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File metadata and controls

60 lines (49 loc) · 2.6 KB

👽 Marvel

For best practices: Clean Architecture, Multi Modules, Hilt, MVVM, Coroutines with migrating a View-based app to Jetpack Compose.

🏃 How to run the project

  1. You should get an API Key. (
  2. Save the base url and your keys (public & private key) in your
  1. Build and run the project

🏛 Architecture

Clean Architecture


The application consists of 3 layers.

  1. Presentation Layer
    • view : Displays the application data on the screen (Activity/Fragment)
    • viewmodel : Stores UI related data and interacts with the domain layer.
  2. Domain Layer
    Contains the business logic of the application.
    It's an individual module and complete java/kotlin module.
    The domain layer is responsible for encapsulating complex business logic, or simple business logic that is reused by multiple ViewModels.
    • usecase : Contains the business logic of the application.
    • repository interface
    • model (domain) : Represents the domain-specific objects or entities.
  3. Data Layer
    Handles data retrieval, storage, and mapping.
    • datasource : Represents the source of data, such as a network API or a local DB responsible for data retrieval and storage.
    • repository impl : Implements the repository interface in the domain layer.
    • mapper : Converts data model to domain model.
    • model (dto) : Represents the data structure or objects used within the data layer.

Modularization & dependencies


  • app : Serves as an entry point to the application.
  • feature : Contains an isolated part of an app's functionality.
  • common-ui : Contains custom UI elements that helps make UI consistent across different features.
  • domain : Encapsulates the business logic of the application.
  • data : Contains a repository, data sources and model classes.

⚒ Tech Stack

  • Clean Architecture + Multi Module + MVVM
  • Migrate from a View-based app to Compose.
  • Coroutines Flow : Asynchronous
  • ViewModel ViewBinding Navigation Compose : Jetpack
  • Hilt : Dependency Injection
  • Retrofit : Network
  • Glide : Image Library
