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JVM Hardcore


This project is the illustration of a series of blog posts (in french) : JVM Hardcore - Part 0 - Sneak Peek (Introduction of the series and Table of Content)

Each article has its own branch and tag.


  • Java Bytecode
  • Implementation of languages for the JVM
  • Inner workings of a Virtual Machine

Project Structure

Ant allowing a lot of freedom it is necessary to set some conventions. The typical structure of each project will be the following:

|  +- 01_src (source code)
|  |  +- main
|  |  |  +- assembler (Assembler)
|  |  |  +- java
|  |  |  +- pjb (Plume Java Bytecode)
|  |  |  +- resources
|  |  +- test
|  +- 02_build (generated)
|  |  |  +- assembler
|  |  |  |  +- classes (Compiler Assembler compilé)
|  |  |  |  +- reports (Assembling reports)
|  |  |  +- classes
|  |  |  +- junit-data
|  |  |  +- junit-reports
|  |  |  +- pjb-classes (.pjb assembled into .class)
|  |  |  +- test-classes
|  +- 03_dist (generated)

The series of blog posts covering a lot of different topics there will be several projects, therefore a root level in the directories' hierarchy is needed:

|  +- 01_conf (Ant configuration files)
|  +- 02_libs (*.jar)
|  +- 03_projects
|  |  +- mystery
|  |  +- [...]
|  +- 04_archives (all generated JARs)

Compiling the source code

It's really simple to compile everything at once:

<jvm_hardcore_path>$ ant

To delete the folders 02_build and 03_dist of each projects:

<jvm_hardcore_path>$ ant clean

To delete the folder 04_archives:

<jvm_hardcore_path>$ ant clean-achives

The others targets are the followings:

  • clean-all: delete the folders 02_build & 03_dist of each projects, and the forlder 04_archives
  • compile : compile the Java source code of each projects
  • assemble : assemble .pjb files or class file representations as Java objects to .class files. And compile unit tests of these generated files.
  • test : run Unit Tests of each projects
  • archive : generated a JAR for each projects.

All of these targets are available for each projects, for example:

<mystery_project_path>$ ant compile

will only compile the source code of the mystery project.

To execute the Unit Tests of a single class or method, you need to be in the root folder of the project from which the class or method is originating from. For example to execute the test method byteToHex0Test() of the class org.isk.jvmhardcore.mystery.ByteToHexTest :

<mystery_project_path>$ ant test -DtestClass=org.isk.jvmhardcore.mystery.ByteToHexTest -DtestMethod=byteToHex0Test



Introduction of the series. The project mystery allows:

  • dumping a class file to a text file containing ASCII hexadecimal characters ;
  • assembling the previous text file to a class file.

Compile and execute

Compiling: see "Compiling the source code".

Assembling using Ant and executing the generated class file:

<mystery_project>$ ant execute -Dargs="assemble=01_src/test/resources/Mystery.hex"
<mystery_project>$ java Mystery
[Mystery sentence]

Dumping using Ant:

<mystery_project>$ ant execute -Dargs="dump=Mystery.class"

Notes :

  • In the previous example, the file Mystery.class MUST be at the root of the project.
  • -Dargs is an argument defined in the Ant target execute, whose value is passed to the main() method of the class AssembleAndDump.
  • assemble and dump, are parameters of the application. Only one of them can be used at a time. They take relative paths from the current directory or absolute paths.
  • Resulting files (.class or .hex) are created in the current directory. They have the same name as the orginal file, only the extension is different.
  • The parameter help prints the help.

Assembling and dumping without Ant. mystery's jar is available in the folders 04_archives and 03_projects/mystery/03_dist:

<jvm_hardcore_path>$ java -jar mystery.<date>.jar assemble="../03_projects/mystery/Mystery.hex"

where can have the following value: 20130726.123057.

Blog post: JVM Hardcore - Part 0 - Sneak Peek


No source code available for this part.


Introduction to the JVM.

Blog post: JVM Hardcore - Part 1 - Introduction à la JVM



Introduction to PJBA (Plume Java Bytecode Assembler).

Compile and execute

The folder 01_src/main/assembler/ contains classes allowing us to generate .class files from .pjb files or Java code. For simplicity's sake, the choice has been made to use JUnit instead of a main() method to run the assembler.

The folder 02_build/assembler/ contains all the compiled components of the assembler and tests reports from tests ran to generate .class files.

The method assemblePjb() takes all the files in the folder pjb/ and its children regardless of their extension and invokes PJBA parser (available in the folder 02_libs under the name pjba.jar).
Generated files are created in the folder 02_build\pjb-classes. Therefore, it MUST be added to the classpath to allow unit tests testing its classes and methods to access it.

Ant build scripts

A new target named assemble has been added:

ant assemble

Moreover, in order that build scripts remains simple and to be able to compile/assemble every projects from the master build script several choices have been made:

  • From the root directory or any project all targets are available. Therefore, it's possible to use the target compile with the project bytecode whereas the folder 01_src/main/java doesn't exist. It's execution will be successful, but won't do anything because before running the target, we test of the folder 01_src/main/java exists.
  • To the compilation classpath the library pjba.jar has been added while it is not need for the project mystery.
  • Likewise, to the tests compilation classpath the folder 02_build/pjb-classes has been added while, again, it is not need for the project mystery.

Therefore, all of this isn't a real problem.

Blog post: JVM Hardcore - Part 2 - Bytecode - Plume Java Bytecode Assembler



Bytecode instructions : constants (xconst_y, bipush, sipush and ldc) and returns (xreturn)

Compile and execute

See part02.

Blog post: JVM Hardcore - Part 3 - Bytecode - Constantes



Bytecode instructions : handling local variables (xload, xload_y, xstore and xstore_y).

Compile and execute

See part02.

Blog post: JVM Hardcore - Part 4 - Bytecode - Manipulation des variables locales