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Week 4: Open Street Maps


  • This class will be recorded (remind me if I forget!)
  • Log in to the class JupyterHub using the UP206A Git Puller to avoid the bottleneck
  • As always... any concerns?
  • Hands on lab/lecture
    • Creating isochrone maps with Open Street Map data
  • Break
  • Code review session
  • Thinking cap recap
  • Group time


Mini Group Assignment

For this week's group assignment, meet with your partner and submit a status report as a markdown file in your group repo. This will simply be graded as a "done" or "not done" and count towards your participation grade.

Include the following sections:

  • Project title and link to proposal
  • Roles (only for groups): Give each team member a title, and define what role each team member will play, and how each person plans to contribute to the project. While this may be subject to change, it is a good idea to define this early in the project to clarify "who is doing what."
  • Status update: Report on the general mood of the team, and provide details as to what is working, and what is not.
  • Data update: Provide a short narrative on where you are with the data sources you will incorporate in your project. Provide links as necessary.
  • Concerns: There should be a lot to be concerned about at this phase of the project. List those concerns and classify them as "Major concerns" and/or "Minor concerns."

Submit your updated proposal here.


Find a 15 minute time slot to meet with me to go over your project proposal. I have allocated extended office hours this week!

Individual Coding Assignment

The purpose of this week's coding assignment is for you to advance your coding in a direction that makes sense to you, and to the advancement of your group research project. You are free to choose one of the following:

  • Use this week to review: redo, add, replace, review, and/or improve upon past assignments to get a better understanding of the materials and coding structures used
  • Follow up on this week's lab: create isochrone maps for areas that advance your group research
  • Be pragramtic: combine elements from various labs to create unique outputs that specifically advance your research inquiry
  • Be innovative: experiment with new datasets/features not covered in class (if this requires a new module/library not covered in class, consult with me first)

This assignment can be as long or as short as you desire. It is meant to review and advance your understanding of course material. To submit:

  • create a new Python 3 notebook for your assignment
  • provide a title and explanatory description of what the purpose of the notebook is
  • provide ample markdown cells (preferrably before and after each code cell) that explains what you are going to do, and how you interpret the results)
  • upload your notebook to your GitHub account

Submit a link to your notebook here.