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Models, Enums


Name Type Notes
id autoinc
number string(32) See Order Number Generators
status OrderStatus enum
user_id int (User object via the user relation)
billpayer_id int (BillPayer via the billPayer relation
shipping_address_id int (ShippingAddress via the shippingAddress relation)
notes text


Name Type Notes
id autoinc
order_id int (Order via the order relation
product_type string
product_id int
name string The product name at the moment of buying
quantity integer
price decimal(15, 4)

The product object (Buyable) can be retrieved via the product relationship which is a Laravel morphTo type:



This is an enum, with these values out of the box:


//=> [
//     "pending", <- default
//     "completed",
//     "cancelled",
//   ]

Creating Orders Using Models

Orders can be created simply by creating the appropriate eloquent models. This gives you a complete control over the creation process.

use Vanilo\Product\Model\Product;
use Vanilo\Order\Model\Order;

$order = Order::create([
    'number' => 'PO123456'

//=> [
//     "status" => "pending",
//     "number" => "PO123456",
//     "updated_at" => "2017-12-10 13:47:40",
//     "created_at" => "2017-12-10 13:47:40",
//     "id" => 1,
//   ]

$product = Product::findBySku('DLL-74237');

    'product_type' => 'product',
    'product_id'   => $product->id,
    'price'        => $product->price,
    'name'         => $product->name,
    'quantity'     => 1,

//=> Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1074
//     all: [
//       Vanilo\Order\Models\OrderItem {#1072
//         id: 1,
//         order_id: 1,
//         product_type: "product",
//         product_id: 2,
//         name: "Dell Latitude E7240 Laptop",
//         quantity: 1,
//         price: "799.0000",
//         created_at: "2017-12-10 13:52:59",
//         updated_at: "2017-12-10 13:52:59",
//       },
//     ],
//   }

Creating Orders With Factory

Compared to simple model based order creation, order factory handles all the underlying details of orders so that you only have to pass an array of attributes.

The most minimalistic way of creating an order:

use Vanilo\Order\Contracts\OrderFactory;
use Vanilo\Product\Model\Product;

// Let Laravel to create the factory from the interface:
$factory = app(OrderFactory::class);

$factory->createFromDataArray([], [
        'product' => Product::find(1)

The createFromDataArray(array $data, array $items) method takes two arrays: $data with order's data and the $items.

Setting Order Data

The $data parameter accepts any attribute the Order model has.

Order Number Generation

Order numbers are generated by service classes. The order module contains 2 generators (time_hash and sequential_number) out of the box, but you can easily add your own implementation as well.

Use the vanilo.order.number.generator configuration to select the generator.

Sequential Number

Generates a sequential order number like PO-0001.

To use it set: config('vanilo.order.number.generator', 'sequential_number');


config('vanilo.order.number.sequential_number', [
    'start_sequence_from' => 1,
    'prefix'              => 'PO-',
    'pad_length'          => 4,
    'pad_string'          => '0'
Time Hash

This generates a unique sequence of letters based on the current (micro)time like 4ob-1hau-bzf4.

To use it set: config('vanilo.order.number.generator', 'time_hash');


config('vanilo.order.number.time_hash', [
    'high_variance'   => false, // generates a longer number, use when orders/sec > 20 
    'start_base_date' => '2000-01-01',
    'uppercase'       => false

Setting Order Status

If you omit setting an order status then the default value will be used, that comes from the OrderStatus enum class:

echo OrderStatus::__default;
// "pending"

To change the default status, refer to the enums page.

If you want to set the status you need to use one of the possible values of the OrderStatus enum:

$orderData = [
    'status' => OrderStatus::COMPLETED

$factory->createFromDataArray($orderData, $items);

// OrderStatus objects are accepted as well:
$orderData = [
    'status' => new OrderStatus(OrderStatus::CANCELLED)

$factory->createFromDataArray($orderData, $items);

To customize order statuses, refer to the enums page.

Setting The User

In case you don't pass user_id in the array, the currently authenticated user's id will automatically be inserted.

Setting Order Items

The $items parameter expects an array of items. Each item in the array should consist of an array with the OrderItem model's attributes.

$item = [
    'product_type' => 'product',
    'product_id'   => 1,
    'price'        => 799.70,
    'name'         => 'Dell Latitude E7240 Laptop',
    'quantity'     => 1,

$factory->createFromDataArray([], [$item]);

If you omit quantity, it'll default to 1.

Instead of passing all the item details, you can also directly pass a product object (any Buyable actually) with the product key:

$product = Product::findBySku('DLL-74237');
$item = [
    'product'  => $product,
    'quantity' => 2

$factory->createFromDataArray([], [$item]);


If you create an order with the factory, an OrderWasCreated event gets fired. The underlying order can be obtained as follows:


The OrderWasCreated event DOESN'T GET FIRED if you simply create an order with the models. Make sure you fire the event in such cases:

event(new OrderWasCreated($order));

Further events (added with v0.4):

  • OrderWasCompleted
  • OrderWasCancelled