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Das Konzept fördert Nachhaltigkeit, schont Ressourcen, stärkt die Nachbarschaft, hilft anderen Menschen, befreit von Krempel und schafft ein neues Bewusstsein jenseits von klassischen Konsum und Besitz.

CUCULA is a social design initiative. Our goal is to improve the situation of refugees by helping them to build up their own future.

Im Refugio leben und arbeiten seit dem Juli 2015 auf 5 Etagen über 60 Menschen, die ihre Heimat verloren haben oder verlassen mussten, oder die nach neuem Leben, Sinn, neuen Gemeinschaften und einer gerechteren Gesellschaft suchen.

Kotti-Shop is a multi-faceted project space in Berlin. We host and organise; workshops, art projects, exhibitions and run the print workshop Copyroboter.

From the conflict regions of the world, Conflictfood is bringing the best agricultural products to your table, while strengthening local structures. Through fair, direct trade with farmer cooperatives, we offer a real perspective for a peaceful future.

Agora Rollberg is a cooperative space in Neukölln that focuses on circular economy, diversity and creativity.

Agora Collective is a Berlin-based experimental center for contemporary practices.

Wir sind nachhaltig und sozial, unternehmerisch und communitybased - alles in einem.

Mit der Thinkfarm schaffen sich Organisationen und Einzelpersonen einen Arbeits- und Lernort, in dem sie gemeinsam eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft mitgestalten.

Das Baumhaus is an open socio-cultural project in Wedding. We connect, inspire and empower each other, neighbors, organizations and local changemakers working for transition to sustainability. In our project space, people and projects from a broad variety of backgrounds come together, meet and collaborate.

betahaus offers coworking for people who want to work on their own projects while exchanging knowledge, ideas, and inspiration with others.

An innovation lab. A business incubator. A social enterprise community center. We offer you a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to grow your impact.

A gardening project located in Berlin-Marzahn aimed at developing systems for local production of contemporary living needs (food, energy, shelter, water).

Urbaner Gemeinschaftsgarten: Gartenbildung, ökologischer Anbau, Bienenhaltung, Re-Use, Gartenrestaurant, Gartenbau, Nachbarschaftsakademie

Die unabhängigen Buchhandlungen aus Berlin-Neukölln

We are a Berlin-based directory of resources that promote sustainable cultures, urban farming and local solutions around the subject of food.

GreenBuzz Berlin e.V. is a non-profit association to support sustainability on a regional and international level through research, education and networking.

Kulturlabor Trial & Error is a Berlin based, non profit organization, working with crafts, D.I.Y. culture, sustainability, arts and media.

GSBTB is a platform aimed at strengthening social cohesion throughout Berlin. We make it possible for new Berliners to volunteer in local projects and bring together different Berlin worlds that would not normally meet. Together with social organisations and creative partners we develop projects for a better city.

A free, informal and friendly resource in Berlin for people, especially new-comers, who wish to learn how to play a musical instrument.

a nomadic shelter; safe and creative space, where everybody is free to express emotion and can find peace of mind in arts.

Monatliche Meetup-Reihe für Menschen, die sich in Berlin in der Flüchtlingsarbeit engagieren.

In Kooperation mit anderen Initiativen und Einrichtungen sammelt Kreuzberg hilft Sachspenden, sortiert diese und bringt sie dorthin, wo sie gebraucht werden – zu den Menschen. Berlinweit.

to.gather e.V.'s aim is to provide support for refugees, whether it is to raise money, collect donations, bring people together or to collaborate with individuals, collectives and institutions, who engage in the same field.

Wir sind eine neue Initiative, die durch Veranstaltungen und Vernetzung das Ankommen von Geflüchteten erleichtern möchte.

Experience Berlin from a new perspective on one of our walking tours. Our tour guides are people who are living with refugee status in Berlin.

Migration Hub Network offers a platform across Europe for social entrepreneurs to meet and design solutions around mass migration.

jobs4refugees brings together refugees and employers. We help refugees overcome the barriers to workforce-entry

Wir sind ein über Spenden finanzierter gemeinnütziger Verein von ehrenamtlichen Helfer*innen, der obdachlose und mittellose Menschen unterstützen möchte.

Avenir is the social enterprise championing better education and employment for refugees in and around Berlin.

Among us registered charity is a Berlin based non-profit association dedicated to helping refugees integrate into German society.

Hangar 1 is an organization conformed by people coming from different backgrounds. Altogether, we run several projects that support migrants seeking asylum

A productive community for all creative types. A platform for collaborative actions, a network and a support system.

We organise innovative workshops and events and help refugees to built a network of likeminded newcomers. We help refugees to test and implement business ideas and support them with legal issues, help compile business plans and search for potential investors.

Wir kochen gemeinsam Nahost-Küche, veranstalten verschiedene Events in Berlin und unterstützen gemeinnützige Projekte.

Wir sind alte und junge, große und etwas kleinere Freunde des Wedding. Hier im Kiez setzen wir uns für eine aktive Nachbarschaft und nachhaltigen Lebensstil ein. Als Transition Town Initiative organisieren wir verschiedene Projekte (Küche für alle, Filmabende, Ideenstammtisch etc.) rund um unsere sechs Fokusthemen.

SharingBerlin informs you about all sharing projects, initiatives, start-ups and companies in Berlin.

A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world

Eine Urban Gardening Gemeinschaft in Berlin Moabit derzeit auf Standortsuche!

Wir sind ein innovatives soziales Projekt, das gemeinsam mit Geflüchteten einen Streetfood-Stand in Berlin etablieren und betreiben möchte.

Berliner Bruecken is a new structure aiming at linking refugees and asylum seekers with Berliners.We are independent and non-profit.

SINGA empowers inclusive societies by enabling the social & professional exchange of information, ideas and networks among newcomers, locals and employers!

Die Laube ist eine 10 Meter hohe Selbstbaustruktur. Als Gemeingut steht sie für unterschiedliche nicht-kommerzielle Nutzungen offen.

The Arbor is a 10 meter high DIY-building. Organized as a commons it's open for diverse non-profit uses.

Nachbarschaftsakademie im Prinzessinnengarten. Offene Plattform für Wissensaustausch, kulturelle Praxis und Aktivismus in Stadt und Land

This group is for people interested in MakeSense who are based or connected to Berlin: Gangsters + SenseMakers + other friends & family.

OuiShare is now coming to Berlin and we would like to offer to the Berlin collaborative community a space where we could all meet and exchange about our works and common interests.