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Short range non-bonded interactions


The net non-bonded force of each particle is produced by summing all the non-bonded forces of neighboring particles on the basis of a neighbor list that lists the interacting particles for each particle, built beforehand. Because of the independence of parallel CUDA threads, a pair of interacting particles is inevitably included independently in neighbor list in the mode that one thread calculates and sums all non-bonded forces of a particle. The common non-bonded potential energy functions are included.

:ref:`lennard-jones` :py:class:`LjForce`
:ref:`shift-lennard-jones` :py:class:`SljForce`
:ref:`linear-pi-pi` :py:class:`CenterForce`
:ref:`gem` :py:class:`GEMForce`
:ref:`ljewald` :py:class:`LJEwaldForce`
:ref:`lj9_6-repulsion` :py:class:`PairForce`
:ref:`harmonic-repulsion` :py:class:`PairForce`
:ref:`gaussian-repulsion` :py:class:`PairForce`
:ref:`IPL-potential` :py:class:`PairForce`
:ref:`Coulomb-potential` :py:class:`PairForce`

Lennard-Jones (LJ) interaction


V_{\mathrm{LJ}}(r)  = & 4 \epsilon \left[ \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{12} -
                  \alpha \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{6} \right] & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • \alpha - alpha (unitless)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units) - optional: defaults to the global r_cut specified in the pair command
.. py:class:: LJForce(all_info, nlist, r_cut)

   The constructor of LJ interaction calculation object.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha)

      specifies the LJ interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, and alpha.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha, float r_cut)

      specifies the LJ interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, alpha, and cut-off of radius.

   .. py:function:: setEnergy_shift()

      calls the function to shift LJ potential to be zero at cut-off point.

   .. py:function:: setDispVirialCorr(bool open)

      switches the dispersion virial correction.


      lj = gala.LJForce(all_info, neighbor_list, 3.0)
      lj.setParams('A', 'A', 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
      app.add(lj)       # Note: adds this object to the application.

Shift Lennard-Jones (LJ) interaction


   V_{\mathrm{SLJ}}(r)=&4 \epsilon \left[ \left( \frac{\sigma }{r-\Delta } \right)^{12}-\alpha \left( \frac{\sigma }{r-\Delta } \right)^{6} \right]
                               & r<(r_{\mathrm{cut}}+\Delta )  \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge (r_{\mathrm{cut}}+\Delta )  \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • \alpha - alpha (unitless) - optional: defaults to 1.0
  • \Delta = (d_{i} + d_{j})/2 - \sigma - (in distance units); d_{i} and d_{j} are the diameter of particle i and j which can be input from XML file.
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units) - optional: defaults to the global r_cut specified in the pair command
.. py:class:: SLJForce(all_info, nlist, r_cut)

   The constructor of shift LJ interaction calculation object.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha)

      specifies the shift LJ interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, and alpha.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha, float r_cut)

      specifies the shift LJ interaction parameters with type1, type 2, epsilon, sigma, alpha, and cut-off of radius.

   .. py:function:: setEnergy_shift()

      calls the function to shift LJ potential to be zero at the cut-off point.


      slj = gala.SLJForce(all_info, neighbor_list, 3.0)
      slj.setParams('A', 'A', 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Linear molecule \pi-\pi interaction

An attractive potential to mimic \pi-\pi interactions of rod segments. Reference: Y.-L. Lin, H.-Y. Chang, and Y.-J. Sheng, Macromolecules 2012, 45, 7143-7156.


   V_{\mathrm{\pi-\pi}}(r, \theta)=&-\epsilon \cos^{2}\theta (1-r)
                               & r<r_{\mathrm{cut}}  \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
  • \theta - (in radians) the angle between two linear molecules
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units) - optional: defaults to the global r_cut

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)

The transitional forces are added between the center particles of linear molcules. A group of the center particles are needed for :py:class:`CenterForce`. The rotational forces are added on the two neighbor particles of a center particle.

Principle of pi-pi interaction between linear molecules

.. py:class:: CenterForce(all_info, nlist, group, r_cut, epsilon)

   The constructor of a pi-pi interaction calculation object for linear molecules.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param ParticleSet group: The group of center particles.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.
   :param float epsilon:  the depth of the potential well.

   .. py:function:: setPreNextShift(int prev, int next)

      sets the previous particle and next particle of center particle with shift ID value, the default value is -1 and 1, respectively.


      groupC = gala.ParticleSet(all_info, 'C')
      cf = gala.CenterForce(all_info,neighbor_list, groupC, 1.0, 2.0)

Generalized exponential model


  \phi(r)=&\epsilon\text{ exp}\left[-\left(\frac{r}{\sigma}\right)^{n}\right]
                                    & r<r_{\mathrm{cut}}  \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • n - power exponent n
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units) - optional: defaults to the global r_cut
.. py:class:: GEMForce(all_info, nlist, r_cut)

   The constructor of a generalized exponential model object.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float n)

      specifies the GEM interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, and n.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float n, float r_cut)

      specifies the GEM interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, n, and cut-off radius.


      gem = gala.GEMForce(all_info, neighbor_list, 2.0)
      gem.setParams('A', 'A',  1.0,  1.0, 4.0) # epsilon, sigma, n

Lennard-Jones and Ewald (short range) interaction


V(r_{ij})  = & 4 \epsilon \left[ \left( \frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}} \right)^{12} -
                  \alpha \left( \frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}} \right)^{6} \right]
                                         \left(\kappa{r}_{ij}\right)}{{r}_{ij}} & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}}\\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • \alpha - alpha (unitless)
  • \kappa - kappa (unitless)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units) - optional: defaults to the global r_cut specified in the pair command
.. py:class:: LJEwaldForce(all_info, nlist, r_cut)

   The constructor of LJ + Ewald in real space interaction calculation object. The :math:`\kappa` parameter could be derived

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.
   :param float r_cut: The cut-off radius.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha)

      specifies the LJ interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, and alpha.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float epsilon, float sigma, float alpha, float r_cut)

      specifies the LJ interaction parameters with type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, alpha, and cut-off of radius.

   .. py:function:: setEnergy_shift()

      calls the function to shift LJ potential to be zero at cut-off point.

   .. py:function:: setDispVirialCorr(bool open)

      switches the dispersion virial correction.


      lj = gala.LJEwaldForce(all_info, neighbor_list, 0.9)
      lj.setParams('OW', 'OW',   0.648520, 0.315365, 1.0)
      lj.setParams('HW', 'HW',   0.0, 0.47, 1.0)
      lj.setParams('MW',  'MW',  0.0, 0.47, 1.0)

      lj.setParams('OW', 'HW',   0.0, 0.47, 1.0)
      lj.setParams('OW',  'MW',  0.0, 0.47, 1.0)

      lj.setParams('HW',  'MW',  0.0, 0.47, 1.0)

Pair interaction

LJ9_6 interaction


V(r)  = & 6.75 \epsilon \left[ \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{9} -
                  \alpha \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{6} \right] & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • \alpha - alpha (unitless)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units)


Harmonic repulsion


V_{\mathrm{harmonic}}(r)=&\frac{1}{2}\alpha \left(1-\frac{r}{r_{cut}} \right)^{2} & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \alpha - alpha (in energy units)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units)


Gaussian repulsion


V_{\mathrm{Gaussion}}(r)=& \epsilon \exp \left[ -\frac{1}{2}{\left( \frac{r}{\sigma} \right)}^{2} \right] & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units)


IPL potential


V_{\mathrm{IPL}}(r)=&\epsilon \left(\frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{n} & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \epsilon - epsilon (in energy units)
  • \sigma - sigma (in distance units)
  • n - n (unitless)
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units)


Short-range Coulomb potential


U\left( r \right)=&\frac{\alpha}{r} & r < r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\
                    = & 0 & r \ge r_{\mathrm{cut}} \\

The following coefficients must be set per unique pair of particle types:

  • \alpha = f\frac{q_{i} q_{j}}{\epsilon_{r}} - alpha - (in energy*distance unit): f= 1/4\pi \epsilon_0=138.935\text{ }kJ\text{ }mol^{-1}\text{ }nm\text{ }e^{-2}
  • r_{\mathrm{cut}} - r_cut (in distance units)


Script commands

.. py:class:: PairForce(all_info, nlist)

   The constructor of pair interaction calculation object.

   :param AllInfo all_info: The system information.
   :param NeighborList nlist: The neighbor list.

   .. py:function:: setParams(string type1, string type2, float param0, float param1, float param2, float r_cut, PairFunc function)

      specifies the interaction and its parameters with type1, type2, parameter0, parameter1, parameter2, cut-off radius, and potential type.

   .. py:function:: setShiftParams(string type1, string type2, float param0, float param1, float param2, float r_cut, float r_shift, PairFunc function)

      specifies the interaction and its parameters with type1, type2, parameter0, parameter1, parameter2, cut-off radius, shift radius, and potential type.
      This method employs a shift function introduced by GROMACS by which potential and force are smoothed at the boundaries.

   ==============   ==========   ==========   ==========
   Function types   Parameter0   Parameter1   Parameter2
   ==============   ==========   ==========   ==========
   lj12_6           epsilon      sigma        alpha
   lj9_6            epsilon      sigma        alpha
   harmonic         alpha
   gauss            epsilon      sigma
   ipl              epsilon      sigma        n
   Coulomb          alpha
   ==============   ==========   ==========   ==========


      pair = gala.PairForce(all_info, neighbor_list)
      pair.setParams('A', 'A', 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, gala.PairFunc.harmonic)
      pair.setParams('A', 'B',  10.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, gala.PairFunc.gauss)
      pair.setParams('B', 'B',  10.0, 1.0,   2, 1.0, gala.PairFunc.ipl)