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Introduction by Example

The goal of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is, given a N by M non-negative matrix :obj:`V`, find a R by M non-negative matrix :obj:`H` (typically called activation matrix) and a N by R non-negative matrix :obj:`W` ( typically called template matrix) such that their matrix product :obj:`WH` approximate :obj:`V` to some degree. Generally, R is chosen to be smaller than min(N, M), which implies that high-dimensional data :obj:`V` can be reduced to some low-dimensional space.

Let's see how PyTorch NMF work in action!

First, assuming that we have a target matrix :obj:`V` with shape :obj:`[64, 1024]`:

>>> torch.Size([64, 1024])

Second, we need to construct a NMF instance by giving the shape of the target matrix and a latent order :obj:`R`. We use :obj:`R = 10`:

import torch
from torchnmf.nmf import NMF

model = NMF(V.t().shape, rank=10)
>>> torch.Size([64, 10])
>>> torch.Size([1024, 10])

Now our model has two attributes, :obj:`W` and :obj:`H` with the shape defined in the previous section.


The :obj:`H` is actually presented as transposed matrix in our implementation.

Then, fitting two matrix to our target data:

The reconstructed matrix is the matrix product of the two trained matrix:

WH = model.W @ model.H.t()

Or you can just simply call the model and it will done by itself:

WH = model()

If you have NVIDIA GPU installed machine and have installed CUDA, you can try moving your model and target matrix to GPU, and see how it speed up the fitting process:

V = V.cuda().t()
model = model.cuda()

In PyTorch NMF, we implemented different kinds of NMF by inheriting and extending :obj:`torch.nn.Module` object, so you can treat them just like any other PyTorch Module (ex: moving among different devices, casting to different data type... etc.)

Started at version 0.3, you can now combine different NMF module into a single module, and train it in an end-to-end fashion.

Let's use the previous example again. Instead of factorize matrix :obj:`V` into 2 matrix, we factorize it into 4 matrix. That is:

V \approx W_1W_2W_3H

It's actually just chaining 3 NMF module all together, with 2 of them use the output from other NMF as their activation matrix.

Here is how you do it:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchnmf.nmf import NMF

class Chain(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.nmf1 = NMF((1024, 10), rank=4)
        self.nmf2 = NMF(W=(24, 10))
        self.nmf3 = NMF(W=(64, 24))

    def forward(self):
        WH = self.nmf1()
        WWH = self.nmf2(H=WH)
        WWWH = self.nmf3(H=WWH)
        return WWWH

model = Chain()
output = model()

You can also use :obj:`torch.nn.Sequential` to construct this kind of chaining model:

model = nn.Sequential(
    NMF((1024, 10), rank=4),
    NMF(W=(24, 10)),
    NMF(W=(64, 24))
# In newer version of PyTorch at least one input should be given
# We can just give it `None`
output = model(None)

To fit the model, instead of calling class method fit, you now need to construct a NMF trainer:

from torchnmf.trainer import BetaMu

trainer = BetaMu(model.parameters())

To update parameters, you need to call step() function in every iteration:

epochs = 200

for e in range(epochs):
    def closure():
        return V.t(), model(None)