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Official Pytorch Implementation of TAPLoss: A Temporal Acoustic Parameter Loss For Speech Enhancement accepted to ICASSP 2023.


TAPLoss requires Numpy and Pytorch, install versions that are compatible with your project. Refer to Demucs and FullSubNet for installing required packages for Demucs and FullSubNet.


The TAP esimator is trained on the DNS 2020 clean dataset. Download the DNS Interspeech 2020 dataset from here and follow the instructions to prepare the dataset.

Temporal Acoustic Parameters

Ground truth temporal acoustic parameters are calculated using Opensmile. The 25 temporal acoustic parameters include:

  • Loudness_sma3
  • alphaRatio_sma3
  • hammarbergIndex_sma3
  • slope0-500_sma3
  • slope500-1500_sma3
  • spectralFlux_sma3
  • mfcc1_sma3
  • mfcc2_sma3
  • mfcc3_sma3
  • mfcc4_sma3
  • F0semitoneFrom27.5Hz_sma3nz
  • jitterLocal_sma3nz
  • shimmerLocaldB_sma3nz
  • HNRdBACF_sma3nz
  • logRelF0-H1-H2_sma3nz
  • logRelF0-H1-A3_sma3nz
  • F1frequency_sma3nz
  • F1bandwidth_sma3nz
  • F1amplitudeLogRelF0_sma3nz
  • F2frequency_sma3nz
  • F2bandwidth_sma3nz
  • F2amplitudeLogRelF0_sma3nz
  • F3frequency_sma3nz
  • F3bandwidth_sma3nz
  • F3amplitudeLogRelF0_sma3nz

Use TAPLoss in your own project

  1. You'll need the and located under ./TAPLoss/, you'll also find a .pt file under the same directory, which is the pretrained TAP estimator model checkpoint.
from TAPLoss import AcousticLoss
  1. Initialize TAPLoss
TAPloss = AcousticLoss(loss_type, acoustic_model_path)
# loss_type: choose one from ["l2", "l1", "frame_energy_weighted_l2", "frame_energy_weighted_l1"]
# acoustic_model_path: path to the .pt TAP pretrained estimator model checkpoint.
  1. Call TAPloss as a function
loss = TAPloss(clean_waveform, enhan_waveform, mode)
# clean_waveform: waveform of clean audio, sampled at 16khz.
# enhan_waveform: waveform of enhanced audio, sampled at 16khz.
# mode: "train" if your enhancement model is in train mode,
#        "eval" if your enhancement model is in eval mode,
#        gradients won't be calculated in eval mode.
  1. Optimization
  • You should not update the TAP estimator parameters during training, they are supposed to be frozen.
  • You can either fine-tune a pre-trained enhancement model with TAPLoss as an auxiliary loss or train from scratch. If you train from scratch with TAPLoss, make sure it's weight is not too big at early stage, as acoustic estimation from noisy speech is inaccurate (TAP estimator is trained on clean speech). You can control the weight by using a scheduler.

Related Resources

More details about the official implementation of PAAPLoss: A Phonetic-Aligned Acoustic Parameter Loss for Speech Enhancement can be found at


Our experiments were based on enhancement models adapted from Demucs and FullSubNet. We Thank the authors of Real Time Speech Enhancement in the Waveform Domain and FullSubNet: A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech Enhancement for open-sourcing their projects.


Please cite our paper if you use our code for your research.

  title={TAPLoss: A Temporal Acoustic Parameter Loss for Speech Enhancement},
  author={Zeng, Yunyang and Konan, Joseph and Han, Shuo and Bick, David and Yang, Muqiao and Kumar, Anurag and Watanabe, Shinji and Raj, Bhiksha},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08088},