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178 lines (132 loc) · 8.92 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (132 loc) · 8.92 KB

== Old Changelog ==

= 2.8.2 =

  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.7.0).
  • FIX: There was a fatal error when using PHP 7.2 (thx jj-dev)
  • FIX: The automatic update of Maxmind Geoip2 Lite City database was fixed.
  • FIX: Always try to fill in more information into the country information from the GeoNames-DB.

= 2.8.1 =

(Was not released on

= 2.8.0 =

  • FIX: Localhost now always is a trusted proxy (for standard reverse proxy configurations, however the checkbox "uses a reverse proxy" still needs to be activated.)
  • FIX: Timezone was overwritten by country data even though the maxmind data had already detected a timezone.
  • ADD: If the manual datasource is used, the file will continue to be found if the site is moved to another host
  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.6.0).
  • PHP 5.4 is now required (due to the maxmind library).

= 2.7.0 =

  • ADD: The options array of geoip_detect2_get_info_from_ip now has a new parameter for overriding the current source for a single lookup. See API usage examples
  • ADD: New filter geoip_detect2_shortcode_country_select_countries for the country list of [geoip_detect2_countries]
  • ADD: New constant GEOIP_DETECT_IP_EMPTY_CACHE_TIME that can be used to specify a shorter cache time in case temporarily no external IP was found.
  • FIX: Compatibility with CF 4.6 (remove deprecated function call)
  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.4.5).

= 2.6.0 =

  • ADD: New datasources for Cloudflare & Amazon AWS CloudFront (countries for current IP only).
  • ADD: Country information (names, lat/lon, continent, localized in the different languages) are now filled in for sources that only detect the country code (Cloudflare, Amazon,
  • ADD: 2 shortcodes for Contact Form 7 (a select with all countries [geoip_detect2_countries mycountry], and tracking information for the email text [geoip_detect2_user_info]) - see Documentation
  • FIX: Cron scheduling is checked every time you visit the plugin page.
  • FIX: Timezones of US & Canada are now detected more often (if country+state is known)
  • FIX: Shortcode didn't use current sitelang as default, but always english
  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.4.2).

= 2.5.7 =

  • ADD: Shortcodes can now optionally specifiy the IP: [geoip_detect2 property="country.isoCode" ip="(ipv4 or ipv6)"]
  • ADD: Plugin is now translated into German.
  • FIX: geoip_detect2_get_info_from_current_ip() now also handles the case when REMOTE_ADDR contains multiple IP adresses

= 2.5.6 =

  • FIX: Removed noticed concerning open_basedir.

= 2.5.5 =

  • Clean-up changes to prepare plugin translation.
  • FIX: Only show the "no database installed" admin notice to admins (props @meitar)

= 2.5.4 =

  • FIX: Manual datasource filepath handling corrected.
  • FIX: Potential incompability with BuddyPress removed.

= 2.5.3 =

  • FIX: (Security) Add nonces to backend to avoid CSRF (thanks to Gerard Arall).
  • FIX: Do not use PHP shortcode tags (<?=) as some servers do not support it with PHP 5.3
  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.3.3).

= 2.5.2 =

  • FIX: Also disallow proxy caching via HTTP header, if possible.
  • NEW: Shortcodes for the other API functions: [geoip_detect2_get_current_source_description], [geoip_detect2_get_client_ip], and [geoip_detect2_get_external_ip_adress]
  • FIX: geoip_detect2_get_external_ip_adress() : do not filter if $unfiltered is true.

= 2.5.1 =

  • FIX: Upgrade script did change the source.
  • FIX: Page caching is only disabled on upgrade when set_css_country is disabled.

= 2.5.0 =

  • CHANGE: The parameter $skipCache is now $options['skipCache']. Using $skipCache is deprecated, but still works.
  • NEW: $options['timeout'] for Web-API lookups can now be specified.
  • FIX: did not set traits->ipAddress
  • FIX: does not include data for IPv6. Add a lookup error message.
  • NEW: Disable page caching if geoip-API was called (this is configurable in the options). (Supported plugins: WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, ZenCache, and possibly others)
  • Maxmind vendor code was updated to the current version (2.3.1).

= 2.4.3 =

  • FIX: Options Page: The checkboxes didn't show (even though the option was saved) since 2.4.0
  • NEW: A fixed external IP can now be specified on the options page. (Useful in development scenarios without internet, or mixed internet/intranet cases. You can also use this to speed up things on the production server if you know the IP will not change.)
  • NEW: Hidden feature/side-effect: Clicking on save in the General Options section also empties the external IP cache.

= 2.4.2 =

  • FIX: Trim whitespace of IP adress.
  • FIX: some PHP notices.
  • FIX: The Installation message "No database installed" failed to install the Maxmind database since 2.4.0
  • NEW: Show IPv6-not-supported notice.
  • FIX: Add empty fallback functions in case the plugin requirements are not met. (To avoid fatal errors.)

= 2.4.1 =

  • FIX: Revert IPv6 check. (Sorry for this. I thought PHP compiled without IPv6 would be esoteric.)

= 2.4.0 = This is a major refactor in order to support multiple sources properly. The Lookup and the Options were seperated into 2 screens (accessible in the menu under Tools and Options, respectively.)

  • NEW: Add a Cache for Web-API-Requests. Consequently, the function geoip_detect2_get_info_from_ip() received a new parameter "$skipCache" to skip this cache if not needed. You can check if the result is coming from the cache by checking $result->extra->cached (it is 0 when not cached, UNIX timestamp of cache event otherwise).
  • This also applies to the shortcode API ([geoip_detect2 property="extra.cached" skip_cache="true"])
  • NEW: Error messages during lookup are now in $record->extra->error.
  • NEW: Experimental support for the Maxmind Precision API.
  • NEW: Shortcodes now also support fallback languages. ([geoip_detect2 property="country" lang="fr,de"])
  • FIX: Check for IPv6 support for PHP.
  • FIX: Country data now also get timezones.

= 2.3.1 =

  • NEW: API function geoip_detect2_get_current_source_description() (as there are different sources to choose from now)
  • FIX: Show error message if PHP < 5.3 (instead of fatal error)

= 2.3.0 =

  • NEW: Add

= 2.2.0 =

  • FIX: Update Maxmind Reader to 1.0.3 (fixing issues when the PHP extension mbstring was not installed)
  • NEW: Commercial databases are now supported. You can specify a file path in the options.
  • NEW: A country database (lite or commercial) database now works as well.
  • NEW: License is now displayed before install.

= 2.1.2 =

  • FIX: Show error message if PHP < 5.3 (instead of fatal error)
  • FIX: Support multiple proxies (but currently only one reverse proxy)

= 2.1.1 =

  • FIX: Notice "Database missing" should not show during/right after database update.

= 2.1.0 =

  • NEW: A nagging admin notice shows up on every wp-admin page when no database is installed (yet).

= 2.0.1 =

  • NEW: Using v2 version of the API. See Migration Guide at Github

Other changes:

  • NEW: The v2-functions now support location names in other locales. By default, they return the current site language if possible.
  • NEW: The new shortcode [geoip_detect2 ...] also supports a "lang"-Attribute.
  • NEW: IPv6 addresses are now supported as well.
  • Legacy function names and shortcode should work in most cases. For details check the guide above.

= 2.0.0 =

(Was not released on to make sure that development releases get this update as well.)

= 1.8 =

  • NEW: Support reverse proxies (you have to enable it in the plugin options.)
  • NEW: Shortcode now has a default value when no information for this IP found.

= 1.7.1 =

  • FIX: Fatal error on cron run

= 1.7 =

  • FIX: Schedule Database update to do in background immediately after plugin installation/re-activation.
  • FIX: Longitude can be smaller than -90

= 1.6 =

  • NEW: Can add a country- and continent-specific class on the body tag. You need to activate this in the options.
  • FIX: Automatic weekly update. (Didn't work on all installations).
  • FIX: Do not include Maxmind Libraries again if already included by another plugin/theme

= 1.5 =

  • FIX: Automatic weekly update. Go to the plugin page (Tools menu) to verify that an update is planned.

= 1.4 =

  • Feature: Add shortcode [geoip_detect property="(property name)"] for direct use in posts/pages

= 1.3 =

  • FIX: Manual install works again (was broken since 1.2)

= 1.2 =

  • FIX: property region_name is now filled again (was broken since 1.1)

= 1.1 =

  • Add function geoip_detect_get_external_ip_adress(): Ask a webservice to tell me the external IP of the webserver.
  • New filter: When developing locally, the external IP is used to determine the geographic location.

= 1.0 =

  • First working release.