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74 lines (67 loc) · 3.78 KB

Java SemVer Changelog

v0.10.0 (Jan 10, 2024)

  • Made Version serializable (#47)
  • Enhanced Version.Builder class
  • Widened numeric identifiers to long
  • Replaced Version's static factory methods with Version.parse() and Version.of()
  • Created Version.tryParse() method which returns Optional<Version>
  • Created Version.isValid() method (#26)
  • Updated version parser to accept partial versions, such as 1 or 1.2 (#15)
  • Renamed and enhanced Version's getter methods
  • Renamed and enhanced Version's "incrementor" methods
  • Changed Version.satisfies(Expression)'s parameter to Predicate<Version>
  • Created Version.isPreRelease() method
  • Created Version.isStable() method
  • Created Version.isPublicApiStable() method
  • Created Version.isPublicApiCompatibleWith(Version) method
  • Created methods to check versions' compatibility (#21)
  • Refactored Version's comparators and "comparator" methods
  • Deprecated Version.BUILD_AWARE_ORDER comparator
  • Updated Range Expressions parser to support double-symbol && and || operators (#23)
  • Fixed Exceptions' getMessage() method (#38)
  • Performed major code and documentation improvements
  • Fixed various bugs and warnings, improved stability
  • Added Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST for JPMS support
  • Upgraded Java support to 1.8
  • Migrated to JUnit 5
  • Added
  • Added .editorconfig file
  • Included LICENSE in the JAR artifact (#44)
  • Improved deployment support
  • Updated project dependencies
  • Removed Travis CI integration

v0.9.0 (Mar 19, 2015)

  • Implemented internal DSL for SemVer Expressions (#6)
  • Added support for Caret (^) and X-Ranges to SemVer Expressions (#18)
  • Improved Tilde ranges to be compatible with node-semver (#18)
  • Refactored and polished SemVer Expressions parser
  • Performed minor code improvements
  • Updated project dependencies

v0.8.0 (Aug 18, 2014)

  • Implemented fluent interface for Version.Builder
  • Rearranged and refactored exceptions
  • Refactored version and SemVer Expressions parsers
  • Improved error handling and reporting in parsers (#7)
  • Performed minor code improvements and bug fixes
  • Enhanced Javadoc comments
  • Added "Exception Handling" section to

v0.7.2 (Dec 30, 2013)

  • Fixed Version.hashCode() bug (#8)

v0.7.1 (Dec 01, 2013)

  • Fixed "unchecked generic array creation" warnings (#5)
  • Performed minor code and Javadoc improvements

v0.7.0 (Nov 16, 2013)

  • Upgraded the library to comply with SemVer 2.0.0
  • Replaced regular expressions with a parser
  • Implemented SemVer Expressions (#1)
  • Documented the source code with Javadoc (#2)
  • Published the library to Maven Central (#4)
  • Performed refactoring and minor code improvements
  • Updated and reformatted
  • Added

Unpublished Versions (Jan 27 - Mar 31, 2013)

  • Implemented basic functionality in compliance with SemVer 2.0.0-rc.2
  • Created Version.Builder class
  • Created Version.BUILD_AWARE_ORDER comparator
  • Integrated Travis CI