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File metadata and controls

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Uchu has two scripting systems. These work as separate systems and serve different roles on the server.

Python (Recommended)

Python is a higher level language which makes it fit the role of the primary user scripting language for Uchu.

Python commands

  • /python-load <relative/path/to/> to load a script.
  • /python-unload <name> to unload a running script. The script can hereafter be loaded again with changes.
  • /python-list to list all running scripts.
  • /python <name> <...code...> to run python code right through the game's chat window. \n and \t will be replaced with their character counterparts.

Python scripting

A basic understanding of Python is recommended.

This document will not include every feature or concept in Uchu, only the most prevalent once. Uchu's Python scripting is built with IronPython, which allows you to fully interact with the Uchu and .NET Core ecosystem. So there are no limits to what can be scripted here.

WARNING: Do not run scripts you don't understand!

Scripts can do everything C# could, which means they could download stuff, install software, etc. So if you're given a script from someone, make sure you understand what it does before loading it.


Define these in your scripts and the server will call them at predictable times. These should normally act as the start point of your scripts.

def load(): # called once when the script is loaded.

    # Setup the script here.


def tick(): # called every server tick cycle. The server aims for this to be 20 times per second.

    # Perform operations which should happen regularly here.


def unload(): # called once when the script is going to be unloaded.

    # Clean up everything related to the script here.


Server interactions

Uchu provides multiple resources to your scripts which they can utilize to interact with the server.

Global Events

Events are a tool to hook up functions to be called when something happens.

Setup events

Binds a function to be called once a event is invoked. All of these functions return a reference you can use unbind the event.

  • OnStart(Object, function) binds the function to being called when the Object is started.
  • OnDestroy(Object, function) binds the function to being called when the Object is destroyed.
  • OnTick(Object, function) binds the function to being called every server tick on the Object.
  • OnInteract(GameObject, function(player)) binds the function to being called when the GameObject is interacted with by a Player.
  • OnHealth(GameObject, function(health, delta, source-game-object)) binds the function to being called when the GameObject's health is changed.
  • OnArmor(GameObject, function(armor, delta, source-game-object)) binds the function to being called when the GameObject's armor is changed.
  • OnDeath(GameObject, function(smasher-game-object)) binds the function to being called when the GameObject is smashed.
  • OnChat(function(player, message)) binds the function to being called when a Player sends a chat message.
Release events
  • Release(reference) unbinds a function from being called once a event is invoked.

Global Methods
  • Drop(lot, position, source, owner) drops an item for a player to pick up.
  • Currency(count, postion, source, owner) drops coin for a player to pick up.
  • Chat(player, message) sends a chat message to a player.
  • Broadcast(message) broadcasts a chat message to every player in the zone.
  • Distance(vector_0, vector_1) gets the distance between two Vector3 variables.
  • ClientContext() returns an object allowing you to access the CDClient. See Uchu.Core/Client/CdClientContext.cs
  • UchuContext() returns an object allowing you to access the server database. See Uchu.Core/Database/UchuContext.cs

Global Properties
  • Layer includes the standard layers included in calculating what objects should be shown to the player in the game world. The bit operations on this mask are overwritten: += adds a layer, -= removes a layer. = always sets the layer.
    • Layer.None = 0
    • Layer.Default = 1
    • Layer.Environment = 1 << 1
    • Layer.Npc = 1 << 2
    • Layer.Smashable = 1 << 3
    • Layer.Player = 1 << 4
    • Layer.Enemy = 1 << 5
    • Layer.Spawner = 1 << 6
    • Layer.Hidden = 1 << 7 this layer should be used to hide objects from the players.
    • Layer.All = (64-bit max value)


The Zone variable is set to the zone on which this script runs.

  • Zone.Objects gets all the Objects in the zone, including both GameObjects and Players. (Readonly)
  • Zone.GameObjects gets all the GameObjects in the zone, including Players. (Readonly)
  • Zone.Players gets all the players in the zone. (Readonly)
  • Zone.DeltaTime is calculated as ms-passed-during-last-server-cycle / 1000. Can be used to even out stuff like movement. (Readonly)
  • Zone.ZoneId gets the id of the zone. (Readonly)

Loop through all players in the zone and give toss them a coin.

def give_coins():
    for player in Zone.Players:
        player.Currency += 1


A Object is any object managed by the zone.

  • Start(Object) makes the zone start managing this object. Call this on any new object when you're done setting it up. Will invoke the OnStart event.
    def new_game_object(lot, x, y, z):
        game_object = Create(lot, Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))
        return game_object
  • Destroy(Object) removes this object from the zone's management. Will invoke the OnDestroyed event.
    def destroy_object(game_object):

GameObject : Objects

A GameObject is any object present in the game world, visible or not.

  • GameObject.Name gets the name of this GameObject. For example the name of a Player.
  • GameObject.ObjectId gets the ObjectId of this GameObject. (Readonly)
  • GameObject.Lot gets the Lot of this GameObject. (Readonly)
  • GameObject.Tranform gets the Transform component on this GameObject. (Readonly)
  • GameObject.Aline is False if this GameObject is no longer in the Zone. (Readonly)
  • GameObject.Viewers gets all the Players that has this GameObject loaded. (Readonly)
  • GameObject.Layer gets or sets the layer(s) this GameObject occupies. This determines if the GameObject should be shown to the Players or not.
    def vanish(game_object):
        old_layer = hide_object(game_object)
        restore_object(game_object, old_layer)
    def hide_object(game_object):
        old_layer = game_object.Layer
        game_object.Layer = Layer.Hidden
        return old_layer
    def restore_object(game_object, layer):
        game_object.Layer = layer
  • Create(Lot, Vector3, Quaternion) gets a new GameObject from a Lot and place on world.
  • Construct(GameObject) adds this GameObject in game world.
    def new_game_object(lot, x, y, z):
        game_object = Create(lot, Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))
        return game_object
  • Serialize(GameObject) updates this GameObject in the game world. Should be called when you make a change to the GameObject.
    def move_game_object(game_object, x, y, z):
        game_object.Transform += Vector3(x, y, z)
  • Destruct(GameObject) removes this GameObject in the game world. (This is a lower level function in Uchu. Use layers to hide GameObjects instead.)
  • GetComponent(GameObject, Type) gets a component on this GameObject by its type name. Returns None if invalid type or not found.
    def remove_health(game_object, health):
        stats = GetComponent(game_object, "Stats")
        stats.Health -= health
  • AddComponent(GameObject, Type) adds a component to this GameObject by its type name. Returns None if invalid type. (Limited)
  • RemoveComponent(GameObject, Type) removes a component from this GameObject by its type name. (Limited)

Player : GameObject

A Player in the game world.

  • Player.Currency gets or sets the amount of coin this Player has.
  • Player.UniverseScore gets or sets the amount of universe score this Player has.
  • Player.Level gets or sets the level of this Player. This will set Player.UniverseScore to the score required for this level.
  • Player.Perspective gets the controller for what this Player can see in the game world. (Readonly)


A controller for what a Player can see in the game world.

  • Perspecive.LoadedObjects gets all the GameObjects this player views in the game world. (Readonly)
  • Perspecive.MaskFilter gets the filter handling masking. (Readonly)


The filter handling the Player mask, or in other words, what layers this player will view in the game world.

  • MaskFilter.ViewMask gets or sets the bitmap of layers this player will view (64-bit). The bit operations on this mask are overwritten: += adds a layer, -= removes a layer.
def hide_smashables(player):
    perspective = player.Perspective

    filter = perspective.MaskFilter

    filter.ViewMask -= Layer.Smashable

def view_smashables(player):
    perspective = player.Perspective

    filter = perspective.MaskFilter

    filter.ViewMask += Layer.Smashable

Component : Object

A Component attached to a GameObject.

  • Component.GameObject gets the GameObject this Component is attached to. (Readonly)
  • Component.Transform gets the Transform component attached to the GameObject this Component is attached to. (Readonly)

Transform : Component

A Component that holds positional, rotational, and hierarchical information about a GameObject.

  • Transform.Position gets or sets the position of the GameObject.
    def move_game_object(game_object, x, y, z):
        vector = Vector3(x, y, z)
        game_object.Transform.Position += vector
  • Transform.Rotation gets or sets the rotation of the GameObject. This is a Quaternion.
  • Transform.EulerAngles gets or sets the euler angles.
  • Transform.Scale gets or sets the scale of the GameObject. Cannot be updated in the game world once constructed.
  • Transform.Parent gets or sets the Transform the GameObject is a child to.
  • Transform.Children gets all the children of this Transform. (Readonly)
  • Transform.Translate(Vector3) moves the GameObject in the game world.
  • Transform.Rotate(Quaternion) rotates the GameObject in the game world.

InventoryManagerComponent : Component

A Component responsible for managing Player's inventory.

  • InventoryManagerComponent.FindItem(Lot) returns the first item stack which has that Lot. None if none found.
  • InventoryManagerComponent.FindItems(Lot) returns all the item stacks which has that Lot.
  • InventoryManagerComponent.AddItemAsync(Lot, Count) adds Count amount of items of Lot to the Player's inventory.
    def give_item_to_players(lot):
        for player in Zone.Players:
            inventory = GetComponent(player, "InventoryManagerComponent")
            inventory.AddItemAsync(lot, 1)
  • InventoryManagerComponent.RemoveItemAsync(Lot, Count) removes Count amount of items of Lot to the Player's inventory.

Item : GameObject

An item stack in a Player's inventory.

  • Item.ItemComponent gets the client's item information on for this object. (Readonly)
  • Item.Inventory gets the Inventory this Item is in. (Readonly)
  • Item.Player gets the Player this Item belongs to. (Readonly)
  • Item.Count gets or sets the amount of items in this stack. You should normally use InventoryManagerComponent.AddItemAsync(Lot, Count) to add items.
  • Item.EquipAsync() equips this item onto the Player.
  • Item.UnEquipAsync() un-equips this item from the Player.

Stats : Component

A Component responsible for keeping managing a GameObject's stats.

  • Stats.Health gets or sets the GameObject's health.
  • Stats.MaxHealth gets or sets the GameObject's max health.
  • Stats.Armor gets or sets the GameObject's armor.
  • Stats.MaxArmor gets or sets the GameObject's max armor.
  • Stats.Imagination gets or sets the GameObject's imagination.
  • Stats.MaxImagination gets or sets the GameObject's max imagination.
  • Stats.Damage(damage, source) does damage calculations on a GameObject.
  • Stats.Heal(damage) does healing calculations on a GameObject.

DestructibleComponent : Component

A Component where you can smash a GameObject.

  • DestructibleComponent.Smash(smasher, <optional> loot_owner, <optional> animation) smashes this GameObject and drops coins and currency based upon the GameObject's drop table. Players will drop 10% of their coin up to 10000.
def smash_object(game_object, smasher):
    component = GetComponent(game_object, "DestructibleComponent")

    component.Smash(smasher, smasher)

Practical examples

Prop hunting

A small mini-game where players can hide as objects in the game world.

hidden_players = []

def load():

    # Setup `parse_chat` to be called when a chat message is sent.

def parse_chat(player, message):

    # Only accept commands
    if message[0] != '/':

    global hidden_players

    # Interpret player commands
    param = message.split(' ')

    if param[0] == "/hide":

        # Check if player is already hidden
        for hidden in hidden_players:
            if hidden.player == player:

                # Send notice to the player
                Chat(player, "You are already hidden! Use the /reveal command to reveal yourself.")


        # Get lot
        lot = int(param[1])

        # Setup prop
        prop = Prop(player, lot)


        # Send notice to the player
        Chat(player, "You hid yourself as " + str(lot) + "!")

    elif param[0] == "/reveal":

        # Check if player is already revealed
        for hidden in hidden_players:
            if hidden.player == player:
                # Remove prop

                # Send notice to the player
                Chat(player, "You revealed yourself!")



        # Send notice to the player
        Chat(player, "You are already revealed! Use the /hide <lot> command to hide yourself.")
    elif param[0] == "/guess":

def guess(player):
    global hidden_players

    # Send notice to the player
    Chat(player, "Guessing...")

    # Check if a player has correctly found a hiding prop.
    for prop in hidden_players:
        distance = Distance(prop.player.Transform.Position, player.Transform.Position)

        if distance < 5:

            # Send notice to the player
            Chat(prop.player, "You were revealed!")


def unload():
    # Reveal all hidden players
    for hidden in hidden_players:

class Prop:
    def __init__(self, player, lot):
        self.player = player
        self.lot = lot
        self.layer = player.Layer
        self.obj = None

    def hide(self):
        # Hide the player
        self.player.Layer = Layer.Hidden

        transform = self.player.Transform

        # Create prop object
        self.obj = Create(self.lot, transform.Position, transform.Rotation)

        # Setup prop object

    def reveal(self):
        # Restore layer
        self.player.Layer = self.layer

        # Destroy prop object


Uchu can load .NET Core assemblies at runtime to fulfill lower level scripting tasks.


  1. A .NET Core library with classes deriving form Script.
  2. Build this library every time you make changes to the Uchu's code.
  3. Add a tag <ScriptDllSource>(Library name)</ScriptDllSource> in between the <DllSource></DllSource> tags.
Note: these libraries cannot be reloaded once loaded. Requires server restart.