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Project Name : Dummy Users



This project is a Next.js application built with Tailwind CSS and Next UI. It utilizes the DummyJSON API to fetch and display users with support for dynamic routing when viewing a single user. The project supports two languages, English (EN) and Arabic (AR), using Next.js internationalization (Next Intel). User authentication is implemented using Cookie.js and React Context to manage states. The application allows users to perform actions such as login, account removal, info editing, and viewing a list of users or a specific user.


  • Authentication: User authentication is handled using Cookie.js and React Context.


  • Dynamic Routing: The application supports dynamic routing for displaying single users.

  • Multilingual Support: The project supports both English (EN) and Arabic (AR) languages using Next Intel.


  • Form Validation: Forms in the project incorporate form validation messages using React Form Hook.


  • User Actions: Users can perform actions such as logging in, removing their account, editing information, and viewing a list of users or a specific user.


  • Search Functionality: The project includes a user search feature.


  • Dark and Light Theme Switcher: Users can toggle between dark and light themes using Next.js theme capabilities.

  • Fetch Management: All data fetching is handled using React Query for efficient queries and mutations.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.
