximum width of generated documentation comments before they are word-wrapped. The default value is 100 characters.

WriterOptions.typeNameProvider: TypeNameProvider

Sets an optional TypeNameProvider. By default, the TypeScriptTypeNameProvider is used.