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If you've seen the README before landing here, you've probably seen:

servant is at its core a type-safe and very extensible library for defining REST-y webservices around some core "database operations", in just a few very simple lines, e.g:

mkResource "users" pgsqlcontext pgexceptions
  & addWith Users.add
  & listAllWith Users.view
  & deleteWith Users.delete

which can then be turned into a scotty webservice by calling runResource (from servant-scotty -- the only backend we have for now) on it.

Now this isn't the most useful sample of code, so the goal in this document is just to write a small webservice around some User data type, that'll let us add, delete and list Users. Note that the example program we'll write is available in this repository, in the servant-example/ directory, as a cabalized and runnable project along with some SQL code to run to setup a postgresql table.

Setting up a table in PostgreSQL for our users

Let's create a table to hold our dummy data. Just put the following SQL code into a file, say setup.sql.

  ( email text primary key
  , karma int default 0

And then gently ask postgresql to run it:

$ psql -f setup.sql

Alright, you're good to go!

The User module

We'll be dealing with users, which are composed of an email address (by which users are indexed) and some karma (an int).

So let's first represent that in Haskell. Let's create a Model/User.hs module. First, language extensions & imports boilerplate.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeSynonymInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Model.User where

import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow
import Servant.PostgreSQL.Prelude
import Servant.Scotty.Prelude

Now, let's define the Haskell data type corresponding to one row in our users table.

type Email = Text

data User =
  User { email :: Email
       , karma :: Int
       } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

Instances for JSON encoding/decoding and extraction from the database

We derive the Generic class so that we don't even have to write FromJSON/ToJSON instances, they can be derived automatically:

instance ToJSON User where
instance FromJSON User where

While we're at writing simple instances, we'll also need one to extract a User from our users table, which means we must write a FromRow instance for User. There you go:

instance FromRow User where
  fromRow = User <$> field <*> field

This just tries to extract a Text field and an Int field, in that order,sticking them together in a User value if it succeeds.

Adding, deleting and listing users in our PostgreSQL table from Haskell

This is quite straighforward. Notice that the listing query takes advantage of the FromRow instance we've just defined.

addUser :: User -> Connection -> IO Int64
addUser user conn =
  execute conn "insert into users(email, karma) values (?, ?)"
               (email user, karma user)

deleteUser :: Email -> Connection -> IO Int64
deleteUser email conn =
  execute conn "delete from users where email = ?" (Only email)

listUsers :: Connection -> IO [User]
listUsers conn =
  query_ conn "select email, karma from users"

Except that... We'll need to make a slight tweak, fortunately an easy one to motivate.

So here is the thing: servant has some machinery to automatically turn database operation results into a proper response to send, only in JSON in the standard operations provided by servant for now. But it does that using... guess what? Types and typeclasses of course! If we're adding an user and it succeeds, we want HTTP status code 201 to be sent, but when deleting an user successfully, we want status code 200. And if there's an error when adding a user, we want status code 400, but on the other hand if we ask to delete an user with an unexisting email, we want status code 404 to be send to the client.

This necessary flexibility means we have to go through some wrapper around Int64 that's tagged by something specific to the operation. servant provides both a useful wrapper around Int64 tagged with some phantom type and standard operations through these (empty) types: Add, Delete, ListAll, Update, View.

From the servant-postgresql package:

-- | A wrapper around 'Int64', which is what
--   PG hands us back when running
--   'Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.execute'.
--   The @o@ type parameter lets us tag
--   the result with the operation that
--   we're running. This lets us turn
--   results into a proper response
--   (response body + status) differently
--   for 'Add' and 'Update' for example.
newtype PGResult o = PGResult { pgres :: Int64 }

And we have:

-- | Run an 'IO' action that returns 'Int64' and
--   convert the result to a 'PGResult'.
pgresultOfInt64 :: IO Int64 -> IO (PGResult o)

So we'll use that pgresultOfInt64 function for addUser and deleteUser and tag PGResult with Add and Delete respectively. The final code for our postgresql queries is:

-- notice the new return type
addUser :: User -> Connection -> IO (PGResult Add)
addUser user conn = pgresultOfInt64 $ -- conversion
  execute conn "insert into users(email, karma) values (?, ?)"
               (email user, karma user)

-- notice the new return type
deleteUser :: Email -> Connection -> IO (PGResult Delete)
deleteUser email conn = pgresultOfInt64 $ -- conversion
  execute conn "delete from users where email = ?" (Only email)

listUsers :: Connection -> IO [User]
listUsers conn =
  query_ conn "select email, karma from users"

Indexing Users in terms scotty understands

One last thing that has to do with our User type. Now we get to the servant, and in particular servant-scotty specific bits. We'll specify how to fetch our index type, Email (which is just a synonym for Text), from URLs, as well as the bit of the route pattern one should insert to reference a particular User entry. You'll quickly understand.

For cleaner code, you'd generally use a newtype to prevent the following instance from being a TypeSynonymInstance.

instance Index Email where
  -- To fetch the email that references an User
  -- we just look up the value of the "email" parameter
  -- in the request path.
  -- E.g, if we issue the following request:
  --   DELETE /users/
  -- and given this route pattern:
  --   /users/:email
  -- we want to lookup ""
  idx = param "email"

  -- A "part of a route pattern" we can just reuse whenever we
  -- need to generate and endpoint that requires looking up
  -- parameters in the request path.
  route _ = "/:email"

... And we're done with this module! Phew.

Error handling

Before we get to enjoy our succinct, simple and minimalist webservice resource declaration, we need write some code that'll let us run our postgresql queries in an exception-safe way, relying on a default error handler in your scotty web app for taking care of sending an appropriate response to the client.

We'll create an Error.hs module to store the error type of our scotty app and some functions that convert postgresql-simple exceptions to our error type.

First off, some boilerplate.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Error where

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Errors
import GHC.Generics
import Servant.Error
import Web.Scotty.Trans

The ServiceError type

No fancy needs in our case, let's just make it a wrapper around Text and derive JSON encoding/decoding instances automatically.

newtype ServiceError =
    ServiceError { msg :: Text }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON ServiceError where
instance ToJSON ServiceError where

We'll also need to make our type an instance of ScottyError so that it integrates well with scotty's error handling. This is however really straighforward.

instance ScottyError ServiceError where
  stringError s = ServiceError (pack s)

  showError (ServiceError err) = fromStrict err

Functions for catching constraint violations and SQL errors

These are straightforward too: we're basically extracting bits of information from the error types of postgresql-simple and glueing them into some intelligible error message.

The only thing is that there are some new types. An ExceptionCatcher ServiceError value is just some function of type except -> ServiceError for some precise type except that's an instance of Exception. The wrapping is done by calling catchAnd. Since you supply it with a conversion function, this is meant to be read as catch-and-convert-.

sqlerrorCatcher :: ExceptionCatcher ServiceError
sqlerrorCatcher = catchAnd convertError
  where convertError sqlerr =
          ServiceError $
            "sql error: " <> decodeUtf8 (sqlErrorMsg sqlerr)

violationsCatcher :: ExceptionCatcher ServiceError
violationsCatcher = catchAnd (ServiceError . cvToText)
    cvToText :: ConstraintViolation -> Text
    cvToText (NotNullViolation field) =
      "field '" <> decodeUtf8 field <> "' shouldn't be NULL"

    cvToText (ForeignKeyViolation table constraint) =
      "foreign key constraint '" <> decodeUtf8 constraint <>
      "' on table '" <> decodeUtf8 table <> "' violated"

    cvToText (UniqueViolation constraint) =
      "unique constraint '" <> decodeUtf8 constraint <> "' violated"

    cvToText (CheckViolation table constraint) =
      "check of constraint '" <> decodeUtf8 constraint <>
      "' on table '" <> decodeUtf8 table <> "' violated"

And we're done with error handling! You'll see in the next section how we then ask servant to watch for these exceptions using these conversion functions when one is triggered.

Main module: the webservice

It's now time to actually generate a webservice from these things. The whole goal of servant has been to make webservice declaration succinct, non-repetitive and to be able to reuse operations on different types, because whether we're adding users or books to our database doesn't change much except the actual SQL query, everything else that's going on is really just the same for both.

So let's start, as usual, with the module header boilerplate for our Main.hs module.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection)
import Servant.PostgreSQL.Prelude
import Servant.Scotty
import Servant.Scotty.Prelude
import Web.Scotty.Trans

import Error
import Model.User

Connecting to PostgreSQL

The first thing we need to take care of is to tell servant how it should get its hands on a PostgreSQL connection, to send queries through that connection. In servant terminology, these connection-ish things are called contexts. You don't need to know much about them for now since servant provides helper functions to create these Contexts. In particular, with just one small function call, we can tell servant it should use a pool of PostgreSQL connections whenever it'll want to call one of our three queries from the Model.User module. Here it is:

-- 'Connection' refers to postgresql-simple's 'Connection' type
getContext :: IO (Context Connection)
getContext = 
  pooledContextOfConnStr 10 -- number of "sub-pool"
                         10 -- keep idle connections during 10 secs
                         100 -- max. 100 simultaneous open connections per sub-pool
                         connstring -- postgresql connection string
  where connstring = "host=localhost user=alp"
        -- in a real webservice, this would obviously be
        -- fetched from a config file or from the
        -- command-line arguments

This is all servant needs to know in order to connect to your postgresql!

The users resource

Alright, let's now declare a servant Resource to manage Users that supports adding, deleting and listing users, using our functions from Model.User. It'll catch the exceptions we've taken care of in our Error module and use a postgresql context it takes as an argument, which will be the one we've just defined.

users ctx =
  mkResource "users" ctx exceptions
    & addWith     addUser
    & deleteWith  deleteUser
    & listAllWith listUsers

  where exceptions = sqlerrorCatcher <> violationsCatcher
        -- we just mappend the two catchers together
        -- to create one that'll watch for both
        -- exception types and call the appropriate
        -- conversion function to turn the said exception
        -- into our ServiceError type

Well, this is surprisingly simple! And we can turn this into scotty endpoints in just one function call. But just before we do that, let's take a look at the type of this function.

users :: Context Connection
      -> Resource Connection
                  '[ListAll, Delete, Add]

Mmm! This Resource type surely is parametrized by many others! Let's breakdown what each type represents.

  • The Context Connection argument will just be what we get from getContext above.

  • servant's Resource type is parametrized by several things. The general type is:

    data Resource c a i (r :: * -> *) e (ops :: [*]) = ...


    • c is the type of the connection-ish thing we use. In our case: a PostgreSQL Connection.
    • a is the type of the entries we manage. In our case: Users.
    • i is the type used to index the entries. In our case: Email.
    • r is the type returned by our "effectful" database operations: the ones that add, delete, update entries, for example. It has kind * -> * because we want to tag it with the dummy type that designates an operation. In our case, that's just PGResult from servant-postgresql.
    • e is the error type to which we convert any exception type we're watching for if one is triggered. In our case: ServiceError.
    • ops is a type-level list of the dummy types designating the operations we provide support for in our Resource. In our case: '[ListAll, Delete, Add].

    Note that ops would be different if we just had:

    users ctx =
      mkResource "users" ctx exceptions
        & addWith     addUser
        & listAllWith listUsers
      where exceptions = sqlerrorCatcher <> violationsCatcher

    It would have been just '[ListAll, Add] in that case.

    Carrying this information at the type-level and maintaining a list internally with addUser and listUsers lets us have a strong, composable and type-safe way to generate endpoints for the resource, or for example to generate some documentation for the webservice's API (I have some ideas for this). Always the same principle!

Get the party started

We now have everything we need to write our main function that'll fire up a scotty webservice to manage our users.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- we initialize our connection pool context
  ctx <- getContext

  -- we run a web application that listens on
  -- port 4321
  scottyT 4321 id id $ do
    -- a default error handler that sends
    -- status code 400 along with the ServiceError
    -- value as JSON
    defaultHandler $ \err -> do
      status badRequest400
      json err

    -- magic: we turn our Resource description into
    -- three endpoints:

    -- * GET /users will list all users in JSON.
    -- * POST /users will try to decode a user in JSON format
    --   from the request body and add it to the database, returning
    --   some useful response in JSON along with the appropriate status
    --   depending on whether the user was successfully added.
    -- * DELETE /users/ will delete (if it exists) the user
    --   with this email from the database, responding in JSON with some
    --   information on how things went, just like in the previous endpoint.
    runResource $ users ctx

Calling for a service

Now if you build and run this application, you can see it shine through curl:

# we begin with no user
$ curl http://localhost:4321/users
# let's add yours truly
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "email": "", "karma" : 15 }' http://localhost:4321/users
# have I really been added? yes!
$ curl http://localhost:4321/users
# and I let myself go...
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4321/users/
# ... did it work?
$ curl http://localhost:4321/users
# by the way, are we really catching exceptions?
# i'll just try to add myself twice now.
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "email": "", "karma" : 15 }' http://localhost:4321/users
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "email": "", "karma" : 15 }' http://localhost:4321/users
{"msg":"sql error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"users_pkey\""}