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151 lines (116 loc) · 6.05 KB

CheckboxList widget

Generates a list of checkboxes with multiple selection.


You can also configure the widget to return the index of the selected items.



namespace App\Form;

use Yii\Extension\Model\FormModel;

final class TestForm extends FormModel
    public array $fruits = [];

Widget view:



use Yii\Extension\Form\CheckboxList;
use Yii\Extension\Form\Field;
use Yii\Extension\Form\Form;
use Yii\Extension\Model\Contract\FormModelContract;

 * @var FormModelContract $data
 * @var string $csrf

<?= Form::widget()->action('widgets')->csrf($csrf)->begin() ?>
    <?= CheckboxList::widget()->for($data, 'fruits')->items(['0' => 'Apple', '1' => 'Banana']) ?>
    <hr class="mt-3">
    <?= Field::widget()->class('button is-block is-info is-fullwidth')->submitButton()->value('Save') ?>
<?= Form::end() ?>

That would generate the following code:

<form action="widgets" method="POST" _csrf="SkyVfK1kBT8znzdHXxji4bHH-iKexH29qjsg6C1X4IISOOcUmwl_e3rUaHQwR9eL04a5aaiNT_XhaU27XAiBsg==">
    <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="SkyVfK1kBT8znzdHXxji4bHH-iKexH29qjsg6C1X4IISOOcUmwl_e3rUaHQwR9eL04a5aaiNT_XhaU27XAiBsg==">
    <div id="testform-fruits">
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="TestForm[fruits][]" value="0"> Apple</label>
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="TestForm[fruits][]" value="1"> Banana</label>
    <hr class="mt-3">
        <input type="submit" id="submit-157068019452001" class="button is-block is-info is-fullwidth" name="submit-157068019452001" value="Save">

Custom values

Custom values could be set as well. In this example we use two values for selection states (Apple, Banana), returns an array, which can one value, or both values.



namespace App\Form;

use Yii\Extension\Model\FormModel;

final class TestForm extends FormModel
    public array $fruits = [];

Widgets view:



use Yii\Extension\Form\CheckboxList;
use Yii\Extension\Form\Form;
use Yii\Extension\Form\SubmitButton;
use Yii\Extension\Model\Contract\FormModelContract;

 * @var FormModelContract $data
 * @var string $csrf

<?= Form::widget()->action('widgets')->csrf($csrf)->begin() ?>
    <?= CheckboxList::widget()->for($data, 'fruits')->itemsFromValues(['0' => 'Apple', '1' => 'Banana']) ?>
    <hr class="mt-3">
    <?= SubmitButton::widget()->class('button is-block is-info is-fullwidth')->value('Save') ?>
<?= Form::end() ?>

That would generate the following code:

<form action="widgets" method="POST" _csrf="gBk0hCqdvL5PP6GWH6_26zrZK-SU9q-xLFUrnaLLxQnYbUbsHPDG-gZ0_qVw8MOBWJhor6K_nflnB0bO05SkOQ==">
    <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="gBk0hCqdvL5PP6GWH6_26zrZK-SU9q-xLFUrnaLLxQnYbUbsHPDG-gZ0_qVw8MOBWJhor6K_nflnB0bO05SkOQ==">
    <div id="testform-fruits">
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="TestForm[fruits][]" value="Apple"> Apple</label>
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="TestForm[fruits][]" value="Banana"> Banana</label>
    <hr class="mt-3">
        <input type="submit" id="submit-163302772204001" class="button is-block is-info is-fullwidth" name="submit-163302772204001" value="Save">

CheckboxList methods:

Method Description Default
autofocus(bool $value = true) Set the autofocus widget false
containerAttributes(array $attributes) HTML attributes for the container tag []
containerTag(?string $tag = null) Tag name of the container element div
id(?string $id = null) Set the ID of container the widget null
individualItemsAttributes(array $attributes = []) HTML attributes for individual checkbox elements []
items(array $items = []) List of checkbox items for array keys []
itemsAttributes(array $attributes = []) HTML attributes for checkbox elements []
itemsFormatter(?Closure $formatter) Formatter for the checkbox items null
itemsFromValues(array $itemsFromValues = []) List of checkbox items for array values []
separator(string $separator) HTML to add between each checkbox element &nbsp;
tabIndex(int $value) Set the tabindex attribute ''

Common methods:

Method Description Default
attributes(array $attributes = []) The HTML attributes for the widget []
charset(string $value) Sets the charset attribute UTF-8
disabled() Set whether the element is disabled or not false
encode(bool $value) Whether content should be HTML-encoded true
for(FormModelContract $formModel, string $attribute) Configure the widget
name(string $value) Set the name attribute ''
value($value) The value content attribute gives the default value of the field ''