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Java Basics


  • A subclass inherits all the public and protected members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from superclass
    • Superclass's private members are only accessible from the superclass
    • a private function using same signature in subclass:
      • it's not overriding!
      • it's a just new member in the subclass
class Base { 
  private void fun() { 
     System.out.println("Base fun");      
class Derived extends Base { 
  private void fun() { 
     System.out.println("Derived fun");   
  public static void main(String[] args) { 
      Base obj = new Derived();; // compiler error, because fun() is not overridden in Derived.
                 // and it's illegal to access the private fun() in Base
                 // Polymorphism only works when the instance methods are overridden
  • Constructors are not inherited because they are not members
    • superclass's constructor can be invoked by super()
    • super() is called only once, implicitly or explicitly
  • A class can not access its grandparent's methods
  • Neither final methods nor private methods can be overridden in the subclass
  • Java support multiple inheritance of type but NOT multiple inheritance of state
    • A class can implement multiple interfaces but extend at most one superclass
    • Thus, it avoids the diamond problem in which superclasses share the fields using the same name
    • (MyInterface) myVariable can reference any object which instantiates a class that implements the MyInterface
  • Type of inheritance (like protected, public or private in C++) can NOT be specified
  • hiding vs. overriding (methods with same signatures in superclass and subclass)
    • static method: hiding, invoked by the class name
    • instance method: overriding, invoked by the specific object (called Polymorphism, or virtual method invocation)
public class Animal {
    public static void testClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("The static method in Animal");
    public void testInstanceMethod() {
        System.out.println("The instance method in Animal");

public class Cat extends Animal {
    public static void testClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("The static method in Cat");
    public void testInstanceMethod() {
        System.out.println("The instance method in Cat");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cat myCat = new Cat();
        Animal myAnimal = myCat;
        Animal.testClassMethod(); // hiding, print "The static method in Animal"
        myAnimal.testInstanceMethod(); // overriding, print "The instance method in Cat"
  • Access Levels:
    • use private unless you have a good reason not to
    • avoid public fields except for constants
    • private methods can not be overridden
    • protected methods are accessable by classes in the same package
    • all methods are virtual by default
    • The access specifier for overriding method can allow more than the overridden method
      • ex. a protected instance method in the superclass can be made public in subclass

super() vs. this():

  • Motivation: constructor does not have a name
  • call super() and this() only inside constructor
  • call super() and this() only once
  • super() is called by default in constructor which doest not have this()
    • but parent's parametrized constructor must be called implicitly via super(arguments)
  • constructor chaining
    • because every subclass constructor must invoke a constructor of its superclass, either explicitly or implicitly


  • variable:
    • the reference gets assigned only once (not necessarily at the declaration)
    • but you can mutate the state of the object it refers to
  • method: can not be overidden (final == private, but Java does not complain redundancy)
    • useful for variable initialization method when you don't want subclass override its parent's variable initialization
    • Methods called from constructors should generally be declared final
      • because a subclass's constructor may call a non-final method overridden in the subclass
  • class: can not be inherited, all methods declared immediately within a final class behave as if they are final
    • ex. immutable class like the String


  • variable: static variables at class-level only (no static variable in functions)
  • method: share across all instances
  • class: only applies to static nested classes (to grant it access to static members of the outter class)
    • public static nested class can be understood as a "top-level" class declared within another class. It can be instantiated.
  • block: static initialization block, could be anywhere in a class declaration, called by the order they appear


  • An enum is a kind of class and an annotation is a kind of interface. (cited from
  • for (val : MyEnumClass.values()) return all values present inside enum.
  • find the constant index: val.ordinal()
  • MyEnum.valueOf("abcd") method returns the enum constant of the specified string value, if exists.
  • Internally enum is a final class which you can neither extend nor instantiate from outside
enum Color 

/* internally above enum Color is converted to
final class Color
     public static final Color RED = new Color();
     public static final Color BLUE = new Color();
     public static final Color GREEN = new Color();
     private Color() {};
  • Java requires that the constants be defined first, prior to any fields or methods
  • write a rich enum
    • declare instance fields and write a constructor that takes the data and stores it in the fields
    • use abstract method and define them in each enum
enum Color
  RED(1, 'red'){public String example() { return "Apple"; }};
  GREEEN(2, 'green'){public String example() { return "Grass"; }};
  public final int id;  // all fields must be final in enum
  public final String tag;
  Color(int id, String tag) { = id;
    this.tag = tag;
  public int id() { return id; }
  public String tag() { return tag; }
  public abstract String example();

Nested class:

  • Motivation
    • if a class is useful to only one other class, then it is logical to embed it in that class
    • hiding class B within class A, so A's members can be declared private and B can access them
  • it has access to the members of enclosing class, including its private members
  • since it's a member of outer class, a nested/inner class can be declared private, public, protected, or package private (by default)
  • static nested class vs. inner class
    • static nested class is basically a top-level class definition embedded in another top-level definition
    • inner class is bascially a member of its outter class
      • instance of inner class lives within the instance of outter class (like your liver vs. your body)
// static nested class
OuterClass.StaticNestedClass nestedObject = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

// an inner class must be associated with the specific instance
OuterClass outerObject = new OuterClass(); // you must instantiate the OuterClass first
OuterClass.InnerClass innerObject = InnerClass();
  • Serialization of inner classes (local and anonymous classes) and lambda expression is strongly discouraged


  • if a class includes abstract methods, the class itself must be declared abstract
  • abstract class can not be instantiated
  • subclass either implements all the abstract methods or be declared abstract


  • does not have fields, so it cannot be instantiated (i.e. no constructor)
  • all of the methods are public abstract by default
    • except the public default methods and public static methods which are implemented explicitly
      • default method
        • impacts all class implementing this interface
        • enable you to add new functionality to existing interfaces
        • ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces
      • static method
        • every instance of the class implementing an interface shares its static methods
        • suitable for helper methods
public interface CustomInterface {     
    public abstract void method1();

    public default void method2() {
        System.out.println("default method");
    public static void method3() {
        System.out.println("static method");
public class CustomClass implements CustomInterface {
    public void method1() {
        System.out.println("abstract method");
    public static void main(String[] args){
        CustomInterface instance = new CustomClass();
        instance.method1(); // print "abstract method"
        instance.method2(); // print "default method"
        CustomInterface.method3(); // print "static method"
  • access level
    • all fields are public, static and final by default
    • all methods are public and abstract by default
  • an interface can extend multiple interfaces
  • a class must implement all methods in interface
  • interface is also a reference data type
    • therefore, an interface name can be used anywhere a type is used.
  • A functional interface (annotated by @FunctionalInterface) is any interface that contains only one abstract method

Case Study of Interfaces Comparator<T>

public interface Comparator<T> {
    int compare(T o1, T o2);
    default Comparator<T> reversed() {
        return Collections.reverseOrder(this);
    public static <T, U extends Comparable<? super U>> Comparator<T> comparing(
            Function<? super T, ? extends U> keyExtractor)
        return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
            (c1, c2) -> keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));

//Card::getRank and Card::getSuit are the getter functions of the class Card

Abstract classes vs. Interfaces

  • abstract classes
    • good for extension
    • but restricted by hierarchy structure
  • interfaces
    • all fields are automatically static, and final
    • No state is involved
  • if all the subclasses will share the same state, abstract class is a better choice
    • state refers to non-static or non-final fields
  • Abstract class can implements only part of the methods of an Interface (and its subclass implements the rest)
abstract class X implements Y {
  // implements all but one method of Y

class XX extends X {
  // implements the remaining method in Y


  • An enum is a kind of class and an annotation is a kind of interface.
  • Declared by @interface MyAnnotations { String spec(); }
  • Annotations can apply to other annotations
    • @Target, @Retention, @Documented, @Repeatable, @Inherited (Read this)
  • The annotations can let compilers to warn you (or not to warn you):
    • @Deprecated vs. @SuppressWarnings, @Override

Lambda expression

  • A functional interface (annotated by @FunctionalInterface) is any interface that contains only one abstract method, ex. Comparator, Predicate, Function<T, R>

  • Use lambda expression to represent the instance of a functional interface

 /* Anonymous class implementation*/
    new CheckPerson() {    // CheckPerson is a functional interface 
        public boolean test(Person p) {
            return p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE
                && p.getAge() >= 18
                && p.getAge() <= 25;
/* Lambda expression implementation */
    (Person p) -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE
        && p.getAge() >= 18
        && p.getAge() <= 25
  • Lambda expression + Generic
import java.util.function.Predicate; 

//interface Predicate<Person> {
//    boolean test(Person t);

Predicate<String> p = (s)->s.startsWith("G");

p.test("Facebook")  // returns false
p.test("Google")  // returns true 


  • In theory, we can use Object myStuff everywhere to achieve Polymorphism
    • because the Object class is the topmost class of java.
    • but it provides no type checks at compile time -- if we pass the wrong type, only runtime error is shown
    • we need to manually do cast (SubClass) myStuff everywhere
  • Generic methods
    • Class: class Foo<T> { T data; ...}
public class Util {
  public static <K, V> boolean compare(Pair<K, V> p1, Pair<K, V> p2) {
      return p1.getKey().equals(p2.getKey()) &&
// we can skip the type parameter section if compiler knows these types
// otherwise, the type parameter section must appear before the method's return type
boolean same = Util.<Integer, String>compare(p1, p2);
  • List<Integer> is NOT a subtype of List<Number>!!

    • How to define a subtype of List<Number>?
    • Upper Bounded Wildcard matches the type Foo and any subtype of Foo public static void process(List<? extends Foo> list) { /* ... */ }
      • extends here mean either "extends" (as in classes) or "implements" (as in interfaces)
      • mutiple interfaces: class D <T extends A & B & C> { /* ... */ }
    • Unbounded wildcard matches any type public static void printList(List<?> list) { ... }
    • lower bounded wildcard List<? super Integer>
  • type erasure:

    • the <?> is replaced by <Object> at compile-time (instead of at runtime)
    • the <? extends Foo> is replaced by <Foo> etc...
  • JVM actually does NOT check which type is used at runtime!!

    • Bridge method:
      • After type erasure T => Object, the setData(Integer data) of SubFoo does not override setData(Object data) of the Foo<Object> anymore. So compiler creates a bridge method.
public class Foo<T> {
    public T data;
    public void setData(T data) { = data;

public class SubFoo extends Foo<Integer> {
    public void setData(Integer data) {
    // Bridge method generated by the compiler
    // because setData(Integer ..) does not override setData(T ..)
    //public void setData(Object data) {
    //    setData((Integer) data);
  • Restriction (remember that the runtime does not check which generic type is actually used):
    • Foo<int> is illegal because int is a primitive type
    • class Foo<T> { void func() { new T(); } } is illegal because T's constructor is unknonw at compile time
    • class Foo<T> { static T data; } is illegal because all Foo<Integer>, Foo<Double> share the same static member data but what is the type of data then?
    • List<Integer>[] arrayOfLists = new List<Integer>[2]; is illegal because you cannot create arrays of parameterized types
    • illegal because methods that have the same name and the same arguments – stripped of generics, have the same signature.
public class Example {
    public void print(Set<String> strSet) { }
    public void print(Set<Integer> intSet) { }

Object & Class

  • The Object class is the topmost class in Java. All classes inherits Object directly or indirectly.
  • The Class class provides metadata about the current object's class
    • public final Class getClass() declared in the "Object" class returns an object of the "Class" class.
    • If A a = new B();, then a.getClass() returns B which is the runtime type of a
  • Use <MyClass>.class if you know <MyClass>.
  // print all the public methods of 'MyClass'
  Method[] methods = MyClass.class.getDeclaredMethods();
  for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {

Concurrent Programming

Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: The Java Memory Model By Jeremy Manson and his blogs

  • Java language provides atomic access to variables (except long/double) but it's NOT enough

    • compiler may reorder independent statements within one thread
    • the memory model may delay the write to global memory
    • so, in addition to atomic access:
      • one must acquire/release the lock to create a happens-before relationship between threads!
  • try to avoid concurrent design, when you have to, prefer volatile and synchronized

    • volatile variables are atomic (long/double becomes atomic)
    • volatile read/write becomes lock acquire/release pairs
      • visibility: write on volatile variabless goes directly into global memory
      • ordering: it creates a happens-before edge from write to read, which ensures ordering of two atomic blocks
  • synchronized keyword has two purposes:

    • mutual exclusion ("all or nothing" guarantee)
    • ordering/communication (which is often forgotten)
      • use synchronized to ensure the visibility (aka the happens-before relationship)
      • both write and read should be synchronized (imagine read in the middle of write...)
  • volatile ensure ordering of single write and read of a variable

    • it will be used together with synchronized for the mutual exclusion across code blocks ("all or nothing" guarantee)
    • For example: In a class, we define volatile bool flag = false;. Thread2 will only obtain the data after Thread1 writes it.

Thread1: synchronized block one { write data; assign flag = true; } Thread2: synchronized block two { check if flag==true, if yes, read data, otherwise, wait indefinitely }

volatile ensures the ordering (read happens-after write.) and synchronized ensures the mutual exclusion (only one thread reads the data).



  • Future represents the pending result of an asynchronous computation.
    • future.isDone() is check if the computation is done.
    • future.get() to get the result when done; wait otherwise.
  • The basic operation is future.addListener(Runnable, Executor)
    • Runnable will be run on the Executor when the future is completed.
  • Futures.addCallback(ListenableFuture<V> future, FutureCallback<V> callback, Executor executor)
    • it calls addListener(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) where
      • the runnable = new CallbackListener<V>(future, callback) See source code.
      • the runnable's run() method invokes callback.onSuccess() if getDone(future) succeed; otherwise, invoke callback.onFailure().
  • chains of asynchronous operations:
    • transformAsync(ListenableFuture<A> future, AsyncFunction<A, B> asyncFunc, Executor executor)
    • asyncFunc will convert the future's result A to B when future is done.
  • avoid ListenableFuture<ListenableFuture<Result>> because the cancel the outer future does not notify the inner future. The chain should be built by transformAsync alike.