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File metadata and controls

162 lines (145 loc) · 6.83 KB

Minimal multi ranges explained

Chrome implements user selection as one Range, which represents a range on a document like {nodeA, 5, nodeB, 3}.   However, there are cases where user want to select contents which can not be represented with one Range.
Chrome wants to offer such selection for user and/or web author balancing between capability and stability.
I propose multi range functionality, which is opt-in, made from StaticRange and accepts a few execCommands.

Cases we need multiple ranges


On Firefox, user can select discontigous DOM Range with ctrl-click/drag.


User can't select so on Chrome.

Grid Layout

Following code demostrate grid layout reorder.

.root { display: grid;}
.root > div { outline: solid 1px #aaa;}
<div class=root>
<div style="grid-row:1">content1 foo1 bar1</div>
<div style="grid-row:3">content2 foo2 bar2</div>
<div style="grid-row:2">content3 foo3 bar3</div>

In that case, user drag from first grid to second one to select 'oo1 bar1 content3 f' but 'content2 foo2 bar2' of third grid is included.
We want multiple ranges of {'content1 foo1 bar1', 10, 'content1 foo1 bar1', 18} and {'content3 foo3 bar3', 0, 'content3 foo3 bar3', 10} so that user selects:

Shadow DOM

Following code demostrate Shadow DOM layout nodes reorder.

<span id=host>
 <span slot=s1>foo1</span>
 <span slot=s2>bar2</span>
 host.attachShadow({mode:"open"}).innerHTML =
  "<slot name=s2></slot><slot name=s1></slot>";

If user select from 'out' to 'bar2', chrome selects them excluding 'foo1'.
However, getSelection().getRangeAt(0) returns Range of {'out',1, 'bar2', 2} that includes 'foo1'.
We want multiple ranges of {'out', 1, 'out', 3} and {'bar2', 0, 'bar2', 2} so that web author can know which nodes in root document are exactly selected.
(There is host.ShadowRoot.getSelection() which is not doument.getSelection(). What ranges host.ShadowRoot.getSelection() represents in this case is also topic but since the user agent should not expose Shadow DOM todoument.getSelection(), that is another theme.)

Problems to implement full multiple Ranges

If we simply implement such multiple Ranges on addRange(),rangeCount and getRangeAt(), there are many issues:

  • Backward compatibility
    • Many sites assume user selection is a Range and use only getRangeAt(0), which returns the Range of {<start of mouse drag>, <end of mouse drag>}. That is broken on the grid layout and Shadow DOM cases.
  • Performance
    • Range should mutate syncronousely for DOM mutation( spec). It means if there are more Ranges, DOM mutation performance gets worse.
  • Complexity:
    • What if there are overlrapping ranges?
    • insertOrderedList or other execCommands assumpt one Range.

Proposed API

Opt-in selection mode

The user agent has a couple of entry points to create multiple Ranges.

document.getSelection().modes = ['multiple-user-ctrl', 'multiple-user-layout', 'multiple-addstaticrange'];

Default modes are empty array, on which the user agent behaves as-is.
Setting modes enables multiple ranges:

  • 'multiple-user-ctrl' enables user to create multiple ranges with ctrl-click/drag:
  • 'multiple-user-layout' enables user to create multiple ranges with drag/shift-arrowkey on layout order:
  • 'multiple-addstaticrange' enables webauthor to create multiple ranges with addStaticRange() and getStaticRanges() methods:
        for (let range of getSelection().getStaticRanges()) myDb.bookmarkUserSelection(range);

You can set any combination of mode:

document.getSelection().modes = ['multiple-user-layout', 'multiple-addstaticrange'];

No overlapping Range

Any mode doesn't create/allow overwrapping Ranges.

Editing functionality for user

If 'multiple-user-ctrl' and/or 'multiple-user-layout' turn on and there is selection, the user agent offers user a few editing functionality:

  • copy
    So that user can get contents they are selecting.

  • delete, cut(copy + delete), undo, redo If modes include multiple-user-ctrl.

  • (I'm considering the operation inserting text onto multiple ranges simultaniously. Web author can implement it with Input Events if the user agent passes multiple ranges through getTargetRanges(). Ditto to delete and cut.)

We say selection is DOM-contiguous if there is only one StaticRange or a caret.
Selection is DOM-contiguous if getSelection().getStaticRanges().length == 1
If selection is DOM-contiguous, the user agent offers exisiting functionality (text input, expanding selection, execCommand, etc...).

Editing API for web author

StaticRange API.

document.getSelection().addStaticRange(nodeA, 0, nodeB, 3);

That's all, but it throws exception if added StaticRange overwrapps existing getStaticRanges().
(what if addStaticRange() on 'multiple-user-layout' ?)
(throwing exception or merging into existing one is a topic)
You get all ranges with getStaticRanges():

for (let range of getSelection().getStaticRanges()) {
  // Do "static" opration like

(Order of ranges are not decided yet. Just appended order as user drag and addStaticRange()?)

If web author wants to edit content and keep live Ranges, they might create Range from StaticRange.

let ranges = [];
// Collect all ranges before editing.
for (let range of getSelection().getStaticRanges()) {
  let domrange = document.createRange();
  domrange.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
  domrange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
for (let domrange of ranges) {
  // Do "dynamic" opration like

Invalidating existing Range API.

If selection is not contiguous, rangeCount, addRange(), getRangeAt() and removeRange() always throws exception. (any other APIs to consider?) Web author should interect selection ranges through getStaticRanges() and addStaticRange().
We can clear selection with removeAllRanges().

Limited execCommand

If selection is not contiguous, only 'copy', 'undo', 'redo' are allowed because many execCommands are 'macro' operation of DOM mutation on one Range.