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Nate Young committed Sep 22, 2011
1 parent c7fed0d commit 1020219
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 24 deletions.
115 changes: 91 additions & 24 deletions src/the/parsatron.clj
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;; position
(defn inc-sourcepos [{:keys [line column]} c]
(defn inc-sourcepos
"Increment the source position by a single character, c. On newline,
increments the SourcePos's line number and resets the column, on
all other characters, increments the column"
[{:keys [line column]} c]
(if (= c \newline)
(SourcePos. (inc line) 1)
(SourcePos. line (inc column))))
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;; m
(defn always [x]
(defn always
"A parser that always succeeds with the value given and consumes no
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(eok x state)))

(defn bind [p f]
(defn bind
"Parse p, and then q. The function f must be of one argument, it
will be given the value of p and must return the q to follow p"
[p f]
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(letfn [(pcok [item state]
(let [q (f item)]
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(q state cok cerr eok eerr)))]
(p state pcok cerr peok eerr))))

(defn nxt [p q]
(defn nxt
"Parse q and then q, returning q's value and discarding p's"
[p q]
(bind p (fn [_] q)))

(defmacro defparser [name args & body]
(defmacro defparser
"Defines a new parser. Parsers are simply functions that accept the
5 arguments state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr but this macro takes care
of writing that ceremony for you and wraps the body in a >>"
[name args & body]
`(defn ~name ~args
(fn [state# cok# cerr# eok# eerr#]
(let [p# (>> ~@body)]
(p# state# cok# cerr# eok# eerr#)))))

(defmacro >>
"Expands into nested nxt forms"
([m] m)
([m n] `(nxt ~m ~n))
([m n & ms] `(nxt ~m (>> ~n ~@ms))))

(defmacro let->> [[& bindings] & body]
(defmacro let->>
"Expands into nested bind forms"
[[& bindings] & body]
(let [[bind-form p] (take 2 bindings)]
(if (= 2 (count bindings))
`(bind ~p (fn [~bind-form] ~@body))
`(bind ~p (fn [~bind-form] (let->> ~(drop 2 bindings) ~@body))))))

;; m+
(defn never []
(defn never
"A parser that always fails, consuming no input"
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(eerr (unknown-error state))))

(defn either [p q]
(defn either
"A parser that tries p, upon success, returning its value, and upon
failure (if no input was consumed) tries to parse q"
[p q]
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(letfn [(peerr [err-from-p]
(letfn [(qeerr [err-from-q]
(eerr (merge-errors err-from-p err-from-q)))]
(q state cok cerr eok qeerr)))]
(p state cok cerr eok peerr))))

(defn attempt [p]
(defn attempt
"A parser that will attempt to parse p, and upon failure never
consume any input"
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(p state cok eerr eok eerr)))

;; token
(defn token [consume?]
(defn token
"Consume a single item from the head of the input if (consume? item)
is not nil. This parser will fail to consume if either the consume?
test returns nil or if the input is empty"
(fn [{:keys [input pos] :as state} cok cerr eok eerr]
(if-let [tok (first input)]
(if (consume? tok)
(cok tok (InputState. (rest input) (inc-sourcepos pos tok)))
(eerr (unexpect-error (str "token '" tok "'") pos)))
(eerr (unexpect-error "end of input" pos)))))

(defn many [p]
(defn many
"Consume zero or more p. A RuntimeException will be thrown if this
combinator is applied to a parser that accepts the empty string, as
that would cause the parser to loop forever"
(letfn [(many-err [_ _]
(throw (RuntimeException. "Combinator '*' is applied to a parser that accepts an empty string")))
(safe-p [state cok cerr eok eerr]
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(always (cons x xs)))
(always []))))

(defn times [n p]
(defn times
"Consume exactly n number of p"
[n p]
(if (= n 0)
(always [])
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
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(eok (repeat n item) state))]
(p state pcok cerr peok eerr)))))

(defn lookahead [p]
(defn lookahead
"A parser that upon success consumes no input, but returns what was
(fn [state cok cerr eok eerr]
(letfn [(ok [item _]
(eok item state))]
(p state ok cerr eok eerr))))

(defn choice [& parsers]
(defn choice
"A varargs version of either that tries each given parser in turn,
returning the value of the first one that succeeds"
[& parsers]
(if (empty? parsers)
(let [p (first parsers)]
(either p (apply choice (rest parsers))))))

(defn eof []
(defn eof
"A parser to detect the end of input. If there is nothing more to
consume from the underlying input, this parser suceeds with a nil
value, otherwise it fails"
(fn [{:keys [input pos] :as state} cok cerr eok eerr]
(if (empty? input)
(eok nil state)
(eerr (expect-error "end of input" pos)))))

(defn char [c]
(defn char
"Consume the given character"
(token #(= c %)))

(defn any-char []
(token (constantly true)))
(defn any-char
"Consume any character"
(token #(char? %)))

(defn digit []
(defn digit
"Consume a digit [0-9] character"
(token #(Character/isDigit %)))

(defn letter []
(defn letter
"Consume a letter [a-zA-Z] character"
(token #(Character/isLetter %)))

(defn between [open close p]
(defn between
"Parse p after parsing open and before parsing close, returning the
value of p and discarding the values of open and close"
[open close p]
(let->> [_ open
x p
_ close]
(always x)))

(defn many1 [p]
(defn many1
"Consume 1 or more p"
(let->> [x p
xs (many p)]
(always (cons x xs))))

;; run parsers
(defn run-parser [p state]
(defn run-parser
"Execute a parser p, given some state. Returns Ok or Err"
[p state]
(letfn [(cok [item _]
(Ok. item))
(cerr [err]
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(Err. (show-error err)))]
(p state cok cerr eok eerr)))

(defn run [p input]
(defn run
"Run a parser p over some input. The input can be a string or a seq
of tokens, if the parser produces an error, its message is wrapped
in a RuntimeException and thrown, and if the parser succeeds, its
value is returned"
[p input]
(let [result (run-parser p (InputState. input (SourcePos. 1 1)))]
(condp = (class result)
Ok (:item result)
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