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Distributed Bookinfo

In this demo we took Istio's Bookinfo sample application and configured our Multi-Cluster so that the Productpage and Ratings microservices are running on one cluster and the Details and Reviews v1/v2/v3 are running on the other. This demonstrates a two way communication between the clusters as Productpage, for instance, is calling the Reviews service on the remote cluster while Reviews v2/v3 themselves are calling the Ratings service from the first cluster.

The communication between the clusters is going through a set of Ingress and Egress Gateways that both clusters have by deploying Istio to each one of them.

The Bookinfo demo has been tested with the following topologies:

  1. Two IBM Kubernetes Clusters (IKS-IKS) where their ingress gateways are publicly available.
  2. One IBM Kubernetes Cluster and one IBM Cloud Private (IKS-ICP) where the ICP is not accessible from outside of the organization network but can access the IKS cluster. We are using strongSwan VPN tunnel initiated by the IKS to connect the two clusters.


  1. Make sure the two target clusters are available as contexts in the Kubeconfig path.

    export KUBECONFIG=[location_of_kubeconfig_for_A_context]:[location_of_kubeconfig_for_B_context]
    kubectl config get-contexts

    The kubeconfig context name for each one of the clusters will be used as configuration parameters to the installation scripts.

    You can test that both clusters are accessible with the context name by executing the command:

    kubectl get nodes --context=<cluster_A_context>
    kubectl get nodes --context=<cluster_B_context>
  2. Any public cluster should be able to assign a public IP to its Ingress Gateway. Ingress gatwayes are of type LoadBalancer when Istio is deployed on a public cluster.

  3. If your second cluster is an ICP or any on-prem cluster you will need to connect between the private and public clusters with a VPN tunneling. We have additional instructions for creating such connection using strongSwan VPN Helm charts deployed onto IKS and ICP clusters.


  1. Modify the file and set the following parameters:
    1. CLUSTER_A should hold the Kubeconfig context for the 1st cluster
    2. CLUSTER_B should hold the Kubeconfig context for the 2nd cluster
    3. CLUSTER_B_TYPE should be set to "ICP" if the 2nd cluster is an ICP. Use any other value if the 2nd cluster is a public one.
    4. MANUAL_INJECTION will toggle whether to run a istioctl inject to inject the sidecar to the deployed app pods. The app is being deployed to the default namespace and it depends on whether the automatic injection label is applied to that namespace or not. The main reason for disabling the automatic injection is when having an IKS with VPN pods deployed to the default namespace. In this case it's not desired that the VPN pods will be auto-injected.
  2. Make sure both clusters are accessible
  3. Execute the installation script:
  4. The script will pause after installing Istio on both clusters and wait for you to press any key. Before continuing, make sure all Istio pods are running on both clusters:
    kubectl get pods -n istio-system --context=<cluster_A_context>
    kubectl get pods -n istio-system --context=<cluster_B_context>
  5. The script continues and the Bookinfo web page URL will be printed at the end. You can open this URL in your browser but as the deployment of the app takes few seconds you may need to refresh to see all information for that app.