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Architecture Information


  1. Initial Setup Overview
  2. Webhook Creation Architecture
  3. Webhook Runtime Architecture

Initial Setup Overview

User Setup Diagram

The diagram above shows the initial configuration required prior to using the webhooks extension. The process consists of:

  • Installing the necessary parts of Tekton

  • Installing the TriggerTemplate for your Pipeline into the same namespace as the Tekton installation. Your TriggerTemplate must currently be named <pipeline-name>-template.

  • Installing the TriggerBindings for your pipeline into the same namespace as the Tekton installation. You need to install two TriggerBindings per Pipeline, one for pull request events and one for push events. It is believed that this is likely to be changed in a future release. Your TriggerBindings must currently be named <pipeline-name>-push-binding and <pipeline-name>-pullrequest-binding.

  • Creating secrets for accessing GitHub/Gitlab and Docker and patching them onto the service account under which you want your PipelineRun to execute. These secrets need creating in the target namespace where you want your Pipeline to run.

  • Installing the Pipeline into the target namespace where you want the Pipeline to run.

Note: On installation of the webhooks extension a number of Tasks and Deployments are installed that are used by the webhooks extension - these are omitted from the diagram above as they are installed automatically as a consequence of installing the webhooks extension.

Webhook Creation Architecture

Webhook Creation Architecture Diagram

The diagram above shows the events that take place when webhooks are created via the UI. The process consists of:

  1. Creating or updating the EventListener from a dashboard webhook request. For each webhook, two triggers are created. These triggers are for push and pull request webhook payloads from GitHub/Gitlab, where each payload is structured differently (highly likely you will need different bindings for the payload). A third trigger is created for webhooks on a distinct GitHub/Gitlab repository (no such webhook exists yet). This trigger is for the monitor taskrun that is created when a pull request event occurs on the repository. For each trigger, an extra TriggerBinding is created to contain settings used during webhook creation.

  2. Creation of a ingress/route which exposes the EventListener to the world outside of the cluster.

  3. Creation of the actual webhook in GitHub/Gitlab (if one does not already exist).

Webhook Runtime Architecture

Architecture Diagram

The diagram above shows what occurs at runtime when webhooks are triggered. The process consists of:

  1. All webhooks communicate with a single ingress/route as an access point to the cluster.

  2. The ingress/route is backed by the EventListener service. The EventListener iterates over all of the triggers defined in the EventListener custom resource (labeled 3) and sends a request for each trigger to the interceptor service (labeled 4).

  3. The interceptor section for each trigger within the EventListener contains conditions under which that trigger should operate. For example, the event is from git repository X and the event is a pull_request.

  4. The interceptor service's response to each request determines whether or not the trigger is valid for the incoming webhook event. The interceptor checks:

    • Valid secret token in request header - secret token defined at webhook creation matches the secret token on the incoming webhook.

    • Repository URL matches - so we only activate a trigger for a selected repository.

    • Webhook event matches - so we only activate a trigger for a selected event type, a push or pull request event.

  5. The Tekton Triggers code creates the necessary PipelineResources, PipelineRuns etc... as defined in the TriggerTemplate - substituting parameters as defined in the user supplied TriggerBinding or from the TriggerBinding created automatically during webhook creation.

In the case that the event type is a pull request, a monitor taskrun will be created to monitor the PipelineRuns and report status onto the pull request in GitHub/Gitlab.