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Latency Comparison of Cloud SQL Connection

This repository compares latencies between connection via proxy and connection via private IP.


  • Proxy
    • Min: At least 10ms
    • Avg: 20ms
    • Max: Around 40ms in this time span, but there can be peaks more than that with several reasons (ex. the credential of Cloud SQL is expired etc)


  • Private IP
    • Min: At least 7ms
    • Avg: 7ms
    • Max: Around1 15ms in this time span, but there can be peaks more than that with several reasons (ex. a pod creation of the new SQL connection etc)


Examine the results by yourself


Install and Update gcloud components

  • gcloud components update
  • gcloud components install beta


  • gcloud auth application-default login
  • gcloud config set project [Your Project ID]

Enable services


Dockernize Flask container

cd flask-api
docker build -t[Your Project ID]/flask-api:latest .

gcloud auth configure-docker
docker push[Your Project ID]/flask-api:latest


  • cd terraform to move the directory
  • Install tfenv
  • Run tfenv install to download terraform with version specified in .terraform-version file
  • terraform init
  • terraform apply and enter [Your Project ID] or terraform apply -var-file=your.tfvars something like this:
project = "[Your Project ID]"


Connect to cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-gke-cluster

Create a service account as a secret

This step creates a service account to connect with Cloud SQL using proxy. If you want to use only Private IP connection, you can skip this step.

  • SA NAME: Service Account Name
    • ex) proxy-db
  • SA DISPLAY NAME: Service Display Name
    • ex) proxy-db
gcloud beta iam service-accounts create [SA NAME] \
 --display-name "[SA DISPLAY NAME]" \
 --project [Your Project ID]

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [Your Project ID] \
   --member serviceAccount:[SA NAME]@[Your Project ID] \
   --role roles/cloudsql.admin

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./k8s/credentials.json \
   --iam-account [SA NAME]@[YOur Project ID]

Create a secret from credential file (json)

cd k8s
kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials --from-file=./credentials.json

Deploy k8s with proxy

Before deployment

Before deployment, replace the below values in k8s_proxy.yaml:

  • [Your Project ID]: Your Project ID
  • [INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]: Your can check it on browser like below:

cloud sql info


kubectl apply -f k8s_proxy.yaml

Deploy k8s with private IP

Before deployment

Before deployment, replace the below values in k8s_private_ip.yaml:

  • [Your Project ID]: Your Project ID
  • [DB_PRIVATE_IP]: Private IP address of your Cloud SQL Instance
  • [ROOT_USER_PASSWORD]: Password for database root user
    • you can see it after you run terraform apply with something like this:
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


sql_password_root = [root user password]


kubectl apply -f k8s_private_ip.yaml

Stackdrive Trace

Access to Stackdriver Trace and now you can see latency!


You may have to delete all the pods before applying new pods because of insufficient resources for the new pods. In that case, run the following command to delete all the pods before applying the new ones:

kubectl delete deployment test

Clean up and don't waste your money!

Simply your can delete the GCP project

gcloud projects delete [Your Projecdt ID]

Known issues

To delete all the resources created by terraform you can run:

cd terraform
terraform destroy # and type [Your Project ID]

It should work but this will be failed because google_service_networking_connection.private_vpc_connection cannot be destroyed with the error Error: project: required field is not set for some reasons.