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Testnet and local usage

  1. Setup your wallet and infura rpc inside .env file. Make sure you are using correct network since it will be cloned.

  2. Start docker docker-compose up

optional: In order to refetch latest chain state or fix any issues you can simply rebuild the container docker-compose up --build

It will start local testnet RPC on http://localhost:8545 and deploy contracts to it. Provided .env mnemonic and address will be the owner of contracts as well as given 1000ETH for playtesting. Don't forget to add and switch to local network in your metamask.

Testnet provides fast minting (transactions are executed immediately instead of 10-15s). It is also a complete fork of existing network which means that you can test with real assets without affecting real chain state.

Deploy contracts


Rename .env.example to .env and setup env variables


Production: RPS

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
forge script --rpc-url $RPC --chain-id $CHAIN_ID script/rps/All_Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --legacy --verify

DCA polygon

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
forge script --rpc-url $RPC --chain-id $CHAIN_ID script/dca/networks/All_Deploy_Polygon.s.sol --broadcast --legacy --verify

DCA optimism

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
forge script --rpc-url $RPC --chain-id $CHAIN_ID script/dca/networks/All_Deploy_Optimism.s.sol --broadcast --legacy --verify

DCA bsc

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
forge script --rpc-url $RPC --chain-id $CHAIN_ID script/dca/networks/All_Deploy_Binance.s.sol --broadcast --legacy --verify

note: deploy goes for single chain only. IF you need to deploy on multiple chains - dont forget to update "RPC" and "CHAIN_ID" values in env file before rerunning both commands tip: to save gas - you may want to deploy factory only and keep dcaImp and whitelist from first/old ones. In that case - use deployDCAV3Factory instead Local testnet:

forge script --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 script/All_Deploy.sol --broadcast --legacy

You can check deployed addresses in console or in /broadcast folder


Setup apikeys and urls in foundry.toml and constructor args in txt file (see example in factory-constructor-args.txt)

Verify target contract using following command:


Example for manual verification on optimism

forge verify-contract 0xc347BA6f6A9Ce0dd4F4A351EaB30c8Ebde59028e "src/RPS/RPSV1.sol:RPSV1" --verifier-url "" --etherscan-api-key "F8EQY2UV2JB9VQ88VZ58NE3ZXWKAY2Q9MC" --num-of-optimizations 200 --compiler-version v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6


forge verify-contract 0xF8ce142e20f3c4209E8d1E0FAc4A307db4dfC975 "src/RPS/RPSV1Factory.sol:RPSV1Factory" --verifier-url '' --etherscan-api-key BPHPNQ1IYRT2FFUPIWQXN2Z7YY1P3IGCXN --num-of-optimizations 200 --compiler-version v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6 --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address param1)" 0x1B8EE524844DE43827F13007C3360024D7d09191)

with admins

forge verify-contract 0x63ed218143F18f3a16c03008D4D062818298CA80 "src/RPS/RPSV1Factory.sol:RPSV1Factory" --verifier-url "" --etherscan-api-key "EII3M4G2MKTHAS6METKBJH149P8EFWV9ZP" --num-of-optimizations 200 --compiler-version v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6 --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address param1, address[] admins)" 0x0f15FBC7189468B5983A1Caa0e31d552128f6703 0x94Ad54EC1299B9BE82eCc9328187eF37fDB07329, 0x2D9a8BE931f1EAb82ABFCb9697023424E440CD43, 0xB0b12f40b18027f1a2074D2Ab11C6e0d6c6acbB5)

Developing contracts


Forge and other foundry tools are required. Foundry prerequisites can be installed using guide from here:

Local testing

To run tests simply start cmd: forge test -vv to run specific test use test name from any test file: ex: forge test -vv --match-test test_retrieveFunds

Local network for tests

You can start local testnet via docker or cmd. Instruction below is how to setup working environment manually:

  1. We need testnet RPC with a copy of mainnet. We will be using Infra for that cause: (Infra website)[]

Make sure to enable Polygon network in your app settings (in order to use polygon you will have to attach a credit card, however it is free of charge)

  1. Start local testnet as a fork anvil -m "*your wallet mnemonic*" --fork-url*your infra api key here*

We provide our private key so we can ahve access to USDT's on local chain for easier testing moving further. Alternatively - you can create a custom pool and distribute test tokens, but this scenario is up to you and moving forward it is assumed that you are using account with USDT's on mainnet.

You can test that you did everything correctly by running: cast interface 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564 - it should output the ABI of UniSwap

Don't forget to check USDT balance of your wallet cast call 0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \*your wallet address\*

Deploy contract to testnet

Use scripts from /script folder

Now we can test locally deployed contract with metamask / FE app / cast / hardhat / etc.

Deployed contracts

DCA contracts can be found here