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Author: Yixuan Wei


This project aims to build up a tank traveling and shooting to reach the end of each level. You can transform enemy tanks and turrets into you ally using faction bomb. But so do the enemies!

To play this game, XBox controller is needed.

How to Use


  • This project contains mainly two parts: Engine and Incursion. Double click on Incursion.sln inside Incursion to open the project in Visual Studio.
  • Many debug usage are available. Whenever press F8, the game would simply reboot.
  • When inside playing mode,
    • press F1 to activate debug mode drawing,
    • press F3 to toggle physics system on and off,
    • press F4 to toggle displaying the full map camera and play mode camera,
    • press Y to speed up to 4X of original fps,
    • press T to slow down to 1/10th of original fps,
    • press N to spawn new friendly tanks and turrets.


  1. When application is launched, the game starts with attract mode.
    1. Press spacebar on keyboard or start button on xbox controller to start.
    2. Press ESC or back button on xbox controller to quit.
  2. There are three levels in total. Each filled with enemy turrets, enemy tanks, boulders, default ground, stuck ground, solid walls and ONE end point on the top right corner. Stuck ground slowers your speed, solid walls stops enemies' views and your movement, boulders could deflect bullets, enemies would shoot you when having discovered you.
  3. After each tank or turret is dead, one loot will drop: either a heart to cure health or a faction bomb to switch enemies in an area to become friendly. Notice that only the loots dropped by enemies would take effect on you and your friends. You friendly tanks or turrets would leave behind loots that is the same beneficial to the enemy faction.
  4. You always start from the bottom left corner of the map, use the xbox controller to control the player.
    1. Left joystick for turning and moving.
    2. Right joystick for turning the gun.
    3. Button A to shoot bullet.
    4. Button B to shoot faction bomb.
    5. Press key P on keyboard or start button would pause the game.
    6. Progress to the end point to win each level!

Known Issues

  1. When physics is disabled, and the player's center is inside some solid block, the player couldn't be pushed out when the physics is enabled again. This is the cause of current buggy physics implementation.
  2. When raycasting, it is possible that the raycast route squeezes through the interval of two diagonally adjacent solid tiles. So that you will see the AI tank stupidly stuck on the diagonally adjacent tiles.
  3. It is possible that you will be pushed into solid tiles's adjacent intervals, thus going through the wall.
  4. Sometimes you can see tile boundaries in view.


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