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The uStatusBoard is a board designed to be used as simple notifier with 4 leds WS2812B (aka NeoPixels) to show the status by changing the color of the led on the board.

You can use a marker to write down the condition/status of anything you're monitoring.

Top view of the board (latest version)

Top View of the board

Bottom view of the board (latest version)

Bottom view of the board

In order to use the board we will need a Wemos D1 mini (image below) which the board is soldered onto it.

Wemos D1 mini board

Wemos d1 mini board

Note: There is no need to use specifically the Wemos D1 mini board, another board can used with this uStatusBoard.

Structure for the Repository

Main Repository Folder(uStatusBoard)
        └── docs Folders
        |        |
        |        └── images folder
        └── examples Folder
        |   |
        |   └── example scripts
        ├── hardware Folder
        |     |
        |     └── version folders (Schematics and board design)
        └── (module)
        └── README (This document.)

Usage examples

To use the code (written in MicroPython) we will just upload the module and in the REPL we can start playing with it.

>>> from status_board import StatusBoard
>>> board = StatusBoard()
>>> board.brightness

Take into account that we are instantiated the object with the default attributes as seen in the REPL output above.

So now let's play a bit with it.

>>> board.color_all('blue')
>>> board.color_all('red')
>>> board.color_all('green')
>>> board.color_all('white')
>>> board.color_all('nocolor')

This colors are defined on the StatusBoard.colors attribute which can be accessed any time

>>> board.colors
{'cyan': [0, 1, 1], 'nocolor': [0, 0, 0], 'magenta': [1, 0, 1], 'blue': [0, 0, 1], 'yellow': [1, 1, 0], 'white': [1, 1, 1], 'green': [0, 1, 0], 'red': [1, 0, 0]}

Now let's turn off all the leds

>>> board.clear_all()

If you want to know more about what methods the StatusBoard has head over to the script.

If you want more examples head over the examples folder.

Any feedback is highly appreciated!

Please, if you see any error open an issue on this repo.

Useful links:
