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Coulomb interaction

Ewald summation theory

The Coulomb interaction between two charge particles is given by:

    U\left( r \right)=f\frac{q_{i} q_{j}}{\epsilon_{r}r}

where electric conversion factor f= 1/4\pi \epsilon_0=138.935\text{ }kJ\text{ }mol^{-1}\text{ }nm\text{ }e^{-2}. The total electrostatic energy of N particles and their periodic images is given by

 V=\frac{f}{2\epsilon_{r}}\sum\limits_{\mathbf{n}}\sum\limits_{i}^{N}{\sum\limits_{j}^{N}{\frac{{q}_{i}{q}_{j}}{\left| {r}_{ij}+\mathbf{n} \right|}}}

The electrostatic potential is practically calculated by

    U\left( r^{*} \right)=\frac{q^{*}_{i} q^{*}_{j}}{r^{*}}

The electric conversion factor and relative dielectric constant are considered in the reduced charge. For example, if the mass, length, and energy units are [amu], [nm], and [kJ/mol], respectively, according to :ref:`charge-units` the reduced charge is q^{*}=z\sqrt{f^*/{\epsilon }_{r}} with f^* = 138.935. The z is the valence of ion.

The calculation of Coulomb interaction is split into two parts, short-range part and long-range part by adding and subtracting a Gaussian distribution.

    G\left( r \right)=\frac{\kappa^{3}}{\pi^{3/2}}\mbox{exp}\left(-\kappa^2r^2\right)

The short-range part including :py:class:`EwaldForce` and :py:class:`DPDEwaldForce` (for DPD) methods is calculated directly as non-bonded interactions. The long-range part inlcuding :py:class:`PPPMForce` or :py:class:`ENUFForce` methods is calculated in the reciprocal sum by Fourier transform.

For Coulomb interaction calculation, a short-range method and a long-range method are both needed.


groupC = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, "charge")

# real space
ewald = gala.EwaldForce(all_info, neighbor_list, groupC, 3.0)#(,,r_cut)

# reciprocal space
pppm = gala.PPPMForce(all_info, neighbor_list, groupC)
pppm.setParams(32, 32, 32, 5, 3.0)
# grid number in x, y, and z directions, spread order, r_cut in real space.

kappa = pppm.getKappa()
# an optimized kappa can be calculated by PPPMForce and passed into EwaldForce.

Ewald (short-range)


The short-range term is exactly handled in the direct sum.

 V^{S}=\frac{f}{2\epsilon_{r}}\sum\limits_{\mathbf{n}}\sum\limits_{i}^{N}\sum\limits_{j}^{N}\frac{{q}_{i}{q}_{j}\mbox{erfc} \left(\kappa\left| {r}_{ij}+\mathbf{n} \right| \right)}{\left| {r}_{ij}+\mathbf{n} \right|}

The following coefficients must be set:

  • \kappa - kappa (unitless)
.. py:class:: EwaldForce(all_info, nlist, group, r_cut)

   The constructor of an direct Ewald force object for a group of charged particles.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param ParticleSet group: The group of charged particles.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string typei, string typej, float kappa)

      specifies the kappa per unique pair of particle types.

   .. py:function:: setParams(float kappa)

      specifies the kappa for all pairs of particle types.


      group = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, "charge")
      ewald = gala.EwaldForce(all_info, neighbor_list, group, 3.0)

Ewald for DPD (short-range)


In order to remove the divergency at r=0, a Slater-type charge density is used to describe the charged DPD particles.

  • \lambda - the decay length of the charge (in distance units)

The short-range term is exactly handled in the direct sum.

 V^{S}=\frac{f}{2\epsilon_{r}}\sum\limits_{\mathbf{n}}\sum\limits_{i}^{N}\sum\limits_{j}^{N}\frac{{q}_{i}{q}_{j}\mbox{erfc} \left(\kappa\left| {r}_{ij}+\mathbf{n} \right| \right)}{\left| {r}_{ij}+\mathbf{n} \right|} \left[1-(1+\beta r_{ij}\mbox{e}^{-2\beta r_{ij}} \right]

The following coefficients must be set:

  • \kappa - kappa (unitless)
  • \beta=1/\lambda - beta (in inverse distance units)
.. py:class:: DPDEwaldForce(all_info, nlist, group, r_cut)

   The constructor of an direct Ewald force object for a group of charged particles.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param ParticleSet group: The group of charged particles.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string typei, string typej, float kappa)

      specifies the kappa per unique pair of particle types.

   .. py:function:: setParams(float kappa)

      specifies the kappa for all pairs of particle types.

   .. py:function:: setBeta(float beta)

      specifies the beta for all pairs of particle types.


      group = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, "charge")
      dpd_ewald = gala.DPDEwaldForce(all_info, neighbor_list, group, 3.0)

PPPM (long-range)


The long-range term is exactly handled in the reciprocal sum.

 V^{L}&=&\frac{1}{2V\epsilon_{0}\epsilon_{r}}\sum\limits_{\mathbf{k}\neq0}\frac{\mbox{exp}(-\mathbf{k}^{2}/4\kappa^{2})}{\mathbf{k}^{2}} \left| S(\mathbf{k}) \right|^{2} \\
 S(\mathbf{k})&=&\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}q_{i}\mbox{exp}^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}_i}

The self-energy term.

  • \kappa - kappa (unitless)
.. py:class:: PPPMForce(all_info, nlist, group)

   The constructor of a PPPM force object for a group of charged particles.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param ParticleSet group: The group of charged particles.

   .. py:function:: setParams(int nx, int ny, int nz, int order, float r_cut)

      specifies the PPPM force with the number of grid points in x, y, and z direction, the order of interpolation, and the cutoff radius of direct force.

   .. py:function:: setParams(float fourierspace, int order, float r_cut)

      specifies the PPPM force with the fourier space, the order of interpolation, and the cutoff radius of direct force.
      The number of grid points will be derived automatically.

   .. py:function:: float getKappa()

      return the kappa calculated by PPPM force.


      group = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, "charge")
      pppm = gala.PPPMForce(all_info, neighbor_list, group)
      pppm.setParams(32, 32, 32, 5, 3.0)

ENUF (long-range)

.. py:class:: ENUFForce(all_info, nlist, group)

   The constructor of an ENUF force object for a group of charged particles.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param ParticleSet group: The group of charged particles.

   .. py:function:: setParams(float alpha, float sigma, int precision, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)

      specifies the ENUF force with alpha, hyper sampling factor sigma, precision determine the order of interpolation (precision*2+2), and the number of grid points in x, y, and z direction.


      group = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, "charge")
      enuf = gala.ENUFForce(all_info, neighbor_list, group)
      enuf.setParams(kappa, 2.0, 2, 32, 32, 32)