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File metadata and controls

231 lines (199 loc) · 7.76 KB

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A Clojure wrapper of Scalar DB


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[scarab "1.0.0"]


  • You need to create a namespace and a table for Scalar DB before use

Storage (non transactional operation)

(require '[scarab.core :as c])
(require '[ :as st])

(let [config {:nodes ["" "" ""]
              :username "cassandra"
              :password "cassandra"}
      storage (st/prepare-storage config)
      partition-keys {:id [1 :int] :name ["XXX" :text]}
      clustering-keys {:age [11 :int]}
      values  {:val1 [111 int] :val2 ["value 2" :text]}]

      (st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                       :table "testtbl"
                       :pk partition-keys
                       :ck clustering-keys
                       :values values})

      (st/select storage {:namespace "test"
                          :table "testtbl"
                          :pk partition-keys
                          :ck clustering-keys}))
  • First, you need to get a storage service with properties

    • If you give an empty map as properties, it will be connected to a local server.
    (st/prepare-storage {})
  • You can operate records by select, put and delete with storage service

    (st/select storage {:namespace "test"
                        :table "testtbl"
                        :pk partition-keys
                        :ck clustering-keys} ;; :ck is optional
    (st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                     :table "testtbl"
                     :pk partition-keys
                     :ck clustering-keys ;; :ck is optional
                     :values values})
    (st/delete storage {:namespace "test"
                        :table "testtbl"
                        :pk partition-keys
                        :ck clustering-keys}) ;; :ck is optional
  • Columns are represented as a map

      {:column-name1 {val1 :value-type1}
       :column-name2 {val2 :value-type2}}
    • :value-type supports :bigint, :blob, :boolean, :double, :float, int, and text
  • Partition keys and clustering keys are represented as a map

      {:key-name1 ["partition key 1" :text]
       :key-name2 [22 :int]}
  • You can specify a consistency level to select/scan/put/delete a record

    (st/select storage {:namespace "test"
                        :table "testtbl"
                        :pk partition-keys
                        :cl :eventual})
    (st/select storage {:namespace "test"
                        :table "testtbl"
                        :pk partition-keys
                        :cl :eventual})
    (st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                     :table "testtbl"
                     :pk partition-keys
                     :values values
                     :cl :sequential})
    (st/delete storage {:namespace "test"
                        :table "testtbl"
                        :pk partition-keys
                        :cl :sequential})
    • You can see the detail of consistency level in Scalar DB

Scan options

(st/scan storage {:namespace "test"
                  :table "testtbl"
                  :pk partition-keys
                  :start-ck {:ck1 [100 :int]}
                  :inclusive-start? true
                  :end-ck {:ck1 [200 :int]}
                  :inclusive-end? false
                  :ordering {:ck2 :desc}
                  :limit 3})
  • :start-ck: This option specifies the starting point of the scan. You can specify a clustering key for the point.
  • :inclusive-start?: If true, the starting point is included.
  • :end-ck: This option specifies the end point of the scan. You can specify a clustering key for the point.
  • :inclusive-end?: If true, the end point is included.
  • :ordering: This option specifies the ordering (:asc or :desc) of the specified clustering key.
  • :limit: The limit of the number of records. It should be positive.

Conditional mutations

  • Insert a new record only if a record with the specified keys doesn't exist
(st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                 :table "testtbl"
                 :pk partition-keys
                 :ck clustering-keys
                 :values values
                 :if-exists false})
  • Update a record only if the record with the specified keys exists
(st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                 :table "testtbl"
                 :pk partition-keys
                 :ck clustering-keys
                 :values new-values
                 :if-exists true})
  • Update a record only if the record with the specified keys satisfies the given conditions
(st/put storage {:namespace "test"
                 :table "testtbl"
                 :pk partition-keys
                 :ck clustering-keys
                 :values new-values
                 :condition [[:eq :val1 [100 :int]]
                             [:ne :val2 ["immutable" :text]]]})
  • Delete a record only if the record with the specified keys satisfies the given conditions
(st/delete storage {:namespace "test"
                    :table "testtbl"
                    :pk partition-keys
                    :ck clustering-keys
                    :condition [[:gt :val1 [100 :int]]
                                [:lt :val3 [1.0 :double]]]})


(require '[scarab.core :as c])
(require '[scarab.transaction :as t])

(let [config {:nodes ",,"
              :username "cassandra"
              :password "cassandra"}
      namespace "testks"
      table    "tx"
      tx       (t/start-transaction config)
      partition-key {:id [1 :int]}
      values   {:val [111 :int]}]

      (t/put tx {:namespace "testks"
                 :table "tx"
                 :pk partition-keys
                 :values values})
      (t/commit tx)

      ; You have to start a new transaction after commit
      (let [tx (t/start-transaction config)
            cur-val (first (:val (t/select tx {:namespace "testks"
                                               :table "tx"
                                               :pk partition-keys})))
            new-val {:val [(+ cur-val 222) :int]}]
        ; update
        (t/put tx {:namespace "testks"
                   :table "tx"
                   :pk partition-keys
                   :values new-val})
        (t/commit tx))
  • First, you need to set up a transaction service with properties

    (t/start-transaction config)
  • After operating records, you should commit the transaction to persist updates

    (t/commit tx)
  • It is the same as storage how to operating records

    (t/select tx {:namespace "test"
                  :table "testtbl"
                  :pk partition-keys
                  :ck clustering-keys} ;; :ck is optional
    (t/put tx {:namespace "test"
               :table "testtbl"
               :pk partition-keys
               :ck clustering-keys ;; :ck is optional
               :values values})
    (t/delete tx {:namespace "test"
                  :table "testtbl"
                  :pk partition-keys
                  :ck clustering-keys}) ;; :ck is optional


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Distributed under Apache Public License 2.0.