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File metadata and controls

23 lines (23 loc) · 3.17 KB

Step to setup on MacOS

  1. Install Hyper Terminal from here. Installing off that website at the time of writing this installs canary which is what I prefer. It gives the latest features at the potential cost of stability but I haven't had any problems with stability so... Do not install via homebrew otherwise it will install stable which at the moment has problems for me.
  2. Current canary has a problem where when you hold down a button it doesn't repeat the keypress so to fix that run this: defaults write co.zeit.hyper ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
  3. Using terminal (NOT HYPERTERM) delete ~/.hyper.js and symlink the hyper dot files from this repo using something like ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.hyper.js ~/.hyper.js
  4. Install OhMyZsh with this script sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  5. Symlink the .zshrc files that are in the Vimspirational repo ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
  6. Symlink the .zshrc files that are specific for mac that get sourced in ln -s ~/Projects/Vimspirational/.zshrc.mac
  7. Install the font SauceCodePro NF from this github repo I used the regular weight.
  8. Install homebrew by executing the following command in hyper /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL".
  9. Install some requirements for plugins etc using brew install ack node@8 yarn python3 kubernetes-cli kubectx the_silver_searcher
  10. Run the following to install vim and macvim linked to update together with hombrew:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
brew update
brew install vim && brew install macvim
brew link macvim
  1. Create a symlink between mvim and the vim command so you can just type vim to get it started. You can do that with this command ln -s /usr/local/bin/mvim vim. You can run this command whereever you want but make sure that it's in your User folder somewhere so it doesn't get blown away on startup. I chose to put it in my .vim folder.
  2. Put the _vimrc file in the $HOME directory and change the g:pathToVimRc so that it points to the mydotfiles.vim in the folder where you pulled this repo down. Also change the other
  3. Install vim-plug, you only need to put the .vim file in the autoload folder of your $HOME/.vim folder, dead simple
  4. Open up vim and use the command :PI to install all the plugins probably best to restart VIM after that just to be sure
  5. Add my little git alias scripts to your global git config. edit-unmerged opens all unmerged changes in vim, helpful for when you have merge conflicts and you want to open them all to edit them. add-unmerged adds all the unmerged files to the staged changes for after you've done the merge. prune-branches deletes all local branches that no longer have a remote on the server. prune-branches-force does the same thing but deletes the branch even if it has unpushed changes, be careful with that second one!
  6. Install npm packages globally with npm i flow prettier cowsay lolcatjs grecent -g