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Cheshire Cat AI API Client

API Client made in TypeScript to communicate with the Cheshire Cat AI.
The package provides a class to interface with the Cheshire Cat AI backend.
It can be used both in Browser and NodeJS environments.

Every endpoint is a CancelablePromise, which means you can cancel the request if you want.


npm install ccat-api
# OR
yarn add ccat-api
# OR
pnpm i ccat-api

Getting started

To set up the client, you must first import the CatClient class:

import { CatClient } from 'ccat-api'

const cat = new CatClient({
    baseUrl: 'localhost',
    userId: 'user'.
    //... other settings

cat.send('Hello from a user!') // this will send a message to the /ws/user

cat.userId = 'new_user'

cat.send('Hello from a new user!') // this will send a message to the /ws/new_user

Client settings


Property Type Default Description
baseUrl string Required The same of CORE_HOST
authKey string '' The same of API_KEY
port number 1865 The same of the CORE_PORT
secure boolean false The same of the CORE_USE_SECURE_PROTOCOLS
user string 'user' The user ID to use for the WebSocket and the API client
instant boolean true Instantly initialize the WebSocket and the API client, or later with .init()
timeout number 10000 Timeout for the endpoints, in milliseconds
headers object {} The headers to send with the API requests
ws string undefined An object of type WebSocketSettings

WebSocket settings

Property Type Default Description
path string 'ws' Websocket path to use to communicate with the CCat
retries number 3 The maximum number of retries before calling onFailed
query string undefined The query to send with the WebSocket connection
delay number 3000 The delay for reconnect, in milliseconds
onFailed function undefined The function to call after failing all the retries

Then, for example, you can configure the LLM like this:

cat.api.settingsLargeLanguageModel.upsertLlmSetting('LLMOpenAIConfig', {
    openai_api_key: 'OPEN_API_KEY'

To send a message to the cat, you can:

cat.send('Hello my friend!')

You can listen to the WebSocket events:

cat.onConnected(() => {
    console.log('Socket connected')
}).onMessage(msg => {
}).onError(err => {
}).onDisconnected(() => {
    console.log('Socket disconnected')

For example, you can get the list of plugins like this:

cat.api.plugins.listAvailablePlugins().then(plugins => {


Made for the Cheshire Cat AI organization.

This was possible thanks to openapi-typescript-codegen.