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LivingSocial API Design Quick Reference

Version 1.0.0 - Published 2016 Mar 10

This is a quick reference sheet of the Complete Guide.

Quick Reference
Requests (Guide)
Versioning (Guide)
Pagination (Guide)
Filter/Sort/Search (Guide)
Content Negotiation (Guide)
Security (Guide)
Responses (Guide)
JSON (Guide)
Artifacts (Guide)
Performance (Guide)
Testing (Guide)



Recommendation Examples
Plural nouns for resource names, HTTP verbs. GET /inventory_items/4
Singular noun for singleton resource GET /status
Shorten associations customers/1/orders?order_id=54&inventory_item=5900
HTTP Verb / Method Action
GET Read
POST Create
PUT Update (full)
PATCH Update (partial).

Identify resources with SQUUIDs, not Table Row IDs.



Accept Header preferred:

Accept: application/vnd.livingsocial.v1+json

URI accepted for existing services until they can be re-designed to use Accept header.


Scheme is semver and ferver based.

  • Major.Minor only (e.g. 1.4).
  • Never Major version 0.
  • Increment Major: multiple breaking changes or significant change in direction or philosophy of API.
  • Increment Minor: few breaking changes.
  • Never increment for non-breaking changes.
  • Retire versions after clients upgrade past it.



  • Use offset and limit: e.g. /inventory_items?offset=543&limit=25
  • Producer determines field offset value is based on, offset has semantic meaning.
  • limit has no semantic meaning, simple integer with no relation to resource's data.
  • Lead the Consumer:
GET /inventory_items?offset=100&limit=25
   "_links": {
     "self": { "href": "/inventory_items?offset=543&limit=25" },
     "next": { "href": "/inventory_items?offset=768&limit=25" },
     "prev": { "href": "/inventory_items?offset=123&limit=25" }
   "items": [{ "name": "foo", "desc": "foo to the bar" }, ...]



Description Example
Use simple HTTP params, separate fields for each parameter. ✅ /offers.json?country_id=2&offer_id=9
Do not pass a single param with delimited values. ❌ `/offers.json?filter="country_id::2
Do not use filter or query in the URI. ❌ /filter_offers.json?country_id=2&offer_id=9
Do use sort param. ✅ /offers.json?sort=city_id

Content Negotiation


  • Header: Accept: application/json
  • URI extension: .../cities/nearby/zipcode/1234.json
  • For POST or PUT: Content-Type: application/json



  • Always use HTTPS for public APIs and internal (AWS) APIs. Internal (IAD) adds a performance hit, use HTTP.
  • Pass token with X-LivingSocial-API-Key header.
  • CORS is a thing. Read about it.



{ "message": "a thing broke", "exception": "[stacktrace/details]" }
  • Consumer-Facing API:
  "errors": [{
              "code": "unrecoverable_error",
              "title": "The flux capacitor disintegrated",
              "details": "Hold on, the end is nigh.",
              "user_message": {
                "default": "OMG, panic!",
                "en-GB": "Keep a stiff upper lip",
                "de-DE": "Schnell, schnell!!"
GET /offers.json?some=search_query
  "meta": {
    "representation": "tile",
  "offers": [ ..list of offers... ],



  • Date/Time: RFC 3339 (e.g. 2008-07-31T22:47:31Z-05:00)
  • Use UTF-8: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  • Currency and Fixed-Point:
{"currency_code": "USD", "value": 1000, "exponent": 2 } => $10.00
{"currency_code": "JPY", "value": 200, "exponent": 0 } => 200 JPY
{ "tax_rate": {"value": 875, "exponent": 2 } } => 8.75%
  • Use of XML should be limited to data exchange with the third parties that still use XML.



  • Swagger all the things on our Swagger Doc Server.
  • API should provide executable examples in curl or various REST tools: Chrome or Firefox plugins, or client GUI (Paw).



Make it fast



Do it